The sword rises

Chapter 245 Who Are You?

Chapter 245 Who Are You?

Chapter 240 Who Are You?

Blood Lan Slash!One sword can last forever!

This sword is not a god, not a demon, not a fairy.A sword came out from Gu Hengsheng's hand, and directly slashed out a blood-red sword glow of tens of thousands of meters, and blasted towards the millions of troops who came to encircle and suppress.

Where the blood billows and sword lights passed by, the sharp blades and cold lights that came from millions of troops directly shattered into pieces and disappeared into the void.

Gu Hengsheng's sword slashing momentum remained unabated, bursting out with the power it should have of the Profound Sky, sweeping across the sky and killing intent, as if it was about to wipe out the eternal killing intent.

"Ah..." On the earth, hundreds of millions of living beings seemed to feel the breath of death and suffocation, and they prostrated on the ground and wailed loudly.

"The real power of Profound Sky will not flatten the entire sky!" Some strong men hid in caves deep in the mountains, and they could feel the meaning of this sword slash from the distant sky, and they said in fear.

"I don't want to die yet, I still have a lot of things to do, and a lot of unfulfilled dreams..." Countless wailing voices spread from every corner of the Land of Hundred Kingdoms, showing a look of despair.

On the top of the sky, Gu Hengsheng's bloody sword slashed out, neutralizing all the offensives of the millions of troops, and went towards them to suppress and kill them with unabated pressure.

The hundreds of thousands of troops rushing to the front wanted to use the battle formation to resist, but before they could react, they were directly wiped out by the blood-red sword, and completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

"go with!"

When the Xuelan sword was about to attack Nangong Han, Nangong Han directly threw the ink sword in his hand, condensing the vast imperial power and profound energy in his whole body, trying to calm down the attack of the blood sword.

The ink sword broke away from Nangong Han's hand, and instantly turned into a jet-black long sword with a length of [-] meters, which collided with the blood sword swung by Gu Hengsheng.

The two terrifying great swords directly collided, shaking the world and trembling, the vast ocean that had been sleeping for countless years began to boil with violent waves, and the mountains and rivers began to collapse and collapse.

Many buildings in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms collapsed directly because they couldn't bear the coercive waves of the collision, and all corners of the world were churning violently because of this.

The army on the top of the sky was even more mixed in between the two terrifying sword lights, and the soul-shattering directly disappeared into nothing.

The army of millions became nothing at this moment, as if it had never appeared before.There is no way, under the collision of the supreme powerhouses of the Profound Sky Realm with all their strength, even the number one army who fought in the world in the past can hardly resist such coercion.

Above the sky, only Gu Hengsheng and Nangong Han who rode on the golden dragon were left abruptly.

The Xuelan Sword Slash and the jet-black long sword were still fighting to the death, fighting for the front with all their might.


Nangong Han's right index finger gathered all the profound energy in his body, and tapped on the tail of the ink sword, intending to smash Gu Hengsheng's blood sword to pieces.

All of a sudden, there were some traces of fragmentation in the Xuelan Sword Slash, and the endless cold light turned into a streamer and sprinkled in the void of the sky and earth, slashing all the existence in the void.


Gu Hengsheng immediately clenched the Jinghong Sword tightly, gathered the spiritual energy of heaven and earth again, and increased the power of Xuelan Sword Slash by a few points.

The two sword slashes were like shocking lights, as if they had devoured the aura of heaven and earth in the entire land of a hundred kingdoms, making it hard for all living beings to breathe, and they didn't even have the courage to crawl on the ground, and their souls were almost destroyed.

Gu Hengsheng and Nan Gonghan fought for a short moment, but the whole world seemed as long as thousands of years had passed.

Both of them slashed with all their strength, and then when their sharp edges touched, layers of violent waves were created in the void, sweeping away all the yellow sand winds in the whole world to the ends of the earth.

After slashing each other with their swords, the two retreated countless miles, looking at each other from a distance.

"Who are you?"

At this time, Nangong Han is the incarnation of the Dao of Heaven, but he has a ray of charm from 3000 years ago. He is a little interested to know who Gu Hengsheng is.He pierced through countless miles with one glance, and said menacingly while looking into the distance.

Gu Hengsheng's whole body was covered by thin black lines, and a bloody gleam appeared in his pupils, and he lifted the Jinghong Sword and pointed at the blood-red mark of judgment in the depths of the sky.

"Tianfeng Country, Gu Family, Gu Hengsheng!"

Gu Hengsheng looked directly at Nangong Han who was riding on the golden dragon, and his deep words were like a king's presence in the world, shocking all living beings in the world.

Nangong Han lowered his eyebrows, as if in deep thought.

After a long time, Nangong Han once again said emphatically: "Gu, remember."

At this moment, it seems that Nangong Han 3000 years ago saw this scene, whether he is alive or dead, the name "Gu Hengsheng" will always be remembered in his soul.

In the land of a hundred kingdoms, the words of the man above the sky echoed for a long time: Tianfeng Kingdom, Gu Family, Gu Hengsheng!

In an instant, the entire Hundred Kingdoms trembled once again, and the originally numb heart was rolled up with turbulent waves.

Regardless of whether it was the two high-ranking dynasties or other middle- and low-ranking dynasties, waves and ripples once again swayed, and shock spread to the faces of hundreds of millions of living beings.

"This supremely strong man is... is... the young master of the Gu family of the Tianfeng Kingdom! How is this possible! Absolutely impossible!" Everyone trembled, unable to believe this fact.

"Gu Hengsheng, Marquis of Heavenly Feather of Tianfeng Nation, is the supreme existence who slashed the beasts of heaven and earth with one sword, and fought head-to-head with Emperor Nangong? This... this is too incredible, I don't believe it!"

"Master Hou! That's the Lord Hou of our Tianfeng Kingdom! But... Isn't Master Hou only able to cultivate at the Spirit Profound Realm? How could it be possible for such a supremely powerful person to exist?" The soldiers looked up at the sky, with expressions of horror in disbelief.

"Heaven... the supreme existence of the Profound Sky Realm is actually the young master of the Gu family, the Marquis of Tianyu who was just conferred by the Tianfeng Kingdom?"

Countless strong men were stunned, and it was difficult for them to associate the useless young master back then with the supreme existence standing in the sky at this time.Because, this is simply impossible, how can people believe it?

Above the sky, Gu Hengsheng and Nangong Han faced each other from afar, and the majestic momentum of both sides spread across the land of a hundred countries, and all living beings looked up to them in shock.

"Today, no one can stop me." Gu Hengsheng knew that Nangong Han was the Dao Body transformed by the Dao of Heaven to stop him, so he couldn't make Nangong Han retreat at all.The only option is to kill Nangong Han.

"Then let's fight!" Nangong Han didn't say much, the golden dragon under his feet was roaring menacingly, as if he wanted to pierce the barrier of time and bite Gu Hengsheng through layers of space.


So, the two started fighting again.

There was a sound of thunder rolling in the sea of ​​thunder in the entire sky, like the sound of drums, which depressed the atmosphere to an extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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