The sword rises

Chapter 250

Chapter 250

Chapter 250

All living beings in the world are prostrate on the earth looking at the top of the sky, the whole world is silent, as if only the sound of Gu Hengsheng stepping up to the sky is left.

No one knew why Emperor Nangong left suddenly, and no one knew why Gu Hengsheng would provoke Heaven.All sentient beings know that after today, the world will know one thing, that is, Gu Hengsheng of the Gu Family of the Tianfeng Kingdom, fought against Nangong Emperor today, regardless of the outcome, and the whole world respects him.

"Whatever means do you have, do it in this world!"

Gu Hengsheng guessed that someone helped him distract Nangong Han. Although he didn't know who that person was, he thought he would not be his enemy.Therefore, Gu Hengsheng simply did not think deeply, but concentrated his mind on the way of heaven.


The sea of ​​thunder was rolling, and the sound of rolling thunder was more resounding than before, as if the wrath of Heaven's Dao had intensified a bit.It was angry and wanted to suppress Gu Hengsheng.

"I said, after today, there will be no trial! Even with the protection of the heavens of the Hundred Kingdoms, that will not change!"

Gu Hengsheng focused his eternally empty eyes on the blood-red mark of judgment on the sky, and the Jinghong sword in his hand exuded a strong sharp chill, trying to pierce the sky.

The Scarlet Judgment Mark trembled faintly above the sky dome with some fear, and then it disappeared on the sky dome again.


With a low growl, Gu Hengsheng suppressed the souls of all living beings, and created an endless sea of ​​blood.The bloody sea map of the Buddha behind him burst out a never-ending bloody sea of ​​blood, covering the entire sky, utterly horrified.

"Floating slaughter blood sea, all fall into the underworld, slash the sword!"

The sword came out, the sword fell, and Gu Hengsheng slashed out a blood-black sword glow that could swallow all living beings in the world, and it shot straight into the depths of the sky.

This sword light is tens of thousands of meters long, covering the sky and the sun, like a blood moon descending into the world.If this sword falls on the earth, it will surely overthrow countless dynasties and swallow up hundreds of millions of lives.

The blood-black sword light directly wiped out the void, forming a horrifying skyline that could never be repaired, pouring straight into the Qingcang Peak, and slashing towards the blood-red mark of judgment.


Suddenly, Lei Hai roared and rolled up.

Countless thunder dragons tumbled out of the sea of ​​thunder, and rushed towards the blood-black bloodthirsty sword light, hoping to block this sword that could sweep the world.

"Aw—" In the blink of an eye, countless thunder dragons rushed in front of the bloodthirsty sword light.However, before Thunder Dragon got close to this sword light, it was swallowed by the endless sharp sword intent and turned into nothingness.

The blood-red Judgment Mark on the top of the sky began to roll and jump, as if feeling the endless sense of crisis, trembling non-stop, hoping to hide it.

However, Gu Hengsheng put all his strength and profound energy into this sword, how could he escape from the blood-red mark?This sword light seemed to have locked on to the blood-red trial mark, and went straight to attack and kill.

When the bloodthirsty sword light was about to cut to the top of the sky, Lei Hai actually rolled out a purple-black thunder that smashed the world and shattered the ground.

"Sky God Thunder! So that's how it is, you transformed the ancient alien species and the eternal emperor just to delay me, so that you can use the sea of ​​thunder to brew the sky god thunder!"

Gu Hengsheng saw the purple-black soul-stirring thunder light suddenly appearing from the sea of ​​thunder at a glance, and was terrified in his heart.

It is rumored that the divine thunder of heaven and earth was born to judge the great evils of the world. Once this divine thunder is brewed, there are three ways, one of which is more terrifying than the other, and will surely kill and lock the evil.

In his previous life, Gu Hengsheng once saw the Thunder of Heavenly Firmament, and it was deeply imprinted in his heart.Because, once upon a time there was a supreme powerhouse at the peak of the Profound Sky Realm who was bloodthirsty to millions of sentient beings, and who was punished by heaven, was the Heavenly Firmament Thunder.

Tianxiao Shenlei contains a ray of the charm of the Dao, and its power can directly smash the entire land of a hundred countries, causing hundreds of millions of living beings to bury and sink.Even at the peak of the Sky Profound Realm, if there is no means against the sky, it is difficult to survive.

Therefore, when Gu Hengsheng saw the heavenly thunder rushing out of the sea of ​​thunder, a huge storm arose in his heart.

It turned out that Lei Hai had been tumbling all along, and he was brewing up this ultimate move, which was beyond Gu Hengsheng's imagination.Up to now, Gu Hengsheng can only grit his teeth and go forward, and he absolutely cannot hesitate any longer.


A loud noise rang out, and the Heavenly Firmament Thunder that came out of the sea of ​​thunder directly hit the bloodthirsty sword light. The two shocking intentions collided on the top of the sky, causing all the lands of the hundred kingdoms to tremble non-stop. It's like the sky is falling apart.

"Ah..." Feeling this power that seemed to devour everything, countless creatures crawled on the ground in horror and howled.

"Could it be that the land of my hundred kingdoms is about to perish and shatter today?" Countless people shouted in fear, they had nowhere to hide, they could only tremble and look up with the earth.

"Hundred years ago, the sword master once wiped out the upper dynasty with a single sword, and swung the sword market for three thousand miles. I'm afraid it is far less powerful than this battle." Although an old man was extremely frightened, he still tried his best to hold on. Stay in your own shape.

At this moment, no matter whether it is the emperors of the Hundred Kingdoms or the common people, they all lost their sense of proportion, wailing in horror and trembling, almost on the verge of collapse.

A blood-colored light flashed, and the bloodthirsty sword glow Gu Hengsheng swung and this lightning from the heavens disappeared directly. Only the murderous intent remaining in the endless void could prove that they had collided.

If it weren't for the fact that this divine thunder from heaven had only just taken shape, then not only would the bloodthirsty sword glow be blown out, but even Gu Hengsheng would be hard-pressed to resist it.

"Oops! There are three ways in Tianxiao, let's go to one, what should I do if there are two gods and thunders?"

Gu Hengsheng felt extremely troublesome, he had never felt so helpless.

With a click, the two fingers of Gu Hengsheng's left hand cracked and fell off, turning into black and shattered pieces in the void.Gu Hengsheng glanced at his left hand with only three fingers left out of the corner of his eye, and there was cold sweat on his forehead, full of anxiety.


Another thick purple-black Thunder from the Heavenly Firmament rushed out of the sea of ​​thunder, and charged directly towards Gu Hengsheng Town, as if it could kill all living beings in the world.

"The map of the sea of ​​blood on the floating butchery, the spirit of the gods and Buddhas of all living beings. When the Buddha's body is crowned, I come freely!"

Seeing this, Gu Hengsheng clenched his teeth fiercely, then suspended the Jinghong Sword in front of his body, and immediately sat cross-legged in the void, muttering.

In an instant, Gu Hengsheng's whole body and the sea of ​​blood in the endless void suddenly turned into a piece of golden light, and golden Buddha statues appeared in it, all of them clasped their hands together and recited sutras.

The Buddha's light shines everywhere, crossing people and self.As if he had turned into a giant Buddha, Gu Hengsheng closed his eyes lightly with his palms folded together, and the golden light covered the murderous thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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