The sword rises

Chapter 256 Sword Master!

Chapter 256 Sword Master!

Chapter 250 The sixth sword master!

When this person stepped into the capital of the Tianfeng Kingdom, an old man who had experienced a lot of wind and rain seemed to think of something. He stared at the man's receding back in horror, stared at the simple black sword in his hand, and trembled naturally. Saying: "Hai...Hai Cangjian, he...he is the sword master!"


A world-shattering storm came immediately, overturning the entire Tianfeng Kingdom and even the land of the Hundred Kingdoms.

The sword master from a hundred years ago has come to the capital of Tianfeng Kingdom!
Countless strong men rushed to Tianfeng Kingdom from all directions non-stop, wanting to come and pay homage, hoping to catch a glimpse of Sword Master.

"Sword Master! Sword Master has come to our capital!" A call sounded in the depths of Tianfeng Nation's imperial court, causing countless people to shudder.

Junshang Mo Xiuyang and all civil and military officials were shocked.Afterwards, everyone began to discuss how to face the sword master who had suppressed the world.

This is Sword Master!A hundred years ago, a sword overthrew a prosperous dynasty, and cut out an unrivaled powerhouse of a three thousand li sword market.Countless people in Tianfeng Nation were extremely surprised and terrified, not knowing what happened to Lord Jian when he came to the capital of Tianfeng Nation.

The civil and military officials and the emperor Mo Xiuyang all paid close attention to Jian Zun's every move, and did not go forward to disturb him, for fear of arousing Jian Zun's anger.

When the gray-clothed man stepped into the capital of Tianfeng Nation, he noticed one after another aura hiding around him, he didn't care about it, and let them do what they did.

When the gray-clothed man passed the gate of the Gu family, he couldn't help but stop, and stared deeply with a pair of deep, empty eyes.Then, the man continued to walk towards the front of the street.

Not long after, the man came to the mansion of Han's family, Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and stood at the gate without entering.

As soon as the figure of the man appeared at the gate of the Han family, the entire Han family immediately opened the door, stepped out quickly, and waited tremblingly by the side.

"Little man and all his family members, pay homage to Sword Master!" Although old man Han Chen was in the Ministry of War, he didn't dare to show any official air in front of men, and bowed down very cautiously and respectfully.

"Greetings to Sword Master!" Han Wuxi is the son of old man Han Chen. He is usually very rough, but now he is bowing in cold sweat, not daring to look up at the man.

The person in front of him is Sword Master!Looking at all the countries in the world, who would dare to underestimate them?Who dares to be disrespectful?
The man glanced at the crowd indifferently, and then set his sights on the one-armed young man behind the crowd, that is, Han Ruian.

Seeing this, Han Chen and the others were terrified in their hearts, thinking that Han Ruian had offended the man somewhere, so they immediately knelt down, kowtowed and said in surprise: "I don't know how the younger generation offended Sword Master, the villain must teach me a lesson." , and ask Sword Master to save his life."

Boom, boom, boom...

After saying that, old man Han Chen disregarded his dignity and directly kowtowed at the man, hoping to stop the man from taking Han Ruian's life in a rage.

Han Wuxi also gritted his teeth, and knelt down on the ground following Mr. Han Chen, hoping to calm down the anger that might arise in Sword Master's heart.

The man raised his left hand lightly, and a gentler profound energy rolled up, supporting Han Chen and Han Wuxi, making them stand up in their kneeling bodies.

Around the Han family, there was a lot of aura. Countless people were watching this scene, holding their breath, not daring to disturb the man's honor.

"You, come with me!" The man raised his empty eyes and said hoarsely to Han Ruian who was behind the members of the Han family.

Hearing this, Han Ruian couldn't help shivering, then gritted his teeth and walked forward a few steps.He learned from the crowd that the middle-aged man in front of him was the sword master who suppressed the world in the past, he could not escape, nor could he escape.

What's more, Han Ruian couldn't think of where he had offended such a supremely strong man, but a thick panic rose from the bottom of his heart.

When Han Ruian stood in front of the crowd, he clearly saw the man's face.Afterwards, Han Ruian's eyes widened even more, and a strong look of disbelief flooded all over his body, and his lips trembled and floated.

The man's face resembled that of a person, and it was the person he had served for a long time.

" are..." Han Ruian's throat kept rolling, not daring to integrate the figure in his heart with the man in front of him, and spoke suspiciously.

"Stinky boy, don't be rude, hurry up and kneel down!" Father Han Chen immediately shouted.His heart was full of worries, he was extremely afraid that if the man erased Han Ruian, then their Han family would really have no descendants.

Han Ruian was stunned, as if he didn't hear the old man Han Chen's scolding, but focused all his attention on the man's face in front of him.

"Long time no see, why? Forgot the etiquette? Hurry up and salute the teacher."

Suddenly, the man's next words directly shocked everyone present and the common people in the world.

For... as a teacher?
After hearing the man's words, old man Han Chen, Han Wuxi, and countless people watching from all directions took a deep breath and stared wide-eyed, suffocating.

The sword venerable who is respected by a hundred nations just called himself a teacher to the eldest son of the Han family?How is this going?Countless doubts spread directly to everyone's heart, causing everyone to tremble in dumbfounded shock.

"Han Ruian, greet Master!"

After Han Ruian was stunned for a moment, he finally came to his senses, and immediately knelt down on his knees, bowed his head and shouted in great respect.

Endless excitement and disbelief appeared on Han Ruian's face, his whole body was shaking non-stop, it was impossible to describe his complicated emotions now.

It's hard for Han Ruian to imagine that the crazy old man who was addicted to alcohol back then turned out to be the sword master in front of him!
That's right!At the beginning, under Gu Hengsheng's instruction, Han Ruian kowtowed to the crazy old man as a teacher.At that time, Han Ruian didn't think too much, he just thought that Gu Hengsheng would not be lying to him anymore.

Now, Han Ruian never imagined that the crazy and slovenly old man at the time turned out to be the supreme sword master that all sentient beings should admire.The most important thing is that Jian Zun actually took it seriously in front of everyone in the world, accepting that he is his master.

"Get up!" Sword Master Dugu Shang was the crazy old man who accompanied Gu Hengsheng back then.Back then, under Gu Hengsheng's push, the crazy old man agreed to take Han Ruian as his apprentice and teach him how to practice.

Now, Dugu Shang's soul has recovered, his memory has reappeared, and he has not forgotten what happened back then.He came to fulfill the original promise, after all, he also accepted Han Ruian's apprenticeship ceremony.

"Yes... yes." Han Ruian slowly got up from the ground in shock, looking directly at Dugu Shang, still unable to believe this was a fact.


Countless cold breaths sounded around the Han family, and everyone was stunned as they watched this scene.

(End of this chapter)

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