The sword rises

Chapter 265

Chapter 265

Chapter 260 Five Everyone

Thus, Gu Hengsheng followed Sister Su's lotus steps up the white jade staircase of Fengxue Building.

In the hall, many people saw this scene, and they all started discussing with great doubts.

"Isn't that the plain girl? Who is the person behind her?" A wealthy businessman murmured to himself as he looked up at Gu Hengsheng, who was wearing plain gray clothes, while playing with the exquisite wine glass in his hand.

"You can let Miss Su lead the way upstairs. I think you are not an ordinary person. Why are you dressed so plainly?" A young man frowned in confusion.

For these noisy discussions, Gu Hengsheng vaguely heard a word, but he completely ignored it, but slowly stepped on the floor of Fengxue Tower.

While walking up the lotus flower, Sister Su would turn her head and look at Gu Hengsheng out of the corner of her eye, as if she was very curious about what Gu Hengsheng's face looked like under the mask.

"Master Yu is on the third floor, just follow me!" Sister Su continued to lead Gu Hengsheng to the higher Accord as soon as she stepped onto the second floor, and said in a graceful voice.

Gu Hengsheng nodded silently.

Then, under the gaze of everyone in the hall, Gu Hengsheng stepped onto the third floor of the Accord in Fengxue Building.

"Who is this person? He was able to go up to the third floor? I remember that very few people can go up!" Someone exclaimed in amazement.

"Come on, let's look up this person's background immediately. I really want to know where this place is sacred. It's very interesting." Seeing this, a wealthy businessman immediately turned his head and said to the servant next to him.

At the same time, Gu Hengsheng's simple figure had already stepped on the third floor of the Fengxue Tower and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Sister Su led Gu Hengsheng slowly towards the quiet depths of the third floor, every step was light, lest they disturb the tranquility here.

Wisps of light fragrance wafted from every Accord and got into Gu Hengsheng's nostrils.

The Accord on the third floor is inhabited by the seats and geisha of the Fengxue Building, they don't know how to receive guests at all, they just play music occasionally to keep people lingering.

As for Master Yu of the Fengxue Building, they are the real masters, they rarely come out, and they have always lived in the building deep in mystery.

"Master Yu, the Mr. Yun you are looking for has come." Sister Su led Gu Hengsheng to the door of an exquisite Accord, gently knocked on the wooden door with jade hands, and said with a slightly raised tone.

"Please come in, sir." Immediately, a deeper and charming voice came out of the pavilion.

click -

The door of the Accord was gently pushed open by Sister Su, and Qianying leaned slightly to Gu Hengsheng: "Sir, please come in!"

Therefore, Gu Hengsheng stepped into the Accord without haste.

At a glance, the items in the Accord are extremely exquisite, the tables and chairs are all made of high-quality sandalwood, and the antique vases are even more crystal clear, making people unable to bear to take a few more glances.

On the left side of the Accord, a curtain of pale white curtains covered the scene inside, which is hazy and intoxicating.It seems that, inside the curtain, a lazy and noble figure of a woman is slowly coming out.

The next moment, the curtain was slowly lifted by a jade hand, and a woman in her thirties came out from it.The woman has a fair face, charming willow eyebrows, bright red lips, and a loose light golden long dress.

This person is the real person in charge of Fengxuelou, Master Yu.

"Master Yu, he claims to be Mr. Na Riyun." Sister Su walked to Master Yu's side, saluted.

"Well, I see, you go out first!" Everyone Yu kept their eyes on Gu Hengsheng, and waved gently at Sister Su.

"Yes." Sister Su stared deeply at Gu Hengsheng, then stepped out of the Accord, and slowly closed the door.

In the Accord, only Gu Hengsheng and everyone Yu were left.

The two stood quietly and stared at each other for a while, neither of them spoke, as if they both wanted to see through each other, the atmosphere was a little depressing.

"Mr. Yun, please take a seat." Everyone Yu spoke first, with a light smile on his lips, and pointed to a few exquisite tables and chairs in the center of the Accord.

Gu Hengsheng nodded indifferently, and took his seat without politeness.

Everyone Yu also slowly walked to the main seat, sat down and looked at Gu Hengsheng at each other.

"Sir, please have some tea." Everyone Yu pointed to a pot of fragrant tea on the table next to Gu Hengsheng, exuding elegance and nobility in every word and action.

Gu Hengsheng casually took a sip of the fragrant tea on the table, then quietly looked at everyone Yu and remained silent.

Everyone Yu pondered for a moment, the smirk on the red lips slowly dissipated, and asked in a more solemn voice: "May I ask where Mr. Yun is from?"

"Far away." Gu Hengsheng replied.

"Then... where is Mr. Yun going?" A trace of doubt flashed in Yu's eyes, and he continued to ask calmly.

"Wherever there is a way, go there." Gu Hengsheng knew that everyone was trying to find out his own depth, but Gu Hengsheng said deeply without paying attention.

Hearing this, everyone's eyebrows flickered: "The answer given by Mr. two months ago made me a little curious. I don't know if Mr. Yu can solve my doubts today?"

"Two months ago, I passed by Fengxue Tower, and saw a red couplet hung high above the door. The words and strokes on the red couplet all had a vague style of a master, and ordinary people would not be able to touch this kind of brushwork." .”

Gu Hengsheng still had a calm expression, and said calmly.

These words directly surprised everyone in Yu. It was unexpected that Gu Hengsheng could judge these things with just a pen and ink, which is extraordinary.

"Mr. Yun, what do you want to express?" Everyone Yu suppressed the surprise and doubt in their hearts, and asked with an elegant posture.

"This style of brushwork is beyond the reach of ordinary people, even some aristocratic families have no way of learning it. Because... the people who can use this style of brushwork are all unusual. Although everyone has tried their best to cover up their own brushwork, they still have some Traces can be found."

Gu Hengsheng didn't point it out, he just showed that his vision was extraordinary.

Everyone's brows and eyes were raised instantly, and a wave of shock surged in his heart. It was hard to imagine that Gu Hengsheng had guessed so much with just one line of words.With a shock in her heart, she calmly took a deep breath to keep herself calm.

"Mr. Yun was joking, I'm just a woman in a smoky attic." Everyone Yu smiled with vermilion lips, like a spring breeze.

"That's why I guessed wrong!" Gu Hengsheng chuckled disapprovingly.

"I don't know what Mr. Yun wants to express in these words?" Everyone seemed to want to change the topic, and put the blank paper of Gu Hengsheng that day on the sandalwood table.

"Master Yu already has the answer in his heart, so why ask me to open it. It's just that you are a little confused and hesitant." Gu Hengsheng casually glanced at the words he had written, and saw a hint of the answer from Master Yu's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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