The sword rises

Chapter 269 What is a Great Confucianism

Chapter 269 What is a Great Confucianism
Chapter 260 IX What Is A Great Confucian
Great Confucianism can be called the pinnacle of literature and Taoism in a land of hundreds of countries.

Every dynasty must not only have strong people from the Earth Profound Realm in charge, but must also have the support of literary, moral and Confucian scholars, in order to be able to stabilize the world.

Because a great Confucian stroke can store power, deter evil spirits and stabilize the country.

Just like the current prime minister of Chu State, he has already stepped into the realm of great Confucianism.The national power of the entire Chu State almost needs to be stabilized by the prime minister of the dynasty, which can be regarded as the top priority.

If there are many great Confucians in a dynasty, then the fate of the country can be determined, and the dynasty can be guaranteed to be in good order, and it will definitely not be lonely.

Therefore, literati in the realm of great Confucianism are much rarer than those in the realm of Earth Profound Realm.

Looking at all the countries in the world, a dynasty may have dozens of strong men at the Earth Profound Realm, but there are very few literati at the Great Confucian Realm, or even only one.

Therefore, there is an unwritten rule in the land of a hundred countries that great Confucian scholars are the treasures of the dynasty, and if it is not for the hatred of exterminating the whole world, it is absolutely impossible to kill great Confucian scholars.Violators will be condemned by countless dynasties, or even wiped out.

After all, although great Confucianism can set the state and protect the destiny of the country, most of them are unsatisfactory in cultivation.For this reason, the dynasties of all countries do not want the great Confucians of their own dynasties to be killed, and they all abide by this unwritten rule.

If not, if the great Confucian scholars from all over the world could be killed and hurt at will, then the whole world would be in chaos.

The Fengxue building and the hall were dumbfounded.

No one thought that the man who covered his face in front of his eyes turned out to be a world-class Confucian, who could gather the power between heaven and earth, it was too shocking.

"I don't know that Mr. is actually a great Confucianist in the world. Please forgive me for my poor hospitality in Fengxuelou." Everyone Yu immediately reacted, and quickly stabilized the astonishment in his heart, and said with a bow.

Everyone Yu is now terrified, but also ecstatic.She originally thought that Gu Hengsheng was a more learned and elegant Confucian scholar, but she never thought that he turned out to be a great Confucian gentleman in the world, which was too unexpected.

"Junior at the end of the school, I pay my respects to you, sir." In the crowd, a scholar immediately patted his wrinkled clothes, stared at Gu Hengsheng with fiery eyes, and bowed to the literati.

"I'll see you, sir." Maybe some people don't know what a great Confucianism means, but they only know that the current prime minister is only a great Confucianism.This alone can make everyone present salute.

Mr. Xiang, who was originally maintaining his arrogance in the corner, was stunned. He stared dumbfounded at the white paper on the table, feeling the sword force coming from the paper, and remained silent.

Gu Hengsheng seemed to have guessed that everyone would have this reaction, and nodded indifferently.

On the white paper on the table, the word "Sword" still exudes a strong sword force, as if countless swords are rising and trying to get out of the white paper.

"This word is worth a thousand gold, is there anyone willing to accept it?"

Next, Gu Hengsheng glanced at the crowd and said in a hoarse voice.


Everyone was shocked, and there was an uproar in their hearts.

A word is worth a thousand gold, is it expensive?

Not expensive!

And in the eyes of everyone, it is very cheap!
It is rumored that a great general from You Chu State went to the Prime Minister's Mansion to ask for a word, and directly moved out all his family property, which can be said to be more than ten thousand gold.However, the prime minister directly returned the gold and silver vulgar objects to the general, but asked for a favor.

A person who can become a great Confucianist in the world has a sense of righteousness in his heart, and his eyes will not be obscured by worldly gold and silver.The Confucian generation doesn't care about these gold and silver property at all, but pays more attention to the favor of the strong.

In this case, the general owes the prime minister a favor, and he will definitely keep the prime minister well in the future.Because of this, the influence of a great Confucian cannot be compared with that of ordinary Earth Profound Realm powerhouses.

Because if a great Confucian wants to write powerful words, he must spend a little effort, without a long period of cultivation, it is difficult to recover.

"Sir, I'm willing to offer a thousand pieces of gold!" A wealthy businessman stared at the white paper with the word "sword" written on the table with great enthusiasm, and shouted directly with his wealth.

"Two years ago, the great general asked the prime minister for a word, and spent all his family's resources. Although he was returned by the prime minister, he owed a great favor. The pen and ink that the great Confucian spent his painstaking efforts on, can be called A priceless treasure." Some people started to discuss and said in shock.

"I heard that the general's wife had a difficult labor at that time. The general asked the prime minister for the word "An" and directly let the general's wife give birth to a boy safely. The mother and child are safe." Immediately, a scholar echoed.

"Sir, I would like to bid two thousand gold!" Suddenly, another rich man stepped forward and said.

"Sir, Fu is willing to offer [-] gold!"

"Sir, I offer three thousand gold!"


For a moment, the entire Fengxue Tower was completely shaken, and all the wealthy businessmen began to compete for the price, wanting to compete for this word.Because everyone knows very well in their hearts that no matter whether the word is kept for their own use or resold, it will never lose money.

Watching this scene, Xiao Heizi opened his mouth in a daze.

Little Heizi couldn't imagine why the scene turned into this way. The rich businessmen who were still mocking and mocking them just now bent over respectfully, competing to bid sky-high prices to get the word written by Brother Yun.

There is a saying in ancient times: Wen Neng stabilizes the country and protects the mountains and rivers, and Wu Ke straddles a horse and lifts a gun to shock the world.

This is not just a joke, but a real existence!
The words that the great Confucians have painstakingly created can suppress the power of the country and restrain evil spirits.Even the nobles of the palace can hardly find a word.

A word is worth a thousand gold, not an exaggeration at all.

"Sir, I would like to offer [-] gold, and I implore you to sell it to me." As everyone's bidding sounded in the hall, everyone Yu immediately walked up to Gu Hengsheng, and asked with great courtesy.


In an instant, the entire Fengxue Tower fell into silence, and all the wealthy businessmen showed expressions of horror, and hesitated to speak.

Just now, those wealthy businessmen have raised all their family assets with their bids, just hoping to have a chance to win this word.

They don't worry about bankruptcy at all, because they can sell directly to the nobles in the capital, not only can they get the favor of those big shots, but they can also double their value, so why not do it.

However, now that everyone Yu has spoken, everyone present can't open their mouths, and they are no longer able to bid.Moreover, everyone's background seems to be not small, no one is willing to deliberately offend everyone, so they can only sigh.

"Are you sure?" Gu Hengsheng narrowed his eyes and asked in a deep voice.

"It's obviously not enough to get a word created by Mr.'s painstaking efforts. I would like to donate the entire Fengxue Building to Mr., plus my savings over the years."

Everyone Yu bowed their bodies and saluted solemnly.After careful consideration of her behavior, firstly, she could get this word, and secondly, she hoped to make up for the poor hospitality in Fengxuelou and win over Gu Hengsheng.


Everyone was shocked, never thought that everyone Yu would come up with such a big hand, which shocked everyone to the extreme.

(End of this chapter)

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