The sword rises

Chapter 272 Chapter Family

Chapter 272
Chapter 270 Two Going Home
Gu Hengsheng and Xiao Heizi stepped out of the area of ​​Wenxing Town quickly. Along the way, Xiao Heizi kept looking left and right, tightly holding the exquisite box containing hundreds of gold in his arms.


Suddenly, Gu Hengsheng trembled and coughed lightly, and a ray of bright red overflowed from his mouth. If he took off the mask at this time, he would definitely be able to see his pale complexion.

"Brother Yun, what's the matter with you?" Seeing this, Xiao Heizi immediately supported Gu Hengsheng who was a little tottering, and asked anxiously.

"It's okay, it's just a little sad." Gu Hengsheng waved his hand lightly, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go back first."

"Oh, good." Xiao Heizi looked around, gently supported Gu Hengsheng's left hand, and walked towards the thatched hut where they lived.

It takes a lot of effort and effort to form a character with a pen and a pen.Gu Hengsheng has been cultivating for so long, knowing that it is difficult to recover his cultivation, he can only find other ways to build momentum for himself.

Therefore, for so long, Gu Hengsheng just wanted to solidify his mind, so that he could have some strength.Originally, Gu Hengsheng planned to show his great Confucianism in a few days, but he encountered the incident of Xiao Heizi, so he could only make a move ahead of time.

But this is also good, firstly, to show your own value, secondly, you can get some gold and silver as soon as possible, and have the ability to buy spiritual grass tonics to restore your body.

However, in a short time, Gu Hengsheng might not be able to make gestures anymore.After all, even though it is not necessary to use one's soul to make a move, it is extremely labor-intensive and cannot be done frequently.

If Gu Hengsheng's Taoist injury and body had fully recovered, then it wouldn't hurt to write every day.

Soon, when it was dark, Gu Hengsheng and Xiao Heizi finally returned to the thatched cottage.

Xiao Heizi helped Gu Hengsheng to rest on the cold bed, then put the exquisite box on the table, and said worriedly: "Brother Yun, are you feeling better? Do you want me to invite a doctor?"

"No, I'm much better." Gu Hengsheng took off the mask, his face was pale, and he forced a smile on Xiao Heizi, not wanting to make him worry: "It'll be fine after a while, it's useless to ask a doctor."

"Then, I'll go get something to eat, Brother Yun, take a rest first." Xiao Heizi didn't know what to do, so he ran anxiously to the kitchen to light a fire, intending to cook some hot food for Gu Hengsheng to warm up. .

Seeing Xiao Heizi's simple and honest appearance, Gu Hengsheng felt a little relieved in his heart.Then, he lightly pressed his chest and muttered to himself: "The campaign has been successful, now all we need to do is wait."

Gu Hengsheng knew very well that his identity was sensitive, so it was absolutely impossible for him to reveal his real name.If not, I'm afraid that some malicious Xiaoxiao will take advantage of his serious injury and plot against him.

Therefore, Gu Hengsheng planned to use the name Gu Yun to create a great Confucian gentleman hiding in the world of mortals.In this way, he can try his best to search for the spiritual herbs and medicines in the world without being discovered by others.

After all, no one would guess that a great Confucian gentleman is Gu Hengsheng from Tianfeng Kingdom.

"Brother Yun, I made you a bowl of porridge first, you eat first."

After a while, Xiao Heizi came over with a bowl of fragrant hot white rice porridge, and put it on the table next to Gu Hengsheng: "I'm going to buy a couple of pork from the old man in the east of the village, and give it to Brother Yun." Make a bowl of broth."

After saying that, little Heizi was about to take a step to go out.

Xiao Heizi is simple and honest by nature, with an exquisite and pure heart.He looked at Gu Hengsheng's pale face, and didn't know what to do, so he thought about making some delicious food to supplement Gu Hengsheng.

"Little Heizi, come back, don't bother so much." Gu Hengsheng immediately stopped Xiao Heizi who was about to go out, and a stream of heat flowed through his heart, remembering Xiao Heizi's thoughts.

Little Heizi immediately turned around, scratched his head and slowly walked towards Gu Hengsheng, with a look of worry in his eyes: "Brother Yun, I'm just a rough person, I don't understand anything."

"Okay, sit and rest for a while, I'm fine, don't worry." Gu Hengsheng smiled lightly, telling Xiao Heizi not to be busy.

Throughout the day, it was Xiao Heizi who felt the most uncomfortable.Gu Hengsheng is very clear about these things, Xiao Heizi just wants to prove himself through the efforts of both hands.

"Brother Yun, what do you do with the money?" Xiao Heizi listened to Gu Hengsheng's words, and slowly sat on the rickety wooden stool in the room, then pointed to the exquisite box on the table, and said anxiously.

"This is paid to you by that ignorant thing, just use it and rest assured." When Gu Hengsheng thought of the scene of Xiao Heizi being bullied in Fengxue Building just now, he couldn't help but ignite a burst of anger in his chest.

If it wasn't for worrying about darkening Xiao Heizi's heart, Gu Hengsheng would have bought that bastard's life with a price.Presumably, there are many people in this world who are willing to make friends with a great Confucian for this purpose.

"Brother Yun, this is 100 taels of gold! I...I have never seen so much money in my life, and I dare not use it." Xiao Heizi hurriedly shook his head, waved his hands and said, "Why don't I take these Send the money back! Put it at home, I’m going to panic.”

"Idiot, send it back now, let's see who has the guts to follow it?" Gu Hengsheng laughed and cursed, breaking away the tense atmosphere in the thatched cottage.

Little Heizi scratched the messy hair on his head honestly, and said simply: "But I didn't earn the money myself, so I dare not use it. Besides, if those mountain kings know that we have so much money, they will definitely not Let us go."

"Little Heizi, you can just rest assured. After today, no one in the world will dare to offend us easily, and some people will send money over. The hundred gold in this box is just a drizzle."

Gu Hengsheng gave Xiao Heizi a reassuring look, so that he wouldn't have to worry so much.

"Why?" Xiao Heizi asked in confusion, "Is that the word you wrote, Brother Yun? After I saw Brother Yun and wrote a word, those people all changed their appearance, bowing and bowing again. He called Big Brother Yun as Mister again."

"That's right! Also, I heard those big men in the town call out sky-high prices to buy that word written by Big Brother Yun. Why is that?" Xiao Heizi's eyes were full of puzzlement, but there was no trace of greed. color.

"Because in their eyes, Big Brother Yun is a great Confucianist, and the words written by Tishi are priceless." Gu Hengsheng patiently introduced to Xiao Heizi.

"Great Confucianism?" Little Heizi moved the stool to Gu Hengsheng's bedside curiously, fixed his clear eyes on Gu Hengsheng, and asked, "Brother Yun, what is a great Confucianism?"

(End of this chapter)

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