The sword rises

Chapter 283 Where Are You?

Chapter 283 Where Are You?

Chapter 280 Where Are You?

The entire Land of Hundred Kingdoms turned into a huge storm, and Gu Hengsheng was in the center of the storm, appearing extremely calm and serene.

In the next one or two months, everyone Yu used all their strength to collect a large number of spiritual herbs and medicines for Gu Hengsheng, hoping to meet Gu Hengsheng's needs.

Before I knew it, a year had passed since the Tianxu battle.

On this day, the entire land of the Hundred Kingdoms was covered in white snow, and it was all white as far as the eye could see.It turned out that the bitterly cold winter has arrived.

Whenever everyone Yu collected a lot of spiritual herbs, they would personally bring people to the thatched hut at the foot of the mountain, paying respect to Gu Hengsheng.

After one or two months of spiritual grass treatment and warming, Gu Hengsheng's aura became more and more calm, and the previous restlessness and ups and downs in his heart disappeared.The thin blood-black lines on his body also receded a little, and he was not as hideous as before.

However, Gu Hengsheng's soul was still in a weak and cracked state. Even if Gu Hengsheng used spiritual herbs for treatment every day, it would not have any significant effect.

"Soul damage, I am afraid there is no top-grade medicine, and it is difficult to recover from the shocking fate!"

Gu Hengsheng was wearing a light white long gown, standing in the courtyard of the thatched cottage, looking at the sky above the sky that spans thousands of miles across the country, muttering to himself.

"Brother Yun, it's so cold outside, hurry up and warm up by the fire!" In the house, Xiao Heizi built a small brazier and walked to Gu Hengsheng's side and said.

Because it was a snowy winter, Xiao Heizi also put down the bamboo bag in his hand and chose not to go to the mountains to collect herbs.Wearing the clothes that Gu Hengsheng chose for him, Xiao Heizi looked more energetic.

"You go in first, and I'll come in later." Gu Hengsheng turned his head and smiled at Xiao Heizi, signaling Xiao Heizi to leave him alone.

Seeing this, Little Heizi moved the small brazier to the door, then squatted quietly beside the brazier, looked at Gu Hengsheng silently, and did not disturb him.

Gu Hengsheng put his hands on his back lightly, and the stern look on his face seemed to be colder than Aoxue in this cold winter.Now, the blood-black thin lines on his face have basically disappeared, leaving only the crack marks on his body and limbs that are still gradually reducing.

The snow started to fall again. Gu Hengsheng looked at a direction with an extremely calm breath. In that direction, there was a dynasty named Tianfeng Kingdom.In the capital of Tianfeng Country, there is a family of generals, many people live in it...

Gu Hengsheng's handsome face had sword eyebrows and starry eyes. He closed his eyes, and with a light tap of his right foot, he shook a dead tree covered in heavy snow on the ground.

With a light grab with his right hand, Gu Hengsheng picked up the dead tree and shook off the snowflakes on it.

She once wrote on behalf of her hand: After the big wedding, accompany her to see the snow together.

Gu Hengsheng nodded in agreement, and replied, "Okay, I will accompany you to the snow country at the far end of the north, and look at the snow with your arms around each other."

She smiled.

That mortal smile melted everything, making all the brilliance in the world dim, and it was incomparable to her smile.

Today, it was snowing heavily, and I don't know if she, who is located in the depths of Tianfeng Country, would stand in the snow with him, looking at the snow in the distance.

The dead wood fell into Gu Hengsheng's hands, and slowly danced in his hands, becoming sharper and sharper.

call out!
Using dead wood as a sword, Gu Hengsheng's figure standing in the heavy snow began to move slowly, making regular footprints in the snow with slight steps.

Although he has lost his cultivation base now, the aura exuding from his body is still extraordinary, and the dead wood in his hand can cut everything like a sharp sword.

The "sword" rose and the "sword" fell, Gu Heng was born in the vast snow, and began to dance the sword.

The sword made of dead wood bears the meaning of Gu Hengsheng's endless lovesickness.

"She should be awake now! She should be able to speak!"

Gu Hengsheng was muttering in his heart, the dead wood waving in his hand was still surging like a spring, showing its arrogance in the heavy snow.

"I really want to hear her voice!"

Gu Hengsheng jumped up and cut a sharp arc in the air, which stunned the little Heizi who was warming up by the fire.

"Where are you? Are you okay?"

These words arose in the heart of Gu Hengsheng who was dancing the sword, and at the same time diffused out of the heart of a beautiful figure in the depths of Tianfeng Nation in the distance.

Tianfeng Country, Gu Family, Shen Yuan.

A beautiful figure in a snow-white long dress stood on the vast snowflakes land, feeling the icy chill hitting her, her pair of autumn water eyes seemed to have traveled through countless miles of space, as if seeing Gu Hengsheng who was dancing a sword.

She was wearing a long snow-white dragging dress, which outlined her graceful willow-waisted posture and her lonely and frosty face.

This year, most of them are wearing white clothes and long skirts.Because, in her memory...

He was always a white figure deeply engraved in her heart.

"Where are you?"

She is Li Qiurou, with a youthful and charming face, without a trace of a sweet smile.Because, her smile only blooms for one person.

The sky gradually sank, but the heavy snow still kept falling from the sky, without any sign of stagnation.

This vast white snow carries endless sustenance and longing, as well as that beautiful memory.


In the Kingdom of Chu, at the foot of an extremely remote mountain, there is a thatched cottage.

In the courtyard of the thatched house, there is a figure of a man in white shirt, who is holding a dead log and dancing sword in the heavy snow. His breath and breath seem to be integrated with the trend of heaven and earth, which is full of charm and fascination.

Finally, Gu Hengsheng slowly put away the dead wood in his hands, and gently threw it in the corner of the courtyard, hiding his inner thoughts in the overwhelming snow.

"Since you're here, come in!"

Gu Hengsheng put his hands behind his back slowly, moved his gaze to the direction of the door, and said in a deep voice.

As soon as the words were finished, a person came with lotus steps, it was everyone from Fengxuelou.


When everyone Yu just arrived outside the thatched hut, they saw Gu Hengsheng dancing a sword using dead wood as a sword, so they stopped and looked away, not daring to disturb him rashly.

However, at this moment, Gu Hengsheng didn't use a mask to cover his face at all, which made everyone's hearts tremble.She never thought that an astonishing Confucian gentleman, on the outside, turned out to be just a young man, only in his early 20s.

It really made Yu everyone startled in amazement, a little shocked.

It seems like, where did you see Mr., where is it?
Everyone Yu looked at Gu Hengsheng's handsome face, and a trace of doubt flashed in the depths of their hearts, but they couldn't remember it all the time. They thought they were just thinking wildly!
(End of this chapter)

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