The sword rises

Chapter 285 Departure, to Kyoto!

Chapter 285 Departure, to Kyoto!

Chapter 280 Depart for Kyoto!

Everyone Yu followed closely behind Gu Hengsheng, step by step in the heavy snow, towards the location of Wenxing Town.

"Sir, do you really plan to let him stay there alone?" Everyone Yu couldn't help asking with some curiosity and doubts.

At this time, Gu Hengsheng had already put on a pale white mask, which contrasted with his white long gown, looking extremely elegant and free, walking in the snow like an exile.

"Don't look at him as simple and honest, in fact, he is more lonely than anyone else in his bones." Gu Hengsheng seemed to miss the days of living with Xiao Heizi, and said reminiscently: "He knows that my trip is destined to be unstable, so he doesn't want to go with me. OK, not fear, but fear of becoming my burden and encumbrance."

Although Xiao Heizi lives at the bottom of the society, he has an arrogance that no one can match.Since he was eight years old, he began to climb rocks and mountains alone with a bamboo bag on his back, picking herbs, and lived a hard life.

Even though Xiao Heizi grew up eating the rice from the village when he was young, after selling the herbs he picked, he quickly returned all the love to the villagers, not wanting to owe a penny.

After that, even though Xiao Heizi's life was very hard, he didn't complain at all. With his own hands, he earned copper coins one after another without needing any charity.

Therefore, although Xiao Heizi looks honest and simple, he has his own persistence and arrogance, which are not comparable to ordinary people.Because he has a pure heart, no matter what he does, it will not change his will.

"If I force it, it will only make him more difficult." Gu Hengsheng pondered for a while, then murmured to himself with a smile: "So, let him go alone! I believe, in the near future, we will be able to meet again of."

Everyone Yu was still a little puzzled, but they were smart enough not to ask, but could not help but look back at the thatched hut at the foot of the mountain, and pursed their red lips.

From everyone's point of view, if ordinary people know that the brothers and friends they make are great Confucians in the world, they will definitely follow closely and swim along.However, Xiao Heizi's decision is different from ordinary people, which makes people feel a little bit of doubt and respect.

"Maybe, in the future, he might not stick to this small corner! Qianlong is sleeping, and he will wake up one day."

Everyone Yu took a deep look at the direction of the mountain, and Fang murmured to himself.

Gu Hengsheng and everyone Yu finally arrived at Wenxing Town when it was dark, stepping on the vast white land.

Guided by Master Yu, Gu Hengsheng stepped onto the attic of Fengxue Building.

Everyone Yu immediately prepared top-quality food and wine, and personally brought them to the table in front of Gu Hengsheng, and lit a fire in the attic, filling the entire cold attic with a hot atmosphere.

"Sir." Everyone Yu poured out a glass of wine and handed it to Gu Hengsheng.

Gu Hengsheng took it from his hand and drank it down. Wearing a mask, he looked extraordinarily indifferent: "Tell me about your plan!"

"Sir, after ten years of deployment, Menghua has won the trust and secret support of some civil and military officials in the court, and has a [-] elite army in his hands."

Everyone stood next to Gu Hengsheng like a maid, and slowly said: "It's just that Menghua, the minister of civil and military affairs who is really in power above the court, dare not contact him. He is worried that he is the enemy's confidant and exposed himself. .”

"So, the number of cards in Menghua's hand is still a bit small compared to the [-] elite soldiers guarding the capital. However, the country of Youchu is in a precarious state, and it may be completely overthrown at any time and become the plaything of the enemy country. Therefore, Menghua can only Going north to Kyoto, waiting for an opportunity to plan."

Master Yu's delicate body stood upright in front of Gu Hengsheng, and his vermilion lips kept opening and closing as he said, "It's just that everything still needs Mr.'s assistance and planning, so that Menghua can have a chance to take revenge."

After saying that, everyone bowed down to Gu Hengsheng, and the faint fragrance immediately wafted from her delicate body into Gu Hengsheng's nostrils, and diffused around the corners of the attic.

"Well, let's talk about it in the capital! Everything depends on the situation, don't act rashly." After pondering for a moment, Gu Hengsheng said hoarsely: "The road you are going to take is unusual, full of thorns, and you can't make a mistake in a single step."

"Menghua understands everything and listens to the teacher's instruction."

There were waves and ripples in the depths of everyone's beautiful eyes. She looked at the mask on Gu Hengsheng's face, and she couldn't help but think of Gu Hengsheng's handsome face and the appearance of dancing swords in the heavy snow with dead wood as swords. .

"How soon do you plan to leave?" Gu Hengsheng nodded slightly and continued to ask.

"We can start tomorrow. Fengxue Tower has ordered good people to take charge of it, and will put Mr.'s friends as the top priority. As long as Mr.'s friends are in trouble, Fengxue Tower will help you at any time. Please rest assured, sir."

Everyone Yu worked meticulously and confessed their arrangements to Gu Hengsheng.

"Well, I've made up my mind." Gu Hengsheng's eyes softened slightly when he looked at everyone Yu.

"Everything is what Menghua should do." Yu said with a charming smile while pursing her vermilion lips.

Afterwards, everyone Yu slowly walked to Gu Hengsheng's side, and slowly raised a pair of bare hands to pour wine for Gu Hengsheng.

In the Accord of Fengxue Building, the aroma of wine overflowed, and the fragrance wafted up, intoxicating countless people, but it made Gu Hengsheng's heart a little difficult to calm down.

If this trip starts, there will be a huge disturbance in the entire Land of Hundred Kingdoms.In a daze, Gu Hengsheng had already seen the storm coming from the Dynasty of Hundred Kingdoms.

Rule the world, a generation of empresses!
This is not an easy task!
However, Gu Hengsheng didn't feel any fear at all. Since he has decided to help the woman in front of him, even if he loses all his cultivation, so what?

"In a land of a hundred kingdoms, there should be more than ten thousand years of inheritance! The rise and fall of the great dynasties, I don't know how many there are. However, if the first female emperor appears in the world of a hundred kingdoms, I'm afraid it will shake the whole world!"

Thinking of this, Gu Hengsheng couldn't help feeling a little excited in his heart, looking forward to that day.

In the world of mortals, there have also been amazingly talented female strongmen, women who have shocked the world, and girls who have made all nations tremble.

But, woman, be king.But there has never been a precedent in the land of a hundred countries, and no one has the courage to set this precedent.

No one can know what the future will be like, nor can it be predicted.

The next day, when a ray of warm sunlight dimly shone, many luxurious carriages appeared at the gate of Fengxue Tower.

Under the guidance of everyone Yu, Gu Hengsheng stepped onto one of them and sat alone.

Afterwards, everyone in Yu himself got into a carriage, and led a group of steady-breathing people, driving towards the north.

The goal is to visit the capital of Chu State, the most prosperous place in the entire dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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