The sword rises

Chapter 287 And then

Chapter 287 And then

Chapter 280 Seven And Then

Soon, Gu Hengsheng followed everyone else to a quaint house in the deepest part of the courtyard.

Stepping into the house, there are various antique decorations displayed inside, as well as some tables and chairs made of exquisite sandalwood, which look a bit old-fashioned.

Inside the room, there were some people standing. They saw Master Yu and Gu Hengsheng coming, and immediately turned their heads to look.

"Princess! You are here."

A middle-aged man in the room immediately took half a step forward, bowed his hands a little excitedly and said respectfully.

"Meet the princess!" The rest of the people saluted and called everyone Yu.

Everyone Yu nodded lightly to everyone, then invited Gu Hengsheng in, and gently closed the door.

"Who is he?" Everyone in the room looked at each other in dismay, and frowned in confusion, full of suspicion.

The figure of Gu Hengsheng wearing a pale white mask and a long white gown appeared in front of everyone, and everyone couldn't help but stare sideways.

Everyone Yu took a look at the people present, then slowly walked to Gu Hengsheng's side, pointed to a middle-aged man with a thick back and waist, and said: "Sir, he is the deputy commander of the Imperial Guard in the capital, and the official worship is the third rank. general."

"He is a servant under the Ministry of Rites, responsible for some matters in the palace."

"He is a partial general under the Ministry of War, guarding South Street in Kyoto."


Everyone Yu introduced everyone to Gu Hengsheng one by one, and told Gu Hengsheng all their details, without hiding a single one.Because she knew that if this matter wanted to succeed, it had to depend on Gu Hengsheng's influence, and she had to plan it slowly.

"Hmm." Gu Hengsheng casually glanced at everyone and nodded slowly.

Everyone was amazed. I don't know why you have such a noble status, why would you respect a seemingly ordinary man so much?

"Princess, this person is..." A man in his fifties glanced at Gu Hengsheng and asked everyone, clasping his hands.

After receiving Gu Hengsheng's signal, everyone Yu took a few steps forward slowly, and then said to the crowd: "My lords, have you ever heard that a while ago we traveled to the Chu Kingdom to produce a great Confucianist?"

"Returning to the princess, I will naturally know this. It is rumored that this great Confucian directly rejected the invitation of the grand master and the great general, and he gathered the power of the world to form the word "Guo". "

A middle-aged man in gray clothes pondered, his eyes full of admiration.

"Mr. Confucianism like this, of course I have heard about it. What does the princess mean by asking?" Someone stared at everyone Yu in confusion, and couldn't help but glance at Gu Hengsheng who had been indifferent all this time.

"Princess, does this person have something to do with that great Confucian?" A thoughtful man pointed at Gu Hengsheng and asked what he had guessed in his heart.

For a moment, everyone in the courtyard focused their eyes on Gu Hengsheng, eager to know Gu Hengsheng's identity.

"Mr. is the great Confucian who lives in seclusion in Wenxing Township. Your lords must not be unreasonable." Everyone's tone suddenly sank, not allowing everyone to be so presumptuous, and reprimanded.


All of a sudden, the whole room was silent, and everyone subconsciously widened their eyes, focusing on Gu Hengsheng in astonishment.

"Rumor, that great Confucianist is hiding his face, the person in front of him..." An official looked at the mask Gu Hengsheng was wearing, and thought of the rumors that had been heard before, and couldn't help but tremble.

"What? He is the gentleman of the top Confucianist?" A black-faced thick man shook his thighs, stared at Gu Hengsheng in disbelief, and exclaimed softly.

"The next official pays homage to the gentleman. I don't know the dignity of the gentleman. Please forgive me for being rude."

After everyone was stunned for a short while, a civil servant came to his senses immediately, and hurriedly clasped his fists at Gu Hengsheng and said.

"The last general (lower official), I have met Mr."

Immediately, everyone turned their minds back one after another, bowed down and spoke with shock in their eyes, respectful.

There was a turbulent wave in everyone's heart, which was difficult to calm down.I never thought that a great Confucianist in the world would be invited by the princess to help out. This is a great thing!
I heard that even the grand master and the general were deflated. I don't know how the princess did it?

Everyone was startled and suspicious, they bowed slightly and did not dare to look up at Gu Hengsheng directly, but kept looking at Gu Hengsheng from the corner of their eyes, with strands of cold sweat breaking out on their foreheads.

Regarding this situation, Gu Hengsheng just nodded his head slightly in response.

"Let's talk about it directly!" Gu Hengsheng turned to everyone Yu and said.

Everyone Yu gave a slight sigh and said, "Sir, it's the end of the year now. According to the customs and etiquette of my trip to Chu, the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven will be held ten days later. At that time, all civil and military officials and major families in Kyoto will be present. There will inevitably be heavy troops deployed inside and outside the palace to prevent accidents."

"Let's continue talking." After everyone's voices paused, Gu Hengsheng glanced at her with slightly raised eyebrows, and said in a hoarse voice.

"Sir, over the years, the deployment of heavy troops for the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven has been in the hands of the Imperial Army. Menghua has deployed nearly ten thousand elite soldiers in the Imperial Army over the past ten years, and the deputy commander of the Imperial Army, General Cao Guoyong, is in command."

While everyone Yu was talking, he stretched out his plain hand and pointed to the middle-aged man who was waiting quietly, and introduced Gu Hengsheng.

"Also, over the years, some officials under the Six Ministries have also gotten in touch with Menghua, and as long as they make a move at the heaven sacrifice ceremony ten days later, they will definitely be able to cooperate with each other."

Immediately afterwards, everyone Yu continued to tell Gu Hengsheng.

"Ten thousand elite soldiers, embarrassing and useful."

Gu Hengsheng slowly raised his deep eyes, glanced at the middle-aged man, that is, Cao Guoyong, the deputy commander of the forbidden army, and pondered: "Since the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven in You Chu State is the most important thing, there must be a large number of elite soldiers and strong generals guarding it that day. , relying on these people in your hands is not enough."

"Sir, Yancheng is the nearest city on the west side of Kyoto, and the nearly [-] troops guarding it can be called at any time." Everyone nodded and said hastily.

"Yancheng?" Gu Hengsheng was slightly interested, and asked in a low voice: "How far is it from Kyoto?"

"It's only fifty miles. If the army rushes, it will only take half a day." Everyone Yu replied immediately.

"Half a day?" Gu Hengsheng shook his head and stared at the crowd: "Half a day's march will definitely be discovered by the capital in advance, and the capital of Yuchu Kingdom has already prepared for it by then, and it is impossible to enter the capital, how can we support in the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven? "

"This..." Everyone looked at each other in dismay.

"Sir, we can send [-] troops from Yancheng, at least part of the troops in Kyoto can be held back, which can reduce our pressure and make things more convenient for us."

Everyone waited by Gu Hengsheng's side respectfully, telling what was on their minds in detail.

"and then?"

Gu Hengsheng sneered and asked directly.

(End of this chapter)

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