The sword rises

Chapter 290 Negotiation in the study room, the atmosphere is dignified

Chapter 290 Negotiation in the study room, the atmosphere is dignified

Chapter 290 Negotiation in the study room, the atmosphere is dignified

"Go in and make a report. The old man will come and ask to see the general."

Gu Hengsheng kept his posture low, not wanting to attract attention and commotion.

"Old man?"

The people guarding the general's gate looked at each other, frowned, and the seriousness on their faces faded a bit.

"Do you have proof?"

A soldier carefully looked at Gu Hengsheng who was covering his face with a coarse cloth, and asked in a deep voice.

"Send a word: What is a country?" Gu Hengsheng pondered for a while, then said deeply: "I believe the general is willing to see it."

The guards at the gate couldn't help but worry that if Gu Hengsheng was not an old friend of the general and if his words were true, then they would be punished.However, if Gu Hengsheng was really a friend of the general and he was expelled from the door by himself and others, the consequences would be even more serious.

Therefore, after some consideration, a guard took a deep look at Gu Hengsheng and Mu Lanfeng, and said, "Wait a minute, I'll go in and report to the general."

Therefore, the guard immediately stepped into the general's mansion and hurriedly went to report.

Not long after, the guards came out of the mansion, and bowed to Gu Hengsheng, "Please come in, the general is here!"

Gu Hengsheng smiled lightly, and stepped into the general's mansion.On the other hand, Mu Lanfeng followed closely beside Gu Hengsheng with an indifferent expression on his face, constantly looking at the surrounding environment to ensure that there was no danger.

Under the leadership of the guards, Gu Hengsheng passed through the elegant courtyards and fences, and walked into a study in the backyard.

After the guards brought Gu Hengsheng to him, they stopped and let Gu Hengsheng go in alone: ​​"The general has an order that only one of you is allowed to enter, and the rest can only wait outside."

Gu Hengsheng shifted his gaze to Mu Lanfeng, and ordered: "You wait here."

Mu Lanfeng nodded, and waited at the door of the study, no longer following closely.

When Gu Hengsheng walked into the study, a burly man appeared in Gu Hengsheng's eyes.

"At the end, I will pay my respects to Mr."

The man was Hu Ganwen, the great general of You Chu State. From the words "what is a country" in his report, he guessed that the person who came was Gu Hengsheng, and he was very excited.

When Hu Ganwen wanted to see whether Gu Hengsheng was as rumored, the word he asked for was "country". At that time, Gu Hengsheng asked what is called country.

Hu Ganwen never forgot about this matter, and kept it in his heart.

Originally, Hu Ganwen wanted to come out in person to see if it was really Gu Hengsheng, but after thinking about it, Gu Hengsheng didn't bluntly reveal his identity.It must be because I don't want others to know and hide my identity.

Therefore, Hu Ganwen sent someone to take Gu Hengsheng to the study, which is the deepest part of the General's Mansion, and it is absolutely impossible for people to lurk in.

"General Hu, I haven't seen you in a few months, so I'm here to bother you." Gu Hengsheng bowed slightly with his arms folded, only a pair of deep and unpredictable eyes were revealed on his hidden face.

"Sir's arrival made the general very excited and happy, so why bother?" Ever since Hu Ganwen got the word "country" gathered by Gu Hengsheng's reference to the situation of the world, he has been thinking all night how to invite Gu Hengsheng back to the court. Hall, difficult to sleep.

"Sir, please sit down quickly." Hu Qianwen quickly invited Gu Hengsheng to the guest seat in the study, and poured him a cup of fragrant hot tea: "Sir, it's cold today, drink a cup of tea to moisten your throat."

"I'm sorry." Gu Hengsheng accepted Hu Qianwen's kindness, sniffed it slightly with the tip of his nose, and knowing that there was nothing else in the tea, he took a sip.

Afterwards, Hu Ganwen also took the seat next to Gu Hengsheng, with an unconcealable joy and a trace of melancholy on his face: "Ever since I learned that Mr. disappeared from Wenxing Town, I have always wanted to find Mr. , I never thought that my husband would come to the capital, which really surprised the general."

"General, I came to see you today because I have something to discuss."

Gu Hengsheng put down his teacup, didn't bother to say some polite words, and said straight to the point.

"Sir, please tell me if you have something to do. As long as you can do it in the end, you will do your best."

Hu Ganwen stretched out his right hand and said righteously.

Hu Qianwen actually had some doubts in his heart. He didn't know why Gu Hengsheng suddenly appeared in the capital. If others knew about it, there would definitely be a commotion.

If Hu Ganwen hadn't seen that Gu Hengsheng came here deliberately to conceal his identity, he would have personally invited Gu Hengsheng in through the gate with all his palanquins.

"If the general wants to do something, he will definitely be able to do it. However, I'm afraid that the general will not dare." Gu Hengsheng raised his eyes and looked at Hu Ganwen, and said in a hoarse voice with something in his words.

Involuntarily, Hu Ganwen's heart throbbed violently, and there was a trace of solemnity in the depths of the tiger's eyes, and he said: "Please make it clear, sir, in the end, the general is willing to listen."

"Not in a hurry, I want to take the liberty of asking the general something first." Gu Hengsheng whispered as calmly as water.

"Excuse me, sir." Hu Qianwen said.

"Dare to ask the world of Chu State, is it still there?"

Gu Hengsheng's words contained a lot of deep meaning.

Hearing this, Hu Qianwen's tiger body couldn't help shaking slightly, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes extremely quickly, and he nodded solemnly: "Yes!"

"May I ask if the general has been squeezed when he is above the court?"

Gu Hengsheng continued to stare at Hu Ganwen and asked.

"Of course there is." Hu Qianwen nodded without hiding anything.

"Dare to ask the general who is in charge of the troops, but are you still holding on tightly?"

Gu Hengsheng asked.

"En." Hu Ganwen nodded heavily.

Looking at the look that flashed in Hu Ganwen's eyes just now, Gu Hengsheng's mouth hidden under the coarse cloth revealed a smile.

"General, in the past ten years, have you lived a good life?" Gu Hengsheng looked at Hu Ganwen's frowning gradually, and asked again reluctantly.

"Alas! Some things have to be done by someone. Although it is full of dangers, we have to persist." Hu Ganwen did not answer directly, but expressed his meaning ambiguously.

"In this case, has the general's persistence succeeded?" Gu Hengsheng seemed to have learned something, and he and Hu Ganwen looked at each other tacitly.

"How difficult!"

After Hu Ganwen was silent for a long time, he just let out a long sigh.

"General, what are you going to do now?" Gu Hengsheng guessed from Hu Qianwen's facial expressions and emotional changes that the current situation in You Chu State might not be optimistic.

Hu Ganwen gritted his teeth, slowly focused his tiger eyes on Gu Hengsheng, then stood up abruptly, bent down, and solemnly said with fists in his hands: "The general will not be able to change anything. I hope that Mr. Chu can help me overcome the difficulties."

Seeing this, Gu Hengsheng's mouth curved into a smile.

Because it was a correct decision for him to come to the General's Mansion today.

(End of this chapter)

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