The sword rises

Chapter 292 Prime Minister Fu Cheng!

Chapter 292 Prime Minister Fu Cheng!

Chapter 290: Prime Minister Fu Cheng!

In a remote house in the capital of Youchu Kingdom, Gu Hengsheng and everyone in Yu stayed in a small room where no one could listen to them.

Gu Hengsheng sat quietly on the chair, while everyone Yu waited on the side like maids, pouring wine for him.

"Sir, the General's Mansion and his party, is there anything to gain?"

Everyone Yu stared directly at Gu Hengsheng with deep black eyes, and asked in Yan Yuying.

"A little more help!" Gu Hengsheng murmured for a while, then nodded.

"Sir, there are only ten days left, what should we do next?" Everyone Yu's heart has always been a little restless and unsure.

"Bring paper, ink, brush and inkstone." Gu Hengsheng slowly raised his lowered eyes, and glanced at everyone Yu with deep eyes, which made her feel a deep sense of fear from the bottom of her heart.

"Yes, sir." Everyone Yu didn't understand, but they didn't ask any further questions, and immediately walked out of the small room to prepare to go.

Soon, everyone Yu took high-quality paper, ink, pens and inkstones and placed them in front of Gu Hengsheng.

Gu Hengsheng got up slowly, picked up an ink pen with his right hand, and muttered: "Grind the ink."

"Yes." Everyone Yu didn't have the arrogance of any princess, because she knew her position very well.Gu Hengsheng's help is indispensable if she wants to successfully expel and kill the enemies and fulfill the ambition in her heart.

In the small room, the sound of grinding ink was lightly surrounding, and Gu Hengsheng closed his eyes, as if he was in a state of deep thought.

Everyone Yu stretched out their plain hands to rub the ink, and at the same time looked at Gu Hengsheng's profile with charming eyes, and couldn't help but think of Gu Hengsheng's sword dancing figure in the snow that day using dead wood as a sword.

Half a moment later, Gu Hengsheng opened his eyes, focused his gaze on the flattened white paper, and motioned everyone to step back.

Everyone Yu stepped back a few steps with their vermilion lips together, and then quietly looked at Gu Hengsheng's profile, waiting beside him.

Gu Hengsheng slowly tapped the ink pen soaked in heavy ink on the white paper, concentrated on the momentum of heaven and earth, and began to write.

Outlined with a single stroke, as if the endless power of heaven and earth suddenly gathered on the white paper, a single word appeared in the blink of an eye.

The word is - Confucianism.

Gu Hengsheng exhaled, put down the ink pen in his hand, felt the charm emanating from the paper, turned his head to everyone Yu and said, "Send this copybook to the prime minister's residence."

"Sir, this is?" Everyone Yu stared at the copybook with Confucianism on the white paper, and couldn't help asking a question.

"If he can realize it, it will help him to improve his understanding of Confucianism and Taoism." Gu Hengsheng's face was slightly pale, but he still maintained a calm expression, which was harmless.

"What! This..." Everyone Yu felt a huge wave of shock in their hearts.Listening to Gu Hengsheng's words, it is no small matter that this word can actually help the Prime Minister go further.

"Take this as a gift! As for how you want to win him over and what you need to add, you can just think about it yourself. I believe your prime minister of You Chu Kingdom will accept this offer, and he can't refuse."

Gu Hengsheng pursed his thin lips and smiled indifferently, as if what he did was not worth mentioning at all, and he didn't take it to heart at all.


Everyone was surprised and delighted. They never thought that Gu Hengsheng would go out of his way to win over the prime minister for himself, and she felt a burst of joy rushing into her heart: "Menghua, thank you sir, I will definitely not Disappointed sir."

"Well, you go out first! I'm going to take a good rest." Gu Hengsheng waved his hand, his tone was a little low, presumably because he lost his mind just now when he raised his hand to write.

"Sir, please rest."

Everyone Yu put away the copybooks on the table as if they had found a treasure, watched Gu Hengsheng's winking eyes with various complex ripples, and then bowed deeply before leaving the room.

So, Yu everyone put away the copybook written by Gu Hengsheng and put it in a delicate box.Immediately, after thinking it over and over again, she wrote a letter herself.

After sorting out the letters and copybooks, everyone Yu found a confidant who had been trained for ten years, let him sneak into the prime minister's mansion, and put these things in the study inside.

In the dead of night, the entire country of You Chu was overwhelmed by darkness.

In a remote and hidden courtyard, a masked man hurriedly walked up to everyone Yu, saluted and said: "Master, it was delivered safely, without attracting attention."

"That's good, let's get back!" After hearing this, everyone Yu slowly let go of their hearts.Although she sent a martial artist at the peak of the Spirit Profound Realm to the prime minister's mansion, she was still worried that someone would find her trace, and that would be a bad thing.

Now that everything is in order, Yu and everyone are relieved.


Prime Minister's Mansion, in the study.

A senile old man opened the wooden door of the study and stepped in. He was wearing a light gray brocade robe, and his breath exuded a deep charm.

This person is the current prime minister of You Chu State, a first-rank minister, Fu Cheng.

"Come on!"

When Fu Cheng walked to the desk and was about to deal with official affairs, an exquisite box appeared in his eyes, which made him frowned slightly and let out a soft cry.

Da da da……

In the blink of an eye, a servant came to the door, bent down and said, "Master, what's the matter?"

"Has anyone been to the study today? Has Yu girl barged in again?"

Fu Cheng put his hands on his back, and his slightly hunched body seemed to contain enormous strength, and he asked majesticly.

The girl Fu Cheng spoke of was his only granddaughter, who had just turned 16 and was very naughty.

"Master, since Miss was reprimanded by you last time, she never dared to break into the study without your permission." The servant replied quickly, looking trembling and a little afraid of being punished.

Yu girl hasn't come in yet?

Fu Cheng narrowed his eyes, glanced at the exquisite box on the desk, and his heart sank.

"Okay, I get it, let's go out! Close the door." After pondering for a while, Fu Cheng waved his hand to signal the servant.

"Yes, master." The servant immediately stepped out of the study room as if he was amnesty, and gently closed the wooden door, leaving only Fu Cheng in the study room.

Fu Cheng walked slowly to the desk and saw a letter pressed under the delicate box.Immediately, he stretched out his hand to pick it up with a serious expression on his face.

"To be able to sneak into the study avoiding all eyes and ears must be a warrior above the late stage of the Lingxuan Realm. This old man wants to see who is playing tricks."

Fu Cheng sank his mind, tore open the envelope, and took out the letter inside.

With a glance, Fu Cheng's eyes slowly showed a trace of surprise and confusion, and then he saw the gift mentioned in the letter, and he couldn't help but put his eyes on the exquisite box.

"The old man has been acting all his life, and he cares about gifts and the like. It's extremely ridiculous to think that the old man owes you favors."

Fu Cheng sneered, put the letter on the table, and opened the delicate box nonchalantly.

"This is..." As soon as the box was opened, Fu Cheng felt a strong force of heaven and earth and the true meaning of Confucianism and Taoism, which made his expression freeze.

When he spread out the copybook in the box, he was stunned, no matter how hard he looked away from the copybook...

(End of this chapter)

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