The sword rises

Chapter 299 Bloody Battle!

Chapter 299 Bloody Battle!
Chapter 290 Bloody Battle!
In an instant, the entire royal palace of You Chu State became a battlefield.

Nearly [-] imperial guards and other soldiers from the East Gate started to fight, and the hidden soldiers guarding the imperial city by General Hu Ganwen kept pouring in, sealing the gate of the imperial palace and fighting to the death.

"Presumptuous! My Highness is the crown prince, stop!"

Not long ago, Yuhuaze's cultivation had reached the early stage of the Earth Profound Realm, and he was barely able to stand above the void. He looked at the army that was constantly fighting, and shouted at the top of his voice.

However, Yu Huaze's voice was like a stone sinking into the sea, and it was difficult to stop the soldiers who were fighting.Because although he is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, anyone with a discerning eye knows that he is just a puppet of Ruli Kingdom, without any majesty at all.

Yu Huaze couldn't control the current situation at all, and could only watch helplessly as the entire palace was stained with blood.

Everyone Yu pursed her red lips and looked straight at the officials and the man in black in the center of the front hall. She knew that if she wanted to end all this, she could only get rid of the man in black.

"General, I'm counting on you!" Everyone knew that the black-robed man's cultivation was superb, and she could only believe that the general, Hu Ganwen, could cooperate with the army to resist and even eliminate the black-robed man.

Hu Ganwen heard everyone's begging, please, but he didn't answer, because his mind was all focused on the man in black robe not far in front of him.

After a long time, when the entire imperial palace was filled with blood-colored chills, Hu Ganwen finally made a move, raised his head and shouted: "Set up the army formation, kill the enemy!"

The [-]-member elite squad standing behind Hu Ganwen immediately showed their respective weapons, stepped out of the foundation of the formation in a blink of an eye, and showed Hu Ganwen's mighty domineering aura.

"You want to use these ants to make up the gap between you and me, Hu Ganwen, you are too whimsical."

The man in black sneered, as if he didn't pay attention to Hu Ganwen and the elite soldiers behind him, and said hoarsely, "I invited you to enter my Ruli country, but you refused to listen."

"If I hadn't been worried that you would disturb the morale of the army after your death, I would have personally suppressed you. However, your wife is lucky enough to have the chancellor's blessing, otherwise I would have killed your queen."

The man in black stepped out from the center of the front hall and walked towards Hu Ganwen step by step, his aura became more and more majestic, making it hard to breathe.

"You!" General Hu Ganwen couldn't help clenching his teeth after hearing the sound, the tiger's eyes were bloodshot, and a strong killing intent burst out from his whole body, wanting to kill the man in black: "Kill!"

With a sound of falling, Hu Ganwen rushed towards the man in black with a long spear under the blessing of the killing army.

The black-robed man dodged Hu Ganwen's ultimate move extremely quickly, and his whole body was above the void.And the ground he stepped on just now was shattered into powder by Hu Ganwen's shot.

In an instant, Hu Ganwen raised his gun and charged forward, colliding with the black-robed man in the void.The elite soldiers of the [-]-man team continued to support Hu Ganwen, and also sent out various sharp knives, attacking and killing the black-robed man.

The black-robed man is a mid-Earth Profound Realm warrior sent by the Ruli Kingdom to guard this place. He can suppress everyone in the court of Chu Kingdom by himself, so he must have some means.

For a while, with the assistance of the killing array blessing, Hu Ganwen fought inextricably with the black robed man in the void.As for the other side, Cao Guoyong, the deputy commander of the Forbidden Army, and He Yangxu, a general of the Forbidden Army, were also fighting non-stop.

Everyone Yu and Gu Hengsheng were protected in it, watching this scene quietly.

"Sir, can General Hu win?"

Everyone in Yu looked worriedly at the general Hu Ganwen who was fighting hard, and couldn't help but ask.

Maybe everyone Yu herself didn't know that she had developed a sense of dependence on Gu Hengsheng before she knew it.In her eyes, Gu Hengsheng's judgment and decision-making are definitely not wrong, and no matter what happens, he can solve it.

"Don't worry, I can't lose." Gu Hengsheng stared indifferently at the man in black and Hu Ganwen who were fighting in the void, and replied in an unquestionable tone.

With Gu Hengsheng's guarantee, everyone's hearts calmed down again. She believed that Gu Hengsheng would not do anything wrong.

"Kill! Kill!"

At this moment, many hidden soldiers rushed in from the four gates of the palace. These were Hu Qianwen's meticulous deployment, and there were a total of [-] elite soldiers.

In fact, even if Gu Hengsheng did not go to the General's Mansion that day, Hu Ganwen would not compromise with Ru Liguo.Because, he is the great general of Chu State, how could he hand over the dignity and life of hundreds of millions of people in the imperial dynasty to the enemy country?
At the same time, the Yancheng army run by the Yu family has also rolled in, and the troops are approaching the imperial city.

"Siege the city! Drive out the enemy bandits and beat us up!"

Yancheng's nearly [-] troops directly dragged out most of the troops in the imperial city, making it impossible for them to support the imperial palace, and relieved the pressure for Yu and others.

The entire capital of Chu State began to be chaotic.

The people living in the capital closed their houses tightly, crouched in the corners and shivered, curled up and prayed to God.

The roar of beating drums resounded in all directions in the capital, shaking countless people trembling and chilling, not daring to show their heads.

Tour Chu, the Imperial Palace in Kyoto.

The white jade floor of the four gates was scalded with corpses and soaked in blood.

After the black-robed man and the great general Hu Ganwen fought for more than ten rounds, Hu Ganwen seemed to be at a disadvantage.There is no way, even with the help of the killing army, it is still difficult to make up for the gap in cultivation.

"Yu Huaze, kill these people immediately. If not, you will never get the antidote in your life."

The hoarse voice of the man in black reached the ears of Yu Huaze who had been holding back all this time, making Yu Huaze think of something terrible, and his body shivered uncontrollably.

Yu Huaze gritted his teeth tightly, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes, and then slowly became fierce, and shot at Cao Guoyong, the deputy commander of the forbidden army.

At this moment, Cao Guoyong was fighting against the enemy thief He Yangxu, when he suddenly saw Yu Huaze attacking fiercely, he felt bad: "This is bad!"

Cao Guoyong wanted to avoid Yu Huaze's sudden attack, but he was restrained by He Yangxu, and Yu Huaze punched him hard.

There was a loud noise, and Cao Guoyong resisted Yu Huaze's heavy punch, and fell directly from the void, shattering the stone slab on the ground, and sinking into a huge deep pit.

"General Cao!" Everyone Yu shouted when they saw this.

Perhaps, no one noticed Gu Hengsheng at the tense time of this bloody battlefield.His white gown covered his right hand, and in his right hand, he was tightly holding a piece of white paper...

(End of this chapter)

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