The sword rises

Chapter 325 Can You Reject?

Chapter 325 Can You Reject?

Chapter 320 Can you refuse?

The fat monk's voice echoed in the inn all the time, and it contrasted with his appearance of greasy eating meat and drinking, which seemed extraordinarily weird.

There are some monks who eat meat. After all, some monks have seen through everything and broke away from their normal mind.However, eating meat for the sake of the common people in such a righteous way is really rare.

Seeing the fat monk eating meat and drinking nonchalantly, Gu Hengsheng could only shake his head with a chuckle, and didn't ask any more questions.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng gave Yu Huaze a look, intending to leave: "Let's go!"

"Yes, Master." Yu Huaze immediately got up and took the salutes of the two.

Hearing this, the fat monk immediately raised his head, took a look at Gu Hengsheng and Yu Huaze, and said with great interest: "Hey! You are still master and apprentice? You don't look as old as your apprentice."

After Gu Hengsheng heard this, his body trembled subtly, and a sharp look flashed quietly in the depths of his eyes.

How does he know that he is not as old as Yu Huaze on the surface?

Did he see through his face under the mask?
How can it be!

Thinking back to the time when he used the secret technique of Mengtian, even this side of heaven couldn't detect him, how could a monk who appeared in a low dynasty see through it?

At this moment, many questions flashed through Gu Hengsheng's mind, and he almost couldn't help but couldn't maintain a calm expression.

Gu Hengsheng took a deep breath, glanced at the fat monk lightly, and continued walking towards the gate of the inn without answering.

Although Yu Huaze was taken aback by the fat monk's words, he didn't think much about it, and just followed Gu Hengsheng quietly.

"Hey! You poor monk, you haven't finished drinking this wine yet!"

The fat monk directly picked up the jug of wine that was left on the table, along with a bowl of meat and vegetables, and wanted to follow Gu Hengsheng out.

After Gu Hengsheng and Yu Huaze left the inn, they dragged the horses from the barn at the entrance of the inn, intending to get on the horses and head north.

But at this moment, the fat monk also rushed out, his oily mouth was extremely greasy, as if he didn't have the appearance that a monk should have.In his hand, he also held a jug of fine wine and meat dishes.

"Where are you going?" The fat monk walked up to Gu Hengsheng and Yu Huaze and asked directly.

Yu Huaze wanted to answer at first, but when he saw Gu Hengsheng's indifferent expression, he closed his mouth tightly and took the reins of the horse to leave.

"Monk, what are you doing with us?" Gu Hengsheng was extremely afraid of facing the fat monk, and it was the first time he felt heart palpitations.

Do not!
It should be the second time.

The first time, it was a crazy old man, that is, Dugu Shang, the sword master who stands on the top of Qingcang in a hundred kingdoms.

"Almsgiver, you have a predestined relationship with the poor monk. The poor monk calculated that you will have a catastrophe, so he came here to save you."

The fat monk grinned, and said to Gu Hengsheng while drinking and eating meat like a wanderer in the world of mortals.

"I won't say whether there is a catastrophe or not. Even if there is, it has nothing to do with you!" Gu Hengsheng didn't want to deal with the fat monk, because he always felt that he was transparent in front of the monk.

Especially what the fat monk said just now, it seems that he can see through the face under his mask, which is definitely not something ordinary people can do, even Sword Master...

"Benefactor, didn't the poor monk say that you have a predestined relationship with the poor monk." The fat monk continued relentlessly.

"What is fate?"

Gu Hengsheng stopped walking, turned his head and asked in a deep voice.

"All conditioned dharmas are all due to the combination of causes and conditions. When the conditions arise, they arise and the conditions disappear. It's just like this." The fat monk slowly put the empty bowl in his hand on the ground, leaving only a jug of fine wine in his hand. He bowed with one hand and said.

"The Buddha said: Everything in this life is caused by the cause and effect of the previous life." The fat monk looked at Gu Hengsheng solemnly, and said: "Benefactor, there are some predestined fates in the previous life, and you can't escape."


In an instant, Gu Hengsheng couldn't keep his composure anymore, his body shook suddenly, his eyes stared straight at the fat monk, he held his breath subconsciously, and fell into a look of shock.

previous life...

Could it be that this monk has seen through my present and past lives?

It's impossible!

He entered the reincarnation and returned to this life, and he didn't tell anyone about his identity. How could anyone in the land of a hundred countries know?

Maybe it's just that this person stumbled across it by mistake, and just happened to say this sentence!


After a breath, Gu Hengsheng regained his composure, looked directly at the fat monk with a pair of empty and indifferent eyes, and said hoarsely, "Monk, where are you from?"

"West." The fat monk glanced to the west, put away the silly smile on the corner of his mouth, and replied solemnly.

"Where is the west? Which dynasty? Which Buddhist temple?"

Gu Hengsheng asked again.

Yu Huaze on the side was in a daze, completely unaware of what Gu Hengsheng and the fat monk were talking about, and looked at the two of them inexplicably.

"The place where the poor monk cultivated is not in the imperial dynasty, not in the Buddhist temple, but at the feet." The fat monk, with the Taoist name Kongjie, said ambiguously: "The poor monk just came from the west, and he is willing to save the common people in the world. Looking for someone who is destined."

"The West..." Gu Hengsheng closed his eyes and whispered it several times, feeling more and more in his heart that this land of a hundred countries is not as simple as he thought.

During the Battle of Tianxu back then, the sudden appearance of the figure of Emperor Nangong 3000 years ago already surprised Gu Hengsheng.

It was only later that Gu Hengsheng realized that the crazy old man wandering in the world of mortals turned out to be the world-shocking Sword Master a hundred years ago, which added to his dignity towards the Land of Hundred Kingdoms.

Up to now, meeting this sudden fat monk made Gu Hengsheng's mood completely heavy.

The Land of Hundred Kingdoms is definitely not just a barren continent!It must be carrying something, or it is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"Benefactor, the poor monk answered all the questions you asked the poor monk. Don't know the name of the benefactor?" The fat monk casually wiped the greasy corner of his mouth with his sleeve, and then asked.

"Gu Yun." Gu Hengsheng pondered.

"Benefactor Gu, may I ask if you are going north?" The fat monk grinned lightly at the corner of his mouth, pointed in the direction of the north, and asked directly.

Gu Hengsheng clenched his teeth, and stared at the fat monk with empty eyes, hoping to see some clues, but he found that the fat monk was very ordinary, and there was nothing unusual about it.

"Yes." Gu Hengsheng could only give up and nodded.

"The poor monk asked me that I just want to go to the north to preach, how about I go with the benefactor Gu?" The fat monk showed his two rows of white teeth, and asked with a grin with his hands clasped together.

"Can I refuse?" Gu Hengsheng responded in a cold voice that did not follow common sense.


"..." Gu Hengsheng and Yu Huaze.

(End of this chapter)

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