Chapter 34

Chapter 34 Gu's general order, everyone is shocked

"Are you the head of the Sun family in Yishan City?"

After a long time, Gu Hengsheng slowly turned his head and said to Sun Mocheng and others.

Sun Mocheng's body trembled quickly, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, and he cupped his hands and replied, "Yes."

How could Sun Mocheng's gloomy look escape Gu Hengsheng's eyes.However, Gu Hengsheng didn't bother to point it out, and said indifferently: "I'm in a hurry, I just want to get two fast horses and leave this Yishan City. As for the disputes between your small families, I don't bother to care about them at all."

"But...why do you insist on messing with me? I have given you many opportunities. You have repeatedly provoked my patience. Do you really think that I am made of clay?"

Suddenly, Gu Hengsheng's elegant aura disappeared in the blink of an eye, and turned dull and cold.

Just as Sun Mocheng wanted to refute, Gu Hengsheng interrupted his desire to defend himself with a cold snort: "When I was in Beijing in the past, my son brushed off the dignity of the princes and grandchildren of the current dynasty, and he also criticized the current Pingcheng The face of the prince. It's like this, they don't have the guts to say to break my son's limbs, but Patriarch Sun is very courageous, he is worthy of being the head of the family."


As soon as these words came out, everyone was terrified.

Originally, everyone was puzzled by what Gu Hengsheng asked Xu Feng, but now thinking of Gu Hengsheng's explanation, everyone felt suffocated in shock.

This time, although everyone present felt that what Gu Hengsheng said was like a fairy tale, they couldn't arouse any doubts.Without him, making a warrior at the peak of the Spirit Profound Realm a servant is something very human can do.

However, besides the emperor, how many other people in today's world can do it?
The people and aristocratic families of Yishan City live in a remote area, how have they ever seen such a high-ranking person?
For them, the city lord is a huge figure.

If it is true that what is said in people's words, even princes and grandchildren are not in their eyes, then...

It's over!My grandson's family is over!Sun Mocheng's lips turned white in an instant, his trembling legs slowly bent down, and he prostrated himself on the ground: "Your...Young Master, I have little knowledge and don't know your noble status, so please forgive me."

Regardless of whether Gu Hengsheng was as he said, the strong man at the peak of the Spirit Profound Realm beside him was enough to make Sun Mocheng unable to resist at all.

Gu Hengsheng glanced at Sun Mocheng faintly, then took out a dark token from his chest, and said to Xu Feng, "Master Xu, do you know this thing?"

The token is dark, and a lifelike tiger is engraved on it, and there is also a word on the top of the tiger's head: Gu.

"This is..." Xu Feng, the lord of Yishan City, squinted his eyes, staring intently at the dark token held by Gu Hengsheng.

Looking at the token in Gu Hengsheng's hand, Xu Feng felt a little familiar, and then his eyes slowly shrank, and the emotions of fear and shock permeated from his eyes to all parts of his body.

"This is... the order of the Gu family general!"

Xu Feng's pupils contracted sharply, and he shouted in horror.

There are three pieces of the Gu family's general order, namely a main order and two sub-orders.In the past, the two deputy orders of the Gu family were in the hands of Gu Chengjun and Gu Youmo, and they could show this general order to mobilize the [-] troops of the Tianfeng Kingdom at will.The main command is controlled by the old man of the Gu family, and is used to command the entire army, mobilize millions of troops, and guard the country's borders.

However, since Gu Hengsheng's biological father, Gu Chengjun, died in battle, this deputy order was taken back by Mr. Gu.

Until a few days ago, when Gu Hengsheng said that he was going to leave the capital, in order to prevent Gu Hengsheng from being bullied, Mr. Gu specially handed over this deputy order to Gu Hengsheng, and warned him repeatedly.

Gu's general order?what?
Xu Feng's shocked expression made people stunned. Many people present did not know what Xu Feng's general order was, and why it shocked the Lord of the city.

"The Gu family... general order... could it be..." Ning Shan lowered his eyes slightly, murmured a few times in his mouth, then suddenly shook his head and held his breath in disbelief.

Ning Xi next to Ning Shan blinked her eyes lightly, her red lips were slightly parted and looked a bit pretty and charming.

Although she didn't understand why City Lord Xu was so pale, she also guessed that the young master in white robes must be extraordinary, otherwise City Lord Xu wouldn't look like this.

For a moment, she was a little dazed. Why did such a young master like Ling Yun, who was aloof and arrogant at the peak, appear in Yishan City?Why do you condescend to ask for it because of two fast horses?

Sun Mocheng and the others were under the emotional pressure of panic all the time, they didn't hear what Xu Feng said just now at all, they just hoped that Gu Hengsheng would not let that martial artist at the peak of the Spirit Profound Realm make a move.Otherwise, all their hard work will be in vain.

Suddenly, before everyone could think about it from their doubts and astonishment, Xu Feng's next actions made the atmosphere on the scene even more excited and shocked.

"Xu Feng, a lieutenant of the First Army of the Original Blood Red Army, has met the general!"

Under the eyes of everyone, Xu Feng didn't seem to care about his status as the city lord, and knelt down on one knee directly at Gu Hengsheng, cupping his hands and yelling loudly.

As soon as this scene came out, everything was quiet, only the cold hissing sound continued.

The mayor knelt down?
As the city lord of Yishan City, he was in charge of life and death, so high above him, he actually knelt down to a young man?
Moreover, the city lord actually called this person a general?
Everyone took a deep breath, their lips trembling and they muttered to themselves in shock: "Our Yishan City... is going to change."

The Blood Red Army is the army established by Mr. Gu decades ago.Back then, the name of the Blood Red Army shocked many surrounding countries. Its name fluttered proudly above the nine heavens, and it was the army that countless soldiers of the Tianfeng Kingdom yearned for.

As for Xu Feng, who was a school lieutenant under the command of the Blood Red Army in the past, of course he knew the order of the Gu family general in Gu Hengsheng's hand.

Xu Feng's body was trembling, he seemed to be excited, because he hadn't seen this familiar and majestic general order for many years; he seemed to be panic, because he almost disrespected the person holding the general order; He hasn't gone back to see the Red Army for many years.

"It's good to know each other, so that I don't waste too much time, get up!" Gu Hengsheng put away the general order, and said softly with a calm expression.

"Yes, General." Xu Feng did not forget the military might and laws of the Blood Red Army in the past.Anyone who sees holding the order of the Gu family general is called a general, and there must be no disrespect or disobedience, and those who do it will be killed without mercy.

Xu Feng was very curious as to why the Gu family's general order appeared in the hands of a young man, but he didn't dare to ask further, so he could only suppress the restlessness and shock in his heart, and waited respectfully aside.

(End of this chapter)

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