The sword rises

Chapter 362 When I recover, I will come

Chapter 362 When I recover, I will come back
Chapter 360 When I recover, I will come back
Thanks to the general who died in the frontier, the whole country mourns.

At the end of the year, Gu Chengjun came back lying on the cold wooden frame.

Gu Cang tremblingly stroked the armor on Gu Chengjun's body lightly, tears welled up in his eyes, and the sadness on his pale lips was hard to conceal.

When Shang Yiyao heard that Gu Chengjun died in battle, she became very sad and fell ill, and she is still lying on the bed and unable to wake up.

Gu Hengsheng is now 12 years old, and he is already one of the best playboys in the imperial capital of Tianfeng Kingdom, and he is in the limelight.Originally, when Gu Hengsheng was wandering around the city with some servants and guards, he suddenly heard the news that his biological father had passed away and returned with his body, so he rushed back in a hurry.

"Father..." Gu Hengsheng looked at Gu Chengjun who was sleeping with his eyes closed and cold, weeping uncontrollably.

Gu Chengjun... In this life, my biological father.

The true consciousness in the body witnesses all this happening, unable to make any resistance and change.Because these are the memories deep in his heart, which have become reality.

In the spring of the second year, the eldest and second sons of the Gu family put on their armor and went out to conquer the territory. They were the most arrogant people in the world, but they could not escape the attack of the cold sharp blade, and died young!
In the same year, Xia and Gu Hengsheng's biological mother, Shang Yiyao, learned that her husband and twins had passed away one after another.

For a moment, the entire Tianfeng Kingdom's Gu's family was filled with a layer of gloom, and the oppression of the darkness made countless people breathless.In the past two years, Mr. Gu Cang's hair has all turned white, and his whole body looks many times older.

In the barrier-breaking illusion, Gu Hengsheng, who was hidden in the vast fog, once again felt this heart-piercing feeling, and his whole body couldn't help shaking.

"Is my heart really perfect?"

"If it is perfect, why did I have to bury the things I experienced when I was young in my heart when I regained my memory?"

"Father, mother, elder brother and second elder brother all passed away one after another. For so long, I dare not recall my childhood memories. Is it because I am afraid?"

"Why was it that I was able to recover the memory of my previous life when I was weak? If I had been sensible earlier, maybe I wouldn't have let this happen!"

"And now, I am just a witness. I can only watch these things happen again, but I can't do anything about it."

In Gu Hengsheng's eyes, two lines of tears slipped down from the eyes, dripped into the formation, and disappeared to nowhere.

In the illusion, Gu Hengsheng's picture changed again. He watched his relatives sleep in the tomb forever.Then... Gu Hengsheng continued to mess around carelessly, without the sense of urgency and responsibility of being a general.

When Gu Hengsheng was 15 years old, another incident happened, which completely plunged the Gu family into a state of grief and gloom.

Gu Youmo, the blood hero general guarding the Yanxing Pass, was seriously injured in the battle, and his legs became disabled!

At this moment, the entire Tianfeng Kingdom was silent, looking at the Gu family in silence.

Mr. Gu Cang's hair is getting grayer and grayer, he is a little sad, confused, and tired...

The old man looked at Gu Hengsheng, the only remaining hope of the Gu family, and mourned sleeplessly every night.Jiangmen Gouzi, the third young master who carried the hopes of the Gu family, would only mess around and cause troubles all day long, embarrassing and embarrassing.

"Hang Seng, I have already greeted the Hanlin Academy. Tomorrow you will go to study there, and strive to be able to get ahead and get a part-time job in the court."

On this day, Mr. Gu finally couldn't take it anymore and called Gu Hengsheng to the lobby to discuss matters.

Back then, the hall of the Gu family was full of people, but now, only Mr. Gu and Gu Hengsheng were left.As for Gu Youmo, who has disabled legs, he locked himself in the deep courtyard all day long and never came out again.

A deserted atmosphere quietly permeated the hall of the Gu family.

"Grandpa, forget it! I don't want to go to that kind of place, it's very boring." Gu Hengsheng curled his lips nonchalantly.

Grandpa, I'm sorry...

The real Gu Hengsheng consciousness can only witness these things, silently muttering a sentence in his heart, deeply imprinting the old man Gu's old appearance in his heart.

"You! What do you brats want to do? Don't do this, don't learn that, what will you do in the future?"

Old man Gu was furious, he slapped the table and said, hating iron for nothing.

"Old man, you're still here, what are you afraid of?" Gu Hengsheng replied with a heartless laugh at that time.

"Stinky boy! If you don't go to the Imperial Academy to study political affairs, I will break your legs!"

Old man Gu stood up abruptly, and growled angrily.

"If you want me to be like my second uncle, break my legs! Anyway, I won't go anyway." Gu Hengsheng took two steps back in fear, and said subconsciously.


Hearing Gu Hengsheng's words, Mr. Gu couldn't help recalling what happened in these years. He was about to burst into tears, and fell down on the chair trembling all over.

"Grandpa...Grandpa." Gu Hengsheng seemed to know that he had said something wrong and wanted to explain.

However, what was waiting for Gu Hengsheng was only Mr. Gu's thunderous roar: "Get out of here, as far as you can!"

He just wanted to make the last heir of the Gu family a bit promising, it so difficult?

Mr. Gu did not ask Gu Hengsheng to carry the banner of the Gu family, but only hoped that Gu Hengsheng could live a good life by relying on his own ability.After Mr. Gu passed away a hundred years later, Gu Hengsheng wouldn't have to end up in a homeless situation.

It's a pity that Gu Hengsheng at this time couldn't understand Mr. Gu's painstaking efforts, he only knew how to play and make trouble in the land of smoke and willows.

"Yes, I'll get out right away, old man, don't be angry." Gu Hengsheng knew that old man Gu was angry, so he didn't dare to stay any longer, and left Gu's house immediately.

At that time, I... I was really an asshole!
Grandpa, you are getting older, and the wrinkles on your face are getting more and more.

In the illusion of breaking barriers, Gu Hengsheng watched the stupid things he did, and the passing away of his relatives in this life, his heart tightened and he felt a little pain.

During the battle, Gu Hengsheng witnessed Gu Cang's process from a young man to an old man, and knew that the burden on the old man's shoulders was heavier than anyone else's.

At a certain moment, Gu Hengsheng wanted to forcibly break the formation and bring himself back to reality.Because he didn't want to recall the things in this life anymore, his throat was clenched.

To have a perfect Taoist heart means to look directly at everything and your original heart, and you cannot escape.

The memories of his youth have been sealed up by Gu Hengsheng, and he dare not reveal them.Now, under the suggestion of the sword master Dugu Shang, Gu Hengsheng finally opened up this corner of memory, and gradually stitched up a crack in his heart.

In the illusion, after Gu Hengsheng left the Gu family, he went directly to the most prosperous place in Kyoto, Baimenglou.

Hearing that a group of beautiful girls came to Baimenglou some time ago, Gu Hengsheng wanted to see them for a long time, so he went directly to the most elegant and quiet pavilion in the building.

"I will come back after my soul injury recovers."

Witnessing the scenes in his memory, the real Gu Hengsheng can only whisper to himself in his heart
(End of this chapter)

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