The sword rises

Chapter 385

Chapter 385

Chapter 380 Five Titans of the World, Shocking the World

Millions of elite soldiers, countless strong men, went straight to the Guquan Pass, and the soldiers approached the city.

A hundred countries attacked Chu, and the momentum was huge.

"A small barbarian country, trying to provoke the majesty of our countries, should be destroyed!"

A rough voice surged out from the millions of troops, piercing the sky and descending between the heaven and the earth.

Looking around, the outside of the Guquan pass was covered by black armor, and the cold light of countless sharp knives soared into the sky, taking people's hearts and souls. , it is frightening.

300 million elite soldiers, with a majestic momentum like gods and demons descending into the world, made the sky lower and the earth sank a little deeper.

"Even if my Yu Chu Kingdom is destroyed, so what?"

A strong sense of powerlessness permeated her whole body, Yu Menghua looked at the dark and sharp figure of elite soldiers, blood clenched from her bare hands, and shouted heart-piercingly: "Your envoys insult my people and bully our country, you should be beheaded!" !"


Even in the face of millions of troops and countless strong men, she is still lonely and arrogant.Her words reverberated around the sky for a long time, causing countless people who traveled to Chu Kingdom to shed tears.


Immediately, a strong man among the millions of troops yelled, and the billowing profound energy created a strong wind, rushing towards the 20 troops and Yu Menghua at Guquan Pass: "The envoys of all countries, are you alone?" Can a lowly woman and a small country be judged? Moreover, as a lowly woman, you actually try to control the government of a country, there is no place for you in the world!"

The word "cheesy girl" is so stinging, it hurts everyone in Chu State to be dripping with blood.

She is the eldest princess of You Chu Kingdom, and she is the one who brings back the endangered You Chu Kingdom. Countless creatures in You Chu Kingdom are roaring, wanting to resist and refute, but find that there is no way.

If the eldest princess hadn't been in power, would You Chu still exist?

Hundreds of millions of souls traveling in Chu State are asking themselves.

For ordinary people, it doesn't matter who is the emperor, they only need a ruler who can feed them and have a house to live in, not a tyrant who is useless.

"Hey! If you dare to insult me, Princess You Chu, I will definitely kill you!"

Suddenly, General Hu Ganwen jumped up from the city wall and leaped towards the millions of troops. The mighty appearance of holding a long spear is shocking to the world!

"General!" Yu Menghua, civil and military officials, and all the soldiers raised their heads and shouted.

General Hu Ganwen stood in the air, facing the army of millions, towering his might into the sky.

"Although my country of Chu is weak, it cannot be humiliated! The eldest princess of my dynasty is the proud daughter of heaven, let alone trample on her dignity!"

Holding a gun with one hand, Hu Ganwen pointed the tip of the gun at the figure in the million-strong army who was cursing Yu Menghua, and shouted loudly: "Get out, let's fight! How dare you?"

At this moment, Wan Lai was silent, millions of troops and hundreds of millions of creatures were watching this domineering figure standing in the sky.

"General..." Yu Menghua's throat tightened, and tears welled up in her eyes.This is the great general he visited in Chu State, and the patron saint of hundreds of millions of people.

"General! General! General!"

All of a sudden, the 20 troops from Chu State at Guquan Pass pointed their guns at the void, roaring hysterically, showing Hu Ganwen's majestic posture.


These few words have been echoing between the heaven and the earth, they are so rough and domineering.

Standing alone in front of a million-strong army, holding a gun and standing in the void called Zhan, not afraid of life and death.This is Hu Ganwen, the great general of You Chu State.

In front of countless people, how can you be timid and not fight when you are so loudly called to fight?

"Today, I will take your head first, and then conquer Chu Kingdom."

Following a sharp sound, a figure soared into the sky from the army of millions.

This person is a leading general of the imperial dynasty, named Du Mo, whose cultivation has reached the middle stage of the Earth Profound Realm, very extraordinary.

"General Du, behead this man and show off the prestige of my former An dynasty!"

In an instant, many soldiers in the army of one million began to beat drums to cheer, and the sound of drums rumbled straight to the ground.

In the void, the great generals Hu Ganwen and Du Mo faced each other, holding their sharp knives tightly, causing the temperature in the void to drop sharply.

"Insulting my royal princess, you, damn it!"

Suddenly, Hu Ganwen let out a deep roar, turning into a beam of light and stabbing at Du Mo.

Du Mo immediately held a sharp knife in front of him, trying to block Hu Ganwen's rushing shot.

The army of 300 million is higher than the mountains and deeper than the sea, which makes the strength of Youchu State guarding the Guquanguan seem so insignificant.However, no one in You Chu State is afraid of death, they are just afraid that at this last moment, the majesty of You Chu State will be shamed.

Facing millions of enemy troops, knowing that they will die, the soldiers of You Chu State will fight with all their strength to show off the national prestige of You Chu State, shock the world, and let hundreds of millions of living beings remember one thing-Although You Chu State is weak, it is impossible. Feel free to oppress.

In the void, Hu Ganwen and Du Mo were constantly fighting and fighting, and drops of blood fell from the sky, and it was unknown who belonged to it.

"You don't want to die!" Facing Hu Ganwen who was like a tiger and leopard, Du Mo was terrified, and felt a strong breath of death spreading from his body.

Hu Ganwen would not dodge every move Du Mo made, but resisted with his body, and then stabbed Du Mo fiercely with a long spear when he saw the right opportunity.

This is a completely blood-for-blood, life-to-life style of play.

Hu Ganwen is not afraid of death, but Du Mo is.

Du Mo wanted to stay away from Hu Ganwen's long spear, but he was always entangled by Hu Ganwen, unable to move.

Du Mo, like Hu Ganwen, both cultivated in the middle stage of the Earth Profound Realm, but Hu Ganwen was not afraid of life and death, which made Du Mo a little bit overwhelmed.

"You are a lunatic!" Holding a spear in his hand, Du Mo stabbed fiercely at Hu Ganwen's waist and roared ferociously.

Hu Ganwen still didn't dodge, and directly let the spear in Du Mo's hand pierce his waist.Then, Hu Ganwen firmly grasped Du Mo's spear with his left hand, making it impossible for Du Mo to let go and dodge at this moment.

call out!
Immediately, a cold light flashed, and Hu Ganwen's spear pierced Du Mo's heart.

Blood splashed down from the sky, the blood was so shocking, it seemed to dye the void red.

Hu Ganwen broke off the spear blade at his waist, and then held Du Mo's dying body with the gun in his right hand, standing proudly in front of the million-dollar army.

Hu Ganwen stood in the void, letting the blood stain his armor, and sternly and majesticly scolded the millions of soldiers: "My dignity in the Chu Kingdom must not be bullied! My eldest princess of the dynasty must not be desecrated!"


A yell shocked millions of troops, causing countless people to take half a step back in horror from this domineering figure.

The army of 300 million elite soldiers couldn't help but stare at the bloody general in the void, and fell silent.

"The titan of the world must have his place."

In every corner of the world, many people are watching this scene.I don't know who it is, and sighed leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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