The sword rises

Chapter 388 Blood Debt, Pay It With Blood!

Chapter 388 Blood Debt, Pay It With Blood!
Chapter 380 Blood Debt, Pay It With Blood!
On the hem of Yu Menghua's little skirt, it seemed that a touch of Cao Guoyong's blood fell from the void, and it went straight to the heart.

"Bring up the envoys of all countries!"

Yu Menghua waved her hand, looking at the raging millions of enemy troops and countless strong men, she no longer had any scruples in her heart.


All the soldiers on the city wall glanced at the million enemy troops angrily, and said in command.

Afterwards, a group of soldiers brought the envoys of various countries to the city wall, there were dozens of them.

These envoys are the arrogant and arrogant people who visited the palace of the Chu State before, including envoys from the Japanese State, such as the envoys from the Li State, and the envoys from the Right Qi State...

"Look! It's Mr. Xie!"

Among the millions of troops, some powerful generals from the Japanese Empire exclaimed as they watched the envoys from various countries appearing on the city wall.

"That's Master Fang!"

Powerful men from all over the world looked at the envoys with their hands bound, and looked at them.

"Hurry up and release the envoys of our countries. If not, our army will crush your small country of Chu in no time!"

Some powerhouses of the Earth Profound Realm rose into the air and said angrily, still maintaining their arrogance.

Bone Spring Pass, on the city wall.

Yu Menghua sneered, lowered her eyebrows and glanced at Cao Guoyong, who was firmly nailed to the city wall, clenched her plain hands tightly, and blood flowed out from the nails piercing the palms.

Originally, Yu Menghua planned to use these envoys from various countries as a threat to deal with the war with hundreds of countries.However, the matter has come to this point, it is useless.

Blood debt, should be paid with blood!
"Thieves from all over the world entered our Chu State, trampled on our dignity, and bullied and oppressed our Chu people. According to the law, they should be beheaded!"

Yu Menghua put her bare hands on her waist slowly and tremblingly, closed her blood-red eyes, opened them suddenly, and roared in a deep voice.


The million-strong army was shocked, and countless strong men scolded angrily: "Bold! How dare you! The envoys of my countries are also judged by you, a small barbarian country!"

Until now, there are still many strong people who can't see the situation clearly, and still want to trample on the national prestige of Chu State, and every sentence contains belittlement and contempt.

Could it be that if You Chu released the envoys of various countries, the millions of troops will retreat?
Could it be that the cessation of the war in Chu State will make Cao Guoyong, who was nailed to the city wall with blood, come back to life?

Yu Menghua raised her right hand slowly, clenched it into a fist, and the words fell.

"Do not……"

The envoys of various countries yelled in fear, they regretted and feared.If they had known this, they would never have traveled to Chu as an envoy, nor would they have bullied its people, nor would they have provoked these lunatics.

As soon as the sword light appeared, the heads of the envoys from various countries rolled down from their necks, stumbled all the way from the city wall and landed outside the city wall.

The heads of dozens of envoys rolled down from the city wall onto the ground, blood seemed to be sprayed on every inch of land outside the city.

The heads of the envoys from various countries were full of fear, and their eyes widened, revealing remorse.Their heads are all under Cao Guoyong, who was nailed to the city wall with blood, as if prostrate and apologetic.

"The envoys of all countries... are dead..."

Looking at the heads outside the Guquanguan city, the army of millions and the powerful men from various countries couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then revealed a majestic killing intent.

You Chu State, in front of the people of the world, completely trampled on the national prestige of the dynasties of the countries.

"The whole army attacks and destroys You Chu! Trample every inch of its land!"

The powerhouses of the Hundred Kingdoms were furious, and they all ordered the soldiers under their command that they wanted to turn the entire Youchu Kingdom into a sea of ​​blood and corpses.


The million-strong army stomped hard, shaking the ground, and surging morale erupted.

Yu Menghua and others who closed the Guquan Gate all held their chests straight with the will to welcome the coming darkness.

Even if You Chu Kingdom is shrouded in darkness, they will do everything they can to shine a light and let the world remember them.

"General Hu Ganwen listens to the order!"

Yu Menghua closed her eyes with a pale complexion.

"The last general is here!"

Hu Ganwen casually wrapped up his wound with a thick cloth, then stood up with bloody body, clasped his fists and said.

"Lead the troops into battle! Defend my last... dignity in Chu."

Yu Menghua looked at the 300 million elite soldiers in the distance, glanced at the 20 troops inside and outside the pass, and ordered solemnly.

"Little general, take orders!"

Hu Ganwen once again held the spear tightly in his hand, stabilized his seriously injured body, and yelled loudly.

Yu Menghua and all civil and military officials focused their eyes on Hu Ganwen, who was dripping with blood. Yu Huaze clenched his fists with red eyes, and planned to go out of the city to fight.

Master, the disciple can no longer serve you.

Yu Huaze turned around slowly and bowed in the direction of the East Courtyard of the Royal Palace of Youchu State, the profound energy fluctuations on his body became more and more fierce.

"Soldiers, are you willing to fight on the battlefield with this general?"

Hu Ganwen stepped on the void with a spear in his hand, pointing the gun at the army of millions with a deep roar.

The 20 troops of You Chu State clenched their sharp blades and shouted in unison like thunder: "I am willing to follow the general and swear to the death!"

", I will let everyone in the world know that I am the prestige of the Chu Kingdom and cannot be humiliated!"

General Hu Ganwen stepped on his right foot, took a deep breath, glanced at the 300 million troops, looked at Cao Guoyong who was nailed with blood on the city wall, and said.

"Let's go!"

Hu Ganwen roared again, and his whole figure fell on the ground, galloping towards the million-strong army to kill.


The 20 troops of You Chu State poured out from the city gate one after another, following Hu Ganwen's generals, and rushed towards the million troops.

Are they... crazy?

Countless people who watched this scene were stunned, and only had this question in their minds.

The 300 million army did not move, but the mere 20 remnants of Youchu State directly broke through the city gate and came to kill them. Are you really not afraid of life and death?

What happened today, even if the Chu Kingdom was destroyed, it should also be recorded in the annals of history, and it will be famous through the ages.

Countless creatures remembered the name of You Chu State at this moment, and they also deeply knew that You Chu State's national prestige cannot be bullied.

"Taping the Kingdom of Chu, generals of all countries, please lead the army and fight."

Among the army of one million, a strong man of the dynasty looked at the surging army of 20 Chu Chu, and couldn't help showing a hint of admiration.In any case, at least You Chu State did not tarnish the dignity of the soldiers, which is worthy of respect.

"The name of You Chu Kingdom should be engraved in your heart, and you will never forget it in this life."

Many strong men withdrew their aloof eyes, looked at the army of You Chu State who charged towards them without fear of life and death, and murmured more solemnly.

"Tape the Kingdom of Chu, kill!"

However, even though You Chu State has won the respect of countless people in the world, it still cannot change its ending.

The 300 million army finally began to surge, and under the leadership of the powerful men from all over the world, they marched towards the Bone Spring Pass overwhelmingly.

At the same time, two extremely fast figures were rushing towards Guquan Pass, the speed was so fast that naked eyes could not catch it.

(End of this chapter)

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