The sword rises

Chapter 405 I take care of my family and live forever!

Chapter 405 I take care of my family and live forever!
Chapter [-] I, Gu Family, shall live forever!
In the blink of an eye, Gu Hengsheng stepped lightly on the ground with the fairy in white.

Gu Hengsheng took a deep look at the fairy in white whose eyes were still foggy, let go of her hand, and then walked towards the boundless Tianfeng Kingdom.

The fairy in white didn't speak, just quietly looked at the back of Gu Hengsheng's white shirt, as if returning to the scene two years ago, it was as warm as a dream and warmed my heart.

Gu Hengsheng slowly came to the front of the crowd in Tianfeng Kingdom.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng stuck the Jinghong Sword beside him, and looked at Old Master Gu and Gu Youmo who were much older in front of him, with ripples in his eyes.

There was a crisp sound, and everyone in the world fell back in shock. Everyone in Tianfeng Nation immediately retreated to the two sides, not daring to face Gu Hengsheng, and were stunned.

Gu Hengsheng... knelt down on both knees, and kowtowed slowly to Mr. Gu and Gu Youmo, thinking of the doting and kindness of his family in this life.

"Grandpa, second uncle, children are not filial."

Gu Hengsheng's whispered words reached the ears of countless people, making the world terrified when they watched this scene.

At this moment, Mr. Gu could no longer hold back his excited and trembling hunched body, his slightly sunken eyes were blurred by old tears, looking at Gu Hengsheng kneeling on his knees and bowing his head, he hurriedly said in a trembling voice: "It's fine , it's fine, okay..."

"You stinky...boy." Gu Youmo, the marshal of the blood hero who was fighting fiercely on the battlefield, burst into tears as his tiger's body shook, his cheeks filled with joy, and he kept murmuring muttered.

Thousands of troops and hundreds of millions of souls are silent here.

The one who is respected by the world and dare not be blasphemed, who stands high above and looks down on the common people, actually kneels and kowtows in front of the people of the world, it is shocking.

He vaguely remembered that during the battle of Tianxu, that overlord fought with Nangong Great Emperor on the summit of Qingcang in a bloody battle, regardless of the outcome.

The figure like a demon and a Buddha is still vivid in my mind, unable to be erased from my memory, and imprinted in the depths of my soul.

One of his swords seemed to wipe out everything in the world, pushing the eternal cycle of reincarnation horizontally, cutting out a frightening and creeping ten thousand miles of heavenly ruins, and severely damaging the way of heaven in a hundred countries.

Today, that one reappeared in the world, and countless souls knelt down and worshiped him, calling him - Your Majesty.

The name of His Excellency reverberates throughout the world, expressing the respect and admiration of the world to him.Even Dugu Shang, the sword master who suppressed an era a hundred years ago, did not receive this honor.

In the eyes of the world, a person like His Majesty should be arrogant and domineering, looking down on all the countries in the world.However, His Majesty disregarded his own status and knelt down in front of the people of the world, facing the elder whom he respected from the bottom of his heart.

This situation is enough to shock the world!
At this moment, countless people looked at the old man of the Gu family and Gu Youmo with envious and respectful eyes, and sighed in their hearts.

Perhaps, in the eyes of His Majesty, everything in the world is not as good as the people he cares about.The Tianfeng Kingdom cares about the family, and should be proud of respecting the superior. Who in the world would dare not respect the family?
"Stinky boy, come here and show the old man."

Old man Gu wanted so much to rush to Gu Hengsheng who was not far in front of him, but his legs were as heavy as billions of boulders at this moment, and he was so excited that he couldn't move, he choked up and cried out.

The sharp-edged spear held tightly in Gu Youmo's hand was slowly inserted into the ground, and with all his strength, he walked to Mr. Gu's side, and supported Mr. Gu, who was very excited and a little tottering.

"Okay." Gu Hengsheng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, showing a heartfelt smile, then slowly stood up from the ground, and walked in the direction of Mr. Gu.

As Gu Hengsheng fell step by step, everyone in the world tightly closed their lips and held their breath, not daring to disturb him.

The fairy in white was frosty and cold, and when she looked at Gu Hengsheng's back, she had disappeared without a trace.She stood up with a smile on her red lips, and stood quietly watching.

When Gu Hengsheng finally walked up to Mr. Gu, Mr. Gu stretched out a pair of wrinkled and withered hands, and touched Gu Hengsheng's handsome cheeks tremblingly, feeling strands of warmth.

"It's good to live, it's good to live..."

While caressing Gu Hengsheng's cheek, old man Gu said with trembling tears, water mist continuously emerged from the old man's eye sockets.Tears slid down and soaked his cheeks.

Gu Youmo's tiger body was also trembling slightly, unable to keep calm, he looked at Gu Hengsheng who was close by, and just smiled.

In front of Gu Youmo's eyes, the picture buried deep in his heart echoed unknowingly:
When Gu Hengsheng was 12 years old.

"Second Uncle, the baby is here to give you a massage and massage your back."

"Tell me! What happened this time? It's a bit too much to be so attentive!"

"It's nothing, it's just... I just accidentally led someone to beat up the young master of the Wang family."

"...Come here! Bring a wooden stick! I'm going to teach this brat a lesson today."

When Gu Hengsheng was 13 years old.

"Second Uncle, I'll make you a pot of tea."

"Speak up if you have something to say, don't talk about it, I don't know what kind of temper you have."

"That...second uncle, I told you not to be angry."


"I beat the son of the Minister of the Household Department, and the boy said that I was a coward who could only call people. So, I asked someone to beat him up. Second uncle, you can't blame me for this, it was the boy who first scold me."

He coughed out the tea he had just taken in: "You bastard, don't run away, get over here!"

"Second Uncle, I'm already this old, so don't spank me, save some face for me..."

Years passed by at a glance. It turned out that the stinky boy who caused troubles all day long had grown up unknowingly and became an existence admired by the world.

A layer of water mist covered Gu Youmo's eye sockets, and maybe tears would fall down in the next second.

"Grandpa, second uncle."

Looking at Mr. Gu and Gu Youmo, Gu Hengsheng couldn't help calling softly again.

This soft call directly made Mr. Gu raise his head and let out a long roar, and then laughed loudly: "Hahaha..."

"I take care of the family's seed, there is no waste!"

Old man Gu raised his head to the sky and roared loudly.

Thinking of Gu Hengsheng being ridiculed by countless people as a worthless waste in the past 20 years, Mr. Gu felt very uncomfortable. He gave Gu Hengsheng everything he and his family owned, hoping that Gu Hengsheng could live a carefree life.

At that time, his Gu family was full of loyalty, Gu's parents and sons all died in the battle, Gu Youmo also became disabled, and Gu Hengsheng was the only one left.

But Gu Hengsheng was unsatisfactory, he couldn't use his energy to cultivate, and he didn't think about making progress all day long.How could Mr. Gu not be saddened by this?
However, Mr. Gu still didn't give up on Gu Hengsheng, he still doted on him, protected him, and tried his best to make him live comfortably.

Later, after Gu Hengsheng lost the crown, he fought in Yanxingguan and became famous all over the world. He let everyone in Tianfeng Kingdom know that the third son of the Gu family is not a waste, but a generation of pride.

I thought that Gu Hengsheng would carry the glory of the Gu family, but he disappeared in the battle of Tianxu two years ago. It was rumored that Gu Hengsheng had died in the battle.Old man Gu washed his face with tears all day long, even though he was in the middle stage of the Earth Profound Realm, he has aged quite a bit.

Seeing Gu Hengsheng standing in front of him intact, Mr. Gu let out all the suppressed emotions in his heart, and shouted in front of everyone in the world: "I, the Gu family, will live forever in this world!"

(End of this chapter)

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