The sword rises

Chapter 407

Chapter 407
Chapter Four Hundred and Seven
The one-armed swordsman Han Ruian was Gu Hengsheng's good friend and brother in the past, and he was also a playboy.

It's just that after Gu Hengsheng recovered the memory of his previous life, he ruthlessly asked Han Ruian to hone his character, which caused Han Ruian to cut off his left arm, and there was a gap between the two of them.

Until the end of the battle of Tianxu, Jian Zun appeared in the capital of Tianfeng Kingdom, and recognized Han Ruian as his personal disciple in front of the people of the world, which envied countless people.

Han Ruian knew that he had broken Gu Hengsheng's heart. Unfortunately, after the battle of Tianxu, he didn't have any chance to talk to Gu Hengsheng, leaving a huge regret in his heart.

Ever since he followed Sword Master Dugu Shang, Han Ruian was no longer a dandy young master of Tianfeng Nation. He knew that the sky was big, and he understood how vast the land was.His feelings of guilt and gratitude towards Gu Hengsheng became stronger and stronger as he grew up.

Now, after watching the scene just now, he learned that Mr. Yun, who was sitting on the top of the Liuyue Mountains and discussing Taoism with his master, was the brother Gu that he missed day and night, so he should be very excited and delighted.

"Brother Gu..." With a call of Brother Gu, Han Ruian's longing was called out, and the gap between the two of them was completely dissipated with the wind: "I have been following the master to practice with all my heart, and I have lived up to you and you." Master's painstaking efforts."

"Silly boy, you are satisfied with the master I found for you!"

Gu Hengsheng scolded with a smile, as if thinking of the incident when he and Han Ruian sneaked around the capital to cause trouble when he was young.

When the world heard the words, they all responded in a burst of shock.

This is Sword Master!What a great opportunity and blessing it is to be able to become his only direct disciple who wiped out the existence of a high-ranking dynasty with a single sword a hundred years ago, yet it is so understated in the words of His Majesty.

Compared with people, it is simply maddening.

Countless people looked at the one-armed swordsman Han Ruian from a distance, all showing a hint of envy.Being able to become the brother of the Supreme Master, call the Supreme Master the elder brother, and also be the disciple of the Sword Master, this is something that hundreds of millions of living beings dare not even dream of.

"Master treats me like a child, and being able to be with Master is my blessing from thousands of lifetimes of cultivation."

Han Ruian was no longer as impetuous as before, so he naturally stopped talking carelessly, and bowed respectfully to Sword Master Dugu Shang.

"That's good." Gu Hengsheng nodded slowly.

At this moment, a figure stepped on the wall of Guquan Pass, which attracted everyone's attention.

Who?How dare you disturb the conversation between Sword Master and Your Majesty, do you want to die?
When this figure approached quickly, the first reaction of the world was to be shocked.

"Benefactor Dugu, Master Gu, the poor monk said that you are not tired of talking like this! Why don't you find a place to sit down and chat. You are not tired, the poor monk is tired just looking at it."

The person who came was the fat monk Kongjie who had been waiting and watching at the Guquan Pass. He volleyed carelessly between Gu Hengsheng and Sword Master Dugushang, and said loudly.

All of a sudden, the crowd gasped and stared at the fat monk Kong Jie in plain cassock with wide eyes.

Who is this grandpa?How could he actually talk to His Majesty and Sword Master like this?

"I see. He is the mysterious monk who appeared in the snowy area. He suppressed an old man from Xia Chengguo. I heard that he even made that old man convert to Buddhism on the spot and shaved his hair to become a monk."

In the vast crowd, a strong man of the dynasty glanced at the fat monk Kong Jie, and then exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes! I remember it too! Once on the top of the Luyue Mountains, on the day Jian Zun preached, it was this monk, and His Majesty and Jian Zun, the three of them sat together."

Immediately, someone spoke excitedly.


Another person who is on the same level as Zun Zun and Zun Jian, the land of a hundred kingdoms is about to be turned upside down.

At this moment, people in the world dare not discuss the fat monk Kongjie indiscriminately, for fear of provoking the dissatisfaction of a supreme being, it will be a big trouble.

"Since the master has proposed this, how about we find a place to have a drink slowly?" Sword Master Dugu Shang nodded and said in a deep voice.

"Hey, you can have this." The fat monk Kongjie licked his lips, and put his gaze on Gu Hengsheng: "Gu Hengsheng, when the poor monk sent the female benefactor back to Tianfeng Kingdom, you promised the poor monk three Ten altars of fine wine, shouldn't it be cashed in?"

"Of course." Gu Hengsheng grinned and said.

On the yellow sand land, the white-clothed fairy heard the words of the fat monk Kongjie, her delicate body was slightly startled, and the doubts in her heart were immediately resolved.

So it turned out that when he was in the snowy land, this monk suddenly appeared to help him, and even protected him all the way back to Tianfeng Kingdom. It turned out that this was all arranged by Gu Hengsheng.

The matter that had always puzzled the fairy in white immediately suddenly became clear.At that time in the snowy area, she always felt that Gu Hengsheng was beside her.

The fairy in white looked at the man in white in the void, and smiled sweetly with her red lips.

"This is the end of the attack on Chu by a hundred countries, and the countries will return!"

Gu Hengsheng turned his head and said to the emperors of the Hundred Kingdoms.

"Follow your orders."

Xia Chengguo Emperor Luo Weichen smiled wryly in his heart, and saluted.

Afterwards, Hundred Nations did not dare to stay here anymore, and began to change the direction of the army in an orderly manner, intending to leave here.

Gu Hengsheng slowly fell from the void, looked at each other affectionately and said to the fairy in white: "Go back with the old man and the others first, and I will go home soon, okay?"

The fairy in white stretched out her plain hand to caress Gu Hengsheng's cheek. The white dress was dancing and charming, and she whispered, "Okay, I'll wait for you to come back."

"En." Gu Hengsheng's face was filled with tenderness, and he stared at Li Qiurou, the fairy in white, for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Hengsheng took a look at Mr. Gu and Gu Youmo, and expressed his thoughts.Both Mr. Gu and Mr. Gu knew that Gu Hengsheng is extraordinary now, and there are many things to do, so they nodded slowly.

Therefore, the fairy in white followed the army of Tianfeng Kingdom, looked at Gu Hengsheng's figure, and gradually left.

Gu Hengsheng's figure flashed to the sky above the Guquan Pass, and said to Yu Menghua: "From today on, You Chu Kingdom will be handed over to you. I believe that one day you will be proud of the world and ascend the throne."

"First... the kindness of the lord, Menghua will always be in my heart." Yu Menghua suddenly found that the distance between herself and Gu Hengsheng was even further away. Although they were close by, they were still far away.

"You don't have to, just call me sir!" Gu Hengsheng chuckled.

"Yes, sir." Yu Menghua's eyes trembled slightly, and she spoke in a hoarse voice.

Sir, I will definitely devote my whole life to practice and level the world, to touch the high throne of Nangong, who has surpassed 3000 years.I hope that by then, I will not be so far away from you.

Yu Menghua murmured to herself, a pair of jade hands tightly wrapped around Liu's waist.

"Hua Ze, if you want, go to Tianfeng Country!" Gu Hengsheng turned his eyes to Yu Huaze and said solemnly.

"Yes, Master, this disciple will set off for Tianfeng Nation immediately."

Yu Huaze's body trembled with excitement, and he prostrated himself as a disciple.He knew that this might be the greatest opportunity in his life.

Gu Hengsheng glanced at all the officials and officials traveling in Chu Kingdom, and stopped talking, but stood side by side with Sword Master Dugu Shang in a flash.

Afterwards, the sword master in the void, the fat monk Kongjie, and Gu Hengsheng all disappeared and disappeared from the eyes of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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