The sword rises

Chapter 413 The Picturesque Beauty, Stunning Forever

Chapter 413 The Picturesque Beauty, Stunning Forever

Chapter 410 Three picturesque beauty, amazing forever

The imperial capital, the Gu family.

Gu Hengsheng was one step ahead of everyone and stepped into the door of the Gu family.Looking at the familiar environment around him, his always stern face gradually relaxed a bit.


The guards at the gate puffed up their chests and shouted loudly.

All the guards stared at Gu Hengsheng out of the corner of their eyes, a stream of heat flowed to every part of their body, they were proud of being part of Gu's family.Because the man in the white shirt in front of him, the master respected by the world, is their young master.

Some of the guards who had been guarding the house for ten years discovered for the first time that their young master was so handsome and extraordinary, which was the pride of their Gu family and even Tianfeng Nation.

Familiar faces came into Gu Hengsheng's eyes one by one, which made him feel extremely comfortable.

At this time, a beautiful figure walked slowly from the deep courtyard of the Gu family, making Gu Hengsheng stunned for a moment.

She was wearing a blood-red dragging dress, a pair of glazed jade boots, a white jade hairpin on her head, and a pale pink flowing ribbon around her waist.

A bit of cinnabar appeared between his eyebrows, and his bright red lips dimmed the flowers.

Li Qiurou, a fairy in white, put on a red dress, and came here affectionately just for him.

Her face, like a banished fairy in a painting, like a beautiful woman in a dream, is enough to amaze all ages and captivate all living beings in the world.

"Rou'er..." Gu Hengsheng couldn't help but pause, a little afraid that the scene in front of him would turn into a dream, and his handsome and cold expression instantly turned into a touch of tenderness.

This red dress was the wedding dress when Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou got married two years ago.

A little cinnabar between Li Qiurou's eyebrows can dim all the colors in the world.

For Gu Hengsheng, the beauty in the world is not as good as the cinnabar between her eyebrows.Because she is Gu Hengsheng's wife, that's all.

"Does it look good?"

Li Qiurou slowly opened her vermilion lips, which were as red as the sun, and smiled coquettishly.


Gu Hengsheng raised the corner of his mouth slowly, looked at the beautiful woman in front of him, and replied softly from the bottom of his heart.

"The big wedding two years ago, we haven't finished yet?" Li Qiurou looked directly at Gu Hengsheng affectionately, removed the cold mask she showed to the world, and said softly.

Two years ago, when Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou got married, Li Qiurou collapsed and passed out, her soul was almost swallowed by the bloody imprint of heaven.

Therefore, that wedding was not completed after all, and it became a regret for countless people.

Now, Li Qiurou is wearing a red robe, the meaning is already obvious.

"I see." Gu Hengsheng opened his mouth, looked at beautiful woman Ruyu, and said with a soft smile.

At the gate of Gu's house, Mr. Gu and others all saw this scene, and couldn't help but marvel at Li Qiurou's youthful and peerless appearance.Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and they all saw the relief and joy in their eyes.

At this moment, their Gu family is truly complete.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Hengsheng slowly walked up to Li Qiurou's delicate body, and embraced the beautiful woman in his arms with his right hand.

With nephrite in his arms, Gu Hengsheng didn't have any blasphemous intentions, but only the love from the bottom of his heart.

Because of Gu Hengsheng's hug, Li Qiurou's pink cheeks flushed with a blush, contrasting with the cinnabar between her brows, concealing the beauty of the world.

It is impossible to describe Li Qiurou's charming and charming posture at the moment.

Gu Hengsheng held Li Qiurou in his arms, and walked towards the sky.

Li Qiurou didn't know what Gu Hengsheng was going to do, but she didn't resist at all, letting Gu Hengsheng hug her waist, she just looked at Gu Hengsheng's handsome cheek with a pair of beautiful eyes, her heart was full of warmth.

Soon, Gu Hengsheng carried Li Qiurou to the top of the sky, as if he was about to touch the Wanli Tianxu above the sky.

"I am Tianfeng Country, Gu family, Gu Hengsheng."

Suddenly, Gu Hengsheng surged with profound energy all over his body, looked down at all the creatures in the world, and said loudly like thunder: "Two years ago, the wedding between my wife and I was unfinished for some reason, and we will reunite in two months. held."

"Today, I would like to announce to the world that Li Qiurou from the Li family of Tianfeng Kingdom is my wife, Gu Hengsheng!"

Gu Hengsheng's voice swept through the sky and rolled to every place in the world: "The big wedding ceremony in two months' time will be celebrated by all countries, and the world will drink together!"


For a moment, everyone in the world was stunned, and then looked at the two figures in the sky with admiration.

Your Majesty wants to complete the unfinished wedding with Fairy in White, and they will reunite for a big wedding two months later!

At this moment, one after another majestic announcement mixed with Gu Hengsheng's profound energy spread from the imperial capital of Tianfeng Nation to all parts of the world at a high speed, shocking the world.

Li Qiurou was startled suddenly, and slightly opened her watery eyes, staring straight at Gu Hengsheng's side face.

I, Gu Hengsheng... my wife.

Gu Hengsheng's every word turned into streams of warm affection, which flowed deep into Li Qiurou's heart and will never be forgotten.

Li Qiurou smiled.She slowly leaned her head on Gu Hengsheng's shoulder, and slowly closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth and happiness of this moment.

At the gate of Gu's house, Mr. Gu, Gu Youmo and the others were shocked, and then looked at the two figures in the sky with great joy.

"Your Majesty is going to officially marry the fairy in white, and the real celebration is the most important event in our land of a hundred countries!" All the people in the world exclaimed in shock.

"No, I'm going to Tianfeng Nation immediately to witness the wedding between Your Majesty and the Fairy in White." Many people planned to leave for Tianfeng Nation immediately, wanting to witness the wedding that the whole world is watching.

"Pass the order of Gu Yu, immediately clean up the treasury, select the treasured things in the world, and prepare a big gift. Two months later, Gu will go to Tianfeng Kingdom to celebrate his grand wedding in person."

The dynasties of all the countries in the world have become lively, and they are eager to prepare the best gift.

"Is Your Majesty going to marry Fairy in White? Fairy in White is really lucky!" Countless women in the world looked at Tianfeng Kingdom with envious eyes.

In the first battle of Chu Kingdom, the queen ascended the throne, which shocked the whole world.As a result, the status of women has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the world has begun to formalize women's rights.

And the leader of all this is that high and mighty lord, who has become an existence that all women in the world respect and appreciate.

For all the women in the world, being able to accompany their ancestors and become their wives is simply something that they can't even imagine.They can only bless their lord and the fairy in white with envy.

"Sir, are you... are you going to get married? The fairy in white is full of youth, and only she can be worthy of your husband!"

The first empress of the Hundred Kingdoms looked in the direction of Tianfeng Nation, a flash of satisfied memory flashed in her eyes, and a smile slowly appeared on her red lips.

Your Majesty ordered that if you want to make a grand wedding, where in the world would you not be surprised?

(End of this chapter)

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