The sword rises

Chapter 42 The storm is about to rise!

Chapter 42 The storm is about to rise!

Chapter 42 Storms are about to rise!

The arrival of Gu Hengsheng reassured the panic-stricken people.

Their respectful eyes focused on Gu Hengsheng, as if they wanted to say a lot, but they didn't know how to say it.

"Since you're all here, that's good. From now on, this mountain forest will be your residence and a place of experience." Gu Hengsheng looked at a timid and frightened expression, and said as calmly as water.

Regarding Gu Hengsheng's words, everyone seemed to be half understanding and nodded.

"Now, as long as you don't step out of the deep valley, you can arrange it yourself! I will come here to look for you in a few days." Gu Hengsheng glanced at everyone indifferently through the moonlight shining on the ground, and said.

" lord, it's so late, where should we sleep?" a girl asked submissively.

"Huh?" Gu Hengsheng squinted his eyes, pretending to be contemplative and annoyed, and said in a deep voice, "Do you still want me to build a house for you? Or should I take good care of you?"


As soon as Gu Hengsheng's words came out, everyone was shocked and turned pale. They all knelt down, lowered their heads tremblingly and said, "My lord, calm down."

"Hmph! You have to understand that if you want to live well, you can only rely on yourself. This young master has given you the opportunity. As for whether you can go on, it's up to you."

In the past month, these people have gotten used to the days of easy study. Gu Hengsheng doesn't want to accept a batch of stuff that only knows how to eat, drink and wait to die. Of course, he must hone them well.

"Your only task now is to survive in this valley. As for how to do it, that is your own business. After a while, I will come to you again. I hope you will not become the food in the belly of the beast and poisonous snake. "

Young eagles spread their wings, and tempering is indispensable. If they blindly let them practice and learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting comfortably, they will definitely be embarrassing in the future.Therefore, if you want them to really grow up, you can only make them feel the pressure between life and death.

"Don't worry, son, we will definitely not let you down." Shangguan Hai gritted his teeth and spoke first.

"Try to survive! You are too weak now." Gu Hengsheng's indifferent eyes swept across, making everyone's hearts sink, and they all felt the chill rolling from the depths of their souls.

Is it too weak?

Shangguanhai clenched his fists secretly, the inner surge quietly made waves.

Therefore, Gu Hengsheng ignored Gong Xinyue and the others, but turned around and walked outside.

When leaving, Gu Hengsheng also said something that everyone will never forget: "When you can really overlook the world one day, you will understand that today's tempering is nothing. As for now, whether you can become full members of Jianyu Pavilion , Whether you can make your future stand above all people depends on your own efforts."

The back gradually moved away, and the figures of Gu Hengsheng and Yan Chenge gradually disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The wind was like a knife, fiercely blowing on everyone's faces and souls, making them feel endless coolness and chill.

The moon was like a hook, and the faint light spread in the deep valley and forest, presenting the complex emotions on everyone's faces.

The sound was like a string, and Gu Hengsheng's words lingered in everyone's ears for a long time, and the worry and panic on everyone's faces showed a bit of firm will.

Live, that's the first step.

Only by living can we have a future.

Looking at the back of Gu Hengsheng who had disappeared into the night, someone gritted his teeth, and said firmly, "I don't want to be sold as goods, and I don't want to go back to the life of begging on the street. I want to become stronger and more powerful." You have to impress the young master, and make those who used to be high above prostrate."

This person's words broke the eerie silence like a deep voice.

Everyone clenched their fists at this moment, and their eyes were no longer blurred, confused or frightened.Because they never want to go back to the painful days of previous years, they want to overlook this unfair land.

"Let's live on! For ourselves, but also for the son."

Gong Xinyue's charming face was a bit more determined, her willow skirt fluttered lightly in the cold wind, and her eyes were full of stars like the moon.

At this moment, even in the face of unknown dangers in the deep valley, everyone is no longer so panic and fearful.Instead, they took big strides and walked towards the deep forest to find their way and opportunity.

Young master, next time you come, I will definitely be much stronger than now, for sure!
Shangguanhai couldn't help but glance back at the direction Gu Hengsheng left, secretly clenched his immature fists, and then walked deeper into the valley forest without hesitation.


In the dead of night, after Gu Hengsheng and Yan Chenge left the deep valley and forest, they did not return to Beijing immediately, but casually leaned against a big tree to rest in the jungle by the roadside.

Because the city gate in Beijing is closed now, if Gu Hengsheng wants to go in, he can definitely rely on his status as the eldest son of the Gu family to let the guards guarding the gate open the gate, but that will definitely be noticed.

Therefore, in order not to attract the attention of others, Gu Hengsheng and Yan Chenge did not return to the city immediately.After dawn the next day, they quietly entered with the sea of ​​people.

In the dark night, Gu Hengsheng leaned against a big tree by the side of the road, while Yan Chenge stood quietly aside.

"My lord, there is something unclear about Chenge. I don't know whether to say it or not." Yan Chenge looked up at the scattered stars in the sky, and said to Gu Hengsheng with some hesitation.

"Then don't talk about it." Gu Hengsheng took a deep look at Yan Chenge, who was already condensed with flesh and blood, and replied as plain as water.

"..." Yan Chenge was startled, and then replied respectfully: "Yes."

Quiet, the vast wilderness is uninhabited.

I don't know how long it has passed, the master and the servant just kept silent, each thinking, each thinking.

"Chen Ge." Gu Hengsheng slowly opened his eyes and called softly.

"Yes." Yan Chenge didn't close his eyes, he stood in place and guarded his surroundings. Now that he is a strong man in the Earth Profound Realm, he is many times stronger than before, so naturally he doesn't feel tired.

"I know what you want to say just now. Those girls and boys really look like burdens at the moment. If they have no heart, their talent is not amazing. But don't forget, they are still young, and they still have a lot of money. The possibilities are endless."

Gu Hengsheng said in a serious voice: "The land of the sword market, I brought you out of the sword market. Tonight I also help you enter the path of ghost cultivation and re-condense your physical body. Your life will start today. Another chapter has been opened, and no one can predict what the future holds."

"And if I give those girls a chance, it will depend on their own ability to go to the next step. They are so weak today, and in a few years, who can say for sure."

Gu Hengsheng smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth, staring deeply at Yan Chenge.

"My lord, I understand, I'm short-sighted." Yan Chenge said respectfully, clasping his fists.

One day, he opened his eyes hazily, and a ray of morning light pierced the sky and descended on the earth.

Gu Hengsheng sank his mind, looked at the majestic capital city wall in front of him, and said calmly: "Let's go! It's time to go to Li's house."

Marriage, is it really possible?

In this life, as the son of the Gu family, how could the Gu family be so humiliated?

In Gu Hengsheng's plain eyes, a strong aura that could suppress the world gradually swept through.

The wind and cloud are about to rise, and it seems that the world is about to roll up billowy waves and yellow sand again.


(End of this chapter)

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