The sword rises

Chapter 428 After the big wedding, the Buddhas are alive

Chapter 428 After the big wedding, the Buddhas are alive

Chapter 420 After the big wedding, all the Buddhas shine

"Since all those who participated in the events of the past are no longer alive, my Gu family does not want to use a blood knife. Ordinary creatures in Yanyu Kingdom are innocent. Let this matter come to an end!"

Originally, Mr. Gu planned to personally lead the army to conquer Yanyu Kingdom after his wedding, but after learning that the people who plotted against Gu's family were all dead, he didn't know who to seek revenge on.

"However, from now on, Yanyu Kingdom will not offend Tianfeng Country by half an inch. If it happens, I will take care of my family, and I will personally lead the army and wash the entire Yanyu Kingdom with blood!"

Mr. Gu slapped the table hard, shaking Wei Hehe.

"Thank you, General Gu, for your kindness. On behalf of the millions of people in Yanyu Kingdom, I would like to thank you."

The Emperor of Yanyu Kingdom let go of all his dignity and kowtowed again.

Everyone looked at the behavior of Yan Yu's emperor, and they all said to themselves in their hearts: "A man can bend and stretch, he is really a hero."

If it were someone else, would he kneel down and beg in front of the emperors of all kingdoms?

However, the new emperor of Yanyu Kingdom can let go of all dignity, which is not something ordinary people can do.

"Decree to the world, if the people who participated in the murder of my Gu family in the Yan Yu country do not die, then it will be the time for my Gu family to conquer the Yan Yu country."

Regarding Mr. Gu's decision, Gu Hengsheng couldn't refute it anymore. He knew that Mr. Gu didn't want to be in the bloody world anymore, so he could only say indifferently: "I hope Yanyu Kingdom didn't deceive my Gu family. If someone let me know what happened back then You are not dead, you should know the consequences."

"Thank you for your kindness, my Yan Yu Kingdom will never have the guts to deceive you."

The emperor of Yanyu Kingdom immediately opened his mouth as if he had received an amnesty.

"I hope so! Now, you can go." Gu Hengsheng responded coldly.

"Yes." The King of Yanyu Kingdom slowly got up from the ground, and walked out of the gate of the Gu family with a gloomy expression.

Although the Yanyu Kingdom escaped a catastrophe, everyone in the world knew that the Yanyu Kingdom would probably go into decline in the future, and there would be no possibility of a turnaround.

After Yanyu King left in despair, the atmosphere in the Gu family gradually eased a bit.

"Benefactor Gu, it's time to pay homage. Don't tell me you're regretting that you want to enter my Buddhist sect?"

The fat monk Kongjie's words directly dispelled the heavy look just now, causing everyone to laugh and laugh.

Gu Hengsheng was already used to every word of the fat monk Kongjie and ignored it completely.

"Third Young Master, Young Madam, it's time to pay homage." Seeing the change in the atmosphere, Yi Bo walked over with a smile on his face, and reminded him gently.

Gu Hengsheng nodded to Yi Bo, and then took Li Qiurou's jade hand to the center of the lobby.

Everyone also put aside what happened just now, ignored it, and looked at Gu Hengsheng in silence.

Mr. Gu and the others sat on the high seats, watching the newcomers who were about to visit the hall with doting and gratifying eyes, and lamented that Gu Hengsheng had grown up in a blink of an eye.

"The young master and the young madam used to pay homage to each other, so let's go directly to each other!" Yi Bo originally wanted to start with one worship of heaven and earth, but when he thought that Gu Hengsheng had almost pierced the way of heaven and earth in this hundred kingdoms, he jumped straight away. pass.

Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou looked at each other, smiled lightly, and bowed to each other.


Yi Bo stood aside and shouted again.

Immediately, two maidservants came with jade cups. Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou stepped forward and respectfully handed the wine cups to Mr. Gu and Mr. Li.

The two old men swept away the matter of Yanyu Kingdom just now, laughed loudly, and drank the fine wine in their cups.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou offered the wine to Gu Youmo, Mo Miaoling, Li Wenhao and other elders one after another.

Finally, Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou walked to the spiritual tablet placed on the side of the lobby.

There are four spiritual seats in total, they are Gu Chengjun and others who died that year, and Gu Hengsheng's parents and elder brothers.

"Today, Rou'er and I are married, and I invite my parents and elder brothers to drink this glass of wine."

Gu Hengsheng took a deep breath, took a glass of fine wine, and sprinkled it in front of the spirit seat.

Li Qiurou pursed her red lips tightly, and saluted to the spiritual tablet, expressing her heart.

Mr. Gu's eyes were moist. He believed that if Gu Chengjun and others saw this scene, they would be very relieved.


Yi Bo was extremely happy to witness that Gu Hengsheng was finally able to get married.

"All the guests are invited to have a wedding banquet. If my Gu family has not entertained well, please forgive me."

Mr. Gu stood up from the throne, toasted a glass of wine to the kings and powerful men of various countries, and said loudly.

Seeing this, everyone naturally returned their salutes.

Gu Hengsheng held on tightly to Li Qiurou's delicate hands. The two of them had gone through so many twists and turns, and they finally reached where they are today.

Among the crowd, Yu Huaze waited quietly, watching this scene in silence.

In the distant country of You Chu, the first empress of a hundred countries did not come to the Gu family in person, but asked Yu Huaze to congratulate on behalf of the country of You Chu.Because, Yu Menghua knew that her time was short, and her journey had just begun.

"Sir, Menghua blesses you and the Fairy in White."

Yu Menghua landed in the East Courtyard of the Royal Palace of Youchu State, as if seeing Gu Hengsheng's earnest teachings to her back then, she muttered to herself.

Now that she plans to embark on this road, Yu Menghua will go forward regardless of everything, even if her body is broken into pieces.She just hoped that one day, when she ascended to the top of a hundred kingdoms and became a generation of empress, she would not disappoint Mr. Baiyi's expectations.

Perhaps in a few years, the appearance of the empress will sweep the world and overlook the world.

In the capital of Tianfeng Country, Baimenglou Yage.

In Mingyan Pavilion, a woman seemed to have seen the grand ceremony of the Gu family, and slowly showed a smile.

"Is the path of practice difficult?"

The woman's name is Cheng Xunran, a generation of piano masters, she gently touched her fair cheeks, and said to herself: "If you can succeed in cultivation, you can add some years! Your appearance won't age so quickly Bar!"

In a daze, Cheng Xunran saw the scene of a young man in white intruding into her accordion, with red lips curled up in a smile, and he murmured softly: "I hope I can still play a piano for you in my lifetime."

"So, this life is enough."


Tianfeng Kingdom, the imperial capital, and the Gu family.

The fat monk Kong Jie, who was always carefree, also put away his smile, and slowly walked towards Gu Hengsheng from one side.

"Gu benefactor, today you are married to the benefactor, so the poor monk must not drink your wedding wine empty-handed."

As the fat monk Kongjie spoke, he took off the Buddhist bead on his left wrist and handed it to Li Qiurou: "This thing is called Zhufozhaoshengzhu. The female benefactor can carry it on her body, and it is safe to protect her body."

"Thank you, Master." Li Qiurou was taken aback for a moment, although she didn't know what the function of the beads were, she still respectfully took them from her hand and chuckled lightly.

Gu Hengsheng took a deep look at the fat monk Kongjie, and saw a trace of heartache from the bottom of his eyes.Then Gu Hengsheng put his eyes on the Buddhist bead in Li Qiurou's hand, unable to see through it.

"Rou'er, if that's the case, then you should always carry it with you, so don't let down Master's wishes." Although Gu Hengsheng couldn't see through the Buddhist beads, according to the temperament of the fat monk Kongjie, it must be a rare treasure. asked.

"En." Li Qiurou nodded lightly, and put the Buddhist beads away.

Fat Monk Kongjie's eyes flashed with pain, and he was muttering something in a low voice.

"Your Majesty is overjoyed, and I'm here to congratulate you."

At this moment, a voice came from the gate of the Gu family, accompanied by a figure in a red robe.

(End of this chapter)

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