The sword rises

Chapter 44 Li family, not qualified yet!

Chapter 44 Li family, not qualified yet!

Chapter 44 The Li family, not qualified yet!

"Li Yixuan, Qiurou's cousin."

The black-faced man snorted coldly, and said boldly.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Gu Hengsheng responded indifferently, and Li Yixuan, the black-faced man, gritted his teeth with a look of indifference.

What Gu Hengsheng said next made Li Yixuan want to tear him apart: "Yixuan is named after, elegant and quiet, like the breeze in the mountains, like the spirit of ancient Moxuan. It's a pity, such a good name makes you so vulgar The big man is defiled."

What the hell!

Li Yixuan was startled, as if he didn't expect that the well-known dandy in the capital would be able to say... such literati words.

The maids waiting quietly at the side couldn't help but take a few extra glances at Gu Hengsheng, who was drinking tea like Mr. Pian Pianjia, and felt that the rumors were a bit false.

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about? What do you mean I've tarnished this name." The next moment, Li Yixuan blushed, and angrily raised his hand to grab Gu Hengsheng's shoulder.

"Presumptuous!" Before Li Yixuan touched even half of Gu Hengsheng's body, Yan Chenge, who was standing quietly behind Gu Hengsheng, suddenly raised his empty and sharp eyes, and rebuked in a low voice.

As a servant, I should always protect the safety of the Lord, and not allow anyone to challenge the majesty of the Lord.Even if he sacrificed his life for this, Yan Chenge had no complaints, because everything he had was given by Gu Hengsheng.

In an instant, Li Yixuan was taken back half a step by the breath from Yan Chenge, and he shouted from the bottom of his heart with a startled face: "Master!"

"Hmph!" Li Yixuan found that the servant behind Gu Hengsheng was an unfathomable strong man, so he had to suppress his anger. He glared at Gu Hengsheng and snorted coldly, "Young master Gu, tomorrow my Li family will come to you!" I want to give a dowry to the Gu family, I wonder if Mr. Gu is ready?"

After you marry into the Li family, the Gu family has no right to arrange for experts to follow you closely. At that time, I will be your cousin in name. See if I don't educate you well.Li Yixuan muttered a few words with a sneer in his heart, as if he had already planned how to educate Gu Hengsheng after he got married.

"Can you represent the Li family?" Gu Hengsheng didn't pay attention to such a vulgar aggressive method at all, but raised his head and asked abruptly.

A deep smile appeared on the corner of Li Yixuan's mouth, and he immediately froze because of these words. He was only a younger generation of the Li family, how could he be qualified to represent the Li family, he also had his father and uncle, as well as the old and vigorous old man Li Tianyuan.

If Li Yixuan really catered to Gu Hengsheng's words and said that he could represent the Li family, then he might be taught a lesson.Therefore, Li Yixuan replied: "Of course not."

"My son can represent the Gu family." Before Li Yixuan's words died down, Gu Hengsheng continued.

"..." Li Yixuan opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, and stared at Gu Hengsheng blankly.

"You don't even have the qualifications to represent the Li family, so don't wander around in front of me. Wherever you go, don't stand here to block your eyes." Gu Hengsheng glanced at Li Yixuan lightly with his indifferent eyes, his tone seemed very As it should be.

"I..." Li Yixuan was just a rough guy. He joined the army since he was a child and rarely stayed in the capital. This time he came back to Beijing because of the marriage between the Gu family and the Li family.

He just wanted to see what kind of dude from the Gu family who bullied Qiurou's sister, and planned to teach him a lesson.However, Li Yixuan never thought that Gu Hengsheng would force him to have nothing to say with a few words, which made him anxious and wanted to beat Gu Hengsheng up.However, Yan Chenge standing quietly behind Gu Hengsheng was protecting him like a poisonous snake, and Li Yixuan couldn't do anything at all.

"This is my home." Li Yixuan thought for a while, and then burst out this sentence coldly, as if to refute Gu Hengsheng's telling him to leave.

"My lord knows, you can go." Gu Hengsheng nonchalantly took a sip of the fragrant tea, and said plainly without even looking at Li Yixuan.

Depend on!
Hearing the sound, Li Yixuan was about to erupt.He has been in the army since he was a child, and he has been fighting enemies for many years, and he is not as powerless as he is when he talks to Gu Hengsheng today.It was as if he had punched hard, only to find that he was hit on a thick ball of cotton, which was quite uncomfortable.

"You!" Li Yixuan pointed at Gu Hengsheng, gnashing his teeth angrily.

"Xuan'er, don't be rude to Mr. Gu."

At this time, an old voice mixed with a touch of majesty came into the lobby.

When Li Yixuan heard it, his hulking body trembled subconsciously, then turned his head to the old man standing by the door, bowed respectfully and said, "Grandpa."

All the maids in the hall also bowed to the old man one after another, not daring to show any disrespect.

The person who came was Li Tianyuan, the pillar of the Li family and the first-rank minister of the Tianfeng Kingdom.

Li Tianyuan was dressed in gray brocade casual clothes, his hair was lightly bunched up on top of his head, and his two-inch beard looked extremely pale.A faint power and long-standing official power emanated from his body, making many people breathless.

"Master Li." Facing the majestic Li Tianyuan, Gu Hengsheng still sat quietly on the guest seat, slightly raised his hands and greeted him.

"Stinky boy, you're still standing, why don't you hurry up and salute Grandpa." Li Yixuan looked at Gu Hengsheng who still didn't intend to get up, and quickly reprimanded him.

Li Yixuan didn't care about etiquette, and Gu Hengsheng was sitting and talking to him before, so he didn't bother to care about these details.But now that Li Tianyuan came in person, no matter how bad Gu Hengsheng was, he had to get up and salute!
After all, after the official marriage tomorrow, Gu Hengsheng will be a member of the Li family. If Li Tianyuan doesn't want to see him in the future because of Gu Hengsheng's disrespect today, then Gu Hengsheng's life in the Li family will be really difficult in the future.

Therefore, Li Yixuan reprimanded Gu Hengsheng on the surface, but it was actually for Gu Hengsheng's sake.After all, Gu Hengsheng will be his brother-in-law from now on.

Li Tianyuan didn't say a word, just looked at Gu Hengsheng quietly, as if he was waiting for Gu Hengsheng to salute him.

"My son is a human being in this life. He doesn't respect the world, but only respects the elders of the family." Gu Hengsheng glanced at Li Yixuan indifferently, and said lightly.

On the surface, Gu Hengsheng was speaking to Li Yixuan, but in reality he was speaking to Li Tianyuan.

Gu Hengsheng just wanted to tell Li Tianyuan that not everyone could afford his dignity and Ling Ran's arrogance.At least, Li Tianyuan is not qualified enough.

"You..." Li Yixuan was stunned. He pointed at Gu Hengsheng in a daze. You're going to kill yourself! Brother can't help it!"

Hearing Gu Hengsheng's words, a trace of dissatisfaction and sharpness flashed in Li Tianyuan's eyes, and then he walked to the main seat with a stern expression, staring at Gu Hengsheng.

The look that flashed in Li Tianyuan's eyes couldn't be hidden from Gu Hengsheng's eyes.Regarding this, Gu Hengsheng didn't care what Li Tianyuan thought at all, he calmly picked up the fragrant tea on the table and took a sip.

You want to save my face, Gu Hengsheng, and make me bow and salute, the Li family is not qualified enough!
(End of this chapter)

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