The sword rises

Chapter 443

Chapter 443
Chapter 440 Three Storms Are Coming
Mo Xiuyang was a little emotional and excited. Now that he had Gu Hengsheng's guarantee, he couldn't hide the emotion in his heart and smiled.

Da da da……

Then, the sound of footsteps came from the backyard.

Gu Youmo strode forward with Gu Qingyan in his arms, walked to Mo Xiuyang's side, looked down at Gu Qingyan, and whispered: "Your Majesty, you see that Qingyan looks more and more like her mother." .”

"Let me hug Qingyan." Mo Xiuyang stretched out his hands and hugged Gu Qingyan in his arms, teased Gu Qingyan's pink cheeks kindly, and said softly: "Little girl, I will definitely be with you in the future." Your mother is as beautiful."

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..." Gu Qingyan let out a voice with her mouth open, she didn't know what she was talking about, her tender hands grabbed the white beard on Mo Xiuyang's chin, and pulled it with all her strength. As if wanting to pull it out.

"Wow..." No matter how hard he tried, Gu Qingyan couldn't pull Mo Xiuyang's beard, and began to cry a little bit aggrieved, and looked at Gu Youmo with big watery eyes: "Father... ...Wow...Dad..."

Gu Qingyan's soft call directly warmed Gu Youmo's heart.Gu Youmo quickly hugged Gu Qingyan from Mo Xiuyang's arms, and began to coax him: "Qingyan don't cry, be good, don't cry."

After being in Gu Youmo's arms for a while, Gu Qingyan seemed to feel the warmth, then put his right thumb in his mouth, the crying stopped slowly, and looked at Gu Youmo inexplicably and smiled: " hey-hey……"

"Silly girl." A trace of tenderness flashed in Gu Youmo's eyes, and he pampered Gu Qingyan's pink nose.

On Gu Qingyan's pink cheeks, there were two lines of dripping tears, which looked pitiful and pitiful.


Old man Gu and Mo Xiuyang looked at Gu Qingyan's cute appearance, looked at each other and laughed.

Gu Hengsheng also showed a smile from the bottom of his heart, wanting to tease the limp Gu Qingyan.


At this time, a guard rushed in from the gate of the Gu family in a hurry, instantly breaking the warm atmosphere in the lobby of the Gu family.

"whats the matter?"

This guard was Mo Xiuyang's personal attendant, presumably something important happened, so he rushed in.Therefore, Mo Xiuyang quickly put away the smile on the corner of his mouth, and asked solemnly.

Gu Hengsheng, Mr. Gu and the others also frowned slightly, and looked at the guards bowing and clasping fists outside the lobby.

"My lord, many ships have been found in the South Sea. Those ships are extremely unusual and the visitors are not friendly. It is said that many dynasties have sent people to inquire about the news. I don't know what the situation is."

The guard quickly reported the urgent military report, and waited respectfully and quietly, waiting for orders.

"What did you say? A large number of ships were found in the Southern Sea?" Hearing this, Gu Hengsheng raised his brows suddenly, stepped forward and stared at the guards, and asked in a deep voice.

The guard shuddered, and his body almost fell to the ground.

This is so honorable!A big man standing at the pinnacle of a hundred nations.

The guard was stunned for a while, and then he immediately came back to his senses, and responded in a loud and respectful voice: "My lord, the news was delivered directly from the South Sea, and there will be no lies."

"Nanyuhai." Gu Hengsheng pondered for a while, then turned his head to look at Mo Xiuyang: "Your Majesty, stand still and wait and see."

Both Mo Xiuyang and Mr. Gu were stunned for a moment, wondering why Gu Hengsheng showed such a tense and dignified expression, it was a bit strange.

"Your Majesty, did something happen?" Mo Xiuyang asked hesitantly, with a worried look on his face.

"I don't know." Gu Hengsheng shook his head.

Seeing this, Mo Xiuyang, Mr. Gu and others fell silent.Looking at Gu Hengsheng's heaviness, I am afraid that what happened in Nanyuhai is not that simple.

"According to what your lord said, stand still." Mo Xiuyang thought about it carefully, although he didn't know exactly what happened, but he believed in Gu Hengsheng's judgment, and said solemnly.

For a moment, the entire Gu family fell silent, disturbed by the sudden incident in Nanyuhai.

Gu Hengsheng glanced in the direction of the South Sea, and squinted his eyes calmly, feeling a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

"A large number of ships have appeared in the Southern Sea, probably from the world at the end. The visitors are not good!"

Gu Hengsheng murmured in his heart: "The barrier at the end of the South Sea may have completely collapsed, and it has attracted the attention of the forces in that world. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse."

"Old man, I want to go out for a while. During this time, the Gu family must strictly guard the four directions, and you should try not to go out."

Gu Hengsheng lowered his eyebrows and pondered for a while, then slowly raised his head and said to Mr. Gu and Gu Youmo.

"Hang Seng." Old Master Gu called softly, feeling the solemnity between Gu Heng Sheng's brows.

Gu Hengsheng didn't reply, and then lightly raised his right hand with a blank face, a stream of light flashed out from the house in the deep courtyard, and landed in Gu Hengsheng's hand.

This wisp of sword glow is naturally the Shocking Sword.

Now Gu Hengsheng and Xue Xiaojian have not passed the break-in period, and it is not very smooth to use.Moreover, the Xuexiao Sword is an earth-level spirit sword, extremely sharp, and will definitely attract the attention of others.

Therefore, Gu Hengsheng still planned to go out with the Jinghong sword and put the Xuexiao sword in the house.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon."

Gu Hengsheng looked at Mr. Gu, Gu Youmo and others who looked worried, and left a sentence.

In the courtyard, Li Qiurou looked up at Gu Hengsheng, who was dressed in a white shirt, and remained silent.She would not ask where Gu Hengsheng was going, she just knew that she would just wait at home for Gu Hengsheng to come back.

So, holding the Jinghong Sword, Gu Hengsheng flied into the void in a flash, and went to the distance without a trace.

In the world at the end of the Southern Territory Sea, the spiritual energy must be extremely rich, and there is no shackles of heaven and earth, so there must be strong people in the Sky Profound Realm.

Gu Hengsheng can be sure of this.

Therefore, when he heard a large number of ships emerging from the depths of the Southern Sea, Gu Hengsheng naturally couldn't keep calm, and his heart became more and more heavy.

If outsiders from the Profound Sky Realm really invaded the land of a hundred kingdoms, what should be used to stop it?

In response to this, Gu Hengsheng accelerated the speed of walking in the air, and kept heading towards a small town three thousand miles away from the Sword Market.He wanted to discuss with Dugu Shang and see if Dugu Shang had any countermeasures.

After all, people from the outside world do not know whether it is good or evil.If it's just to explore the land of a hundred countries, that's fine; if outsiders want to occupy and invade, the consequences may be immeasurable.

In short, the storm is coming, and everything will not be calm.

(End of this chapter)

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