The sword rises

Chapter 448 Came to Nanyuan Kingdom

Chapter 448 Came to Nanyuan Kingdom

Chapter 440 Come to Nanyuan Kingdom

"I remember."

Gu Hengsheng said it several times in his heart, and responded lightly.

The cook was very deep, he stood quietly and looked at Gu Hengsheng.

"I'm leaving, I hope you can come."

Gu Hengsheng left a sentence, and the whole person turned into a phantom, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The cook slowly regained his composure, and returned to the back hall of the inn without saying anything.

In the lobby of the inn, everyone was dumbfounded.


After leaving this vast desert, Gu Hengsheng galloped towards the South Sea with a sharp sword.

Now, Gu Hengsheng has already felt a strong sense of urgency, and he has no time to invite the real powerhouse hidden in the Hundred Kingdoms.I just hope that when the time comes, the real strong can come forward to meet the huge impact that is about to take place in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms.

"There's no time left. It's time to go directly to the South Sea. As soon as they entered the Hundred Kingdoms, they actually destroyed the Nanshu Kingdom. This storm must not be allowed to continue to expand."

Gu Hengsheng rode the Jinghong Sword and flew towards the South Sea, leaving a phantom of the sword light in the sky.

In the land near the Nanyu Sea, there are more than a dozen dynasties, among which there is a mid-level top dynasty, the Nanyuan Kingdom.

Nanyuan Kingdom, many years ago, was an existence that was unattainable by Tianfeng Kingdom and even the Gu family. In it, there were several elders from the late stage of the Earth Profound Realm sitting in the town, and their power was extraordinary.

I vaguely remember that back then, Princess Mo Miaoling of Tianfeng Kingdom had no choice but to marry Xuanyuan Haoyun, the crown prince of Nanyuan Kingdom, and the entire Gu family went out.

Back then, the battle of Nanyuan Kingdom shocked the world, and the Gu family's majesty floated in the sky, so that the world could only look up.

"Those people have now occupied the territory of Nanshu Kingdom, and they will come towards Nanyuan Kingdom if they think about it."

Gu Hengsheng galloped along the way, using his supernatural powers to find out the voices of people talking on the ground, he changed his direction slightly, and was about to arrive at the border of Nanyuan Kingdom.

The imperial capital of Nanyuan Kingdom, once covered with bloody corpses, is now resplendent and resplendent, making countless people solemn.

Above the main hall of the imperial palace, all civil and military officials of Nanyuan Kingdom stood on both sides with extremely dignified faces, and a man wearing a dragon robe sat tall on a dragon chair.

This person is Xuanyuan Haoyun, the former crown prince of Nanyuan Kingdom and the present emperor.

"Your Majesty, those people will arrive in my Nanyuan Kingdom in a few days, they are so menacing! How should I face and deal with them?"

A civil servant saluted nervously.

"The royal family and hundreds of officials of the Southern Shu Kingdom were slaughtered by those people. According to investigations, those people's cultivation bases are unfathomable. I'm afraid our Nanyuan Kingdom is in danger."

"Your Majesty, I believe that my Nanyuan Nation should immediately send someone to Tianfeng Nation to ask Your Majesty for instructions, and let Your Majesty take charge of this matter."

"The lower officials seconded the proposal."

"The end will second."

All of a sudden, all civil and military officials began to agree with each other.

Looking at this scene, Emperor Xuanyuan Haoyun of Nanyuan Kingdom felt extremely heavy in his heart.He knew that those people who came out of Nanyuan Kingdom were unfathomable. If Nanyuan Kingdom relied on its own strength, it would definitely be unable to resist it.

Xuanyuan Haoyun had wanted to ask for help a long time ago, but the surrounding dynasties seemed to want to stay out of the matter, and they all sent back because they were busy with military affairs.

"Of course I am aware of the proposals of all the Aiqings, but the matter of Nanshu Guo being destroyed has happened for several days, but I still haven't seen Your Majesty and Jian Zun come forward to solve it. What do you think, what face does Nanshu Kingdom have? Please move." Are they?"

Xuanyuan Haoyun sighed inwardly, and then continued to speak: "Don't forget, there were some conflicts between Your Majesty and my Nanyuan Country back then. Now that Your Majesty has reached the pinnacle, it is a blessing that he did not blame him."


When all the civil and military officials heard this, they all bowed their heads and fell silent. They all recalled the scene of the bloody battle in front of the palace with the Gu family.

In the first battle of Nanyuan Kingdom, Gu Hengsheng's youthful and arrogant appearance was revealed before the eyes of the world.In a trance, Gu Hengsheng has become the respected person of the world, which made countless people in Nanyuan Kingdom regret it.

"Gu will find a way, all loves, step down!"

Xuanyuan Haoyun waved his hands weakly, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, and he wanted to leave the hall.

At this moment, a white-clothed figure came from the sky and headed straight for the imperial capital hall of Nanyuan Kingdom.

The elders of Nanyuan Kingdom felt Gu Hengsheng's undisguised majestic aura, and they immediately appeared in the void, trying to stop Gu Hengsheng.

"Who is coming?"

The four elders of Nanyuan Kingdom were all gray-haired. They blocked Gu Hengsheng's way, for fear that Gu Hengsheng would come to assassinate the emperor.

"Gu Hengsheng."

Gu Hengsheng stopped in his tracks, and stood in front of the elders with a sword in one hand and his back in the other.

Immediately, the complexions of the elders of Nanyuan Kingdom changed drastically. They all recognized Gu Hengsheng's face and the sword in his hand.

"See Your Majesty, I don't know if it's Your Majesty coming, but I hope to make atonement."

All the kingdoms are old in the void, bowing their heads and saluting the way.

"Lead the way." Gu Hengsheng nodded slightly.

"Yes." The old man didn't dare to say anything, and immediately led Gu Hengsheng to the palace hall.

Civil and military officials, the emperor Xuanyuan Haoyun and others all found the elders of the country and Gu Hengsheng who came from the void.

Xuanyuan Haoyun immediately stood up from the dragon chair, walked quickly to the main hall, stood in front of the officials, leaned over to Gu Hengsheng and said, "Your Majesty!"

"See you Your Honor!"

All civil and military officials bowed their heads in unison.

Your Majesty has come!

Could it be because of what happened in the South Sea?Now that the Nanshu Kingdom has been destroyed, those people have made it clear that they have no good intentions, and I am afraid that Your Majesty will not be able to sit still!
"I haven't seen you for a few years. I didn't expect you to be enthroned."

Gu Hengsheng looked at Xuanyuan Haoyun who was wearing a dragon robe, and smiled nostalgicly.

Xuanyuan Haoyun lowered her body slightly, cupped her hands and spoke silently.

Until now, Xuanyuan Haoyun is still alone, maybe no one can walk into his heart anymore!What happened back then has become a memory, and now he is the lord of a country, everything should be dominated by Nanyuan country.

"Today, I came to Nanyuan Country to discuss with you about visitors from outside the region."

Knowing that time was running out, Gu Hengsheng went straight to the point and clarified his future intentions.

"Please give me instructions." Xuanyuan Haoyun was filled with melancholy and embarrassment. He never thought that Gu Hengsheng, who was only a young general in the Lingxuan Realm back then, would suddenly become an existence that looks down on the world. The world is impermanent!
"Immediately evacuate the people from the major cities of Nanyuan Kingdom, and let the hundreds of millions of living beings from the surrounding countries leave as soon as possible, and all of them will move to the north."

Gu Hengsheng stared at Xuanyuan Haoyun very solemnly, and said bluntly.

"What? Fleeing the whole country?"

Xuanyuan Haoyun and all the civil and military officials were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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