The sword rises

Chapter 453 Do You Think I'm Joking?

Chapter 453 Do You Think I'm Joking?

Chapter 450 Three Do You Think I'm Joking?

"When you come here, I advise you to sit down and drink, not to be afraid of you, but to respect you."

"I told you to leave again, not out of fear, but because I don't want blood to stain this land and disturb the tranquility of the Hundred Kingdoms."

"Let you go back to where you came from, this is the last pass for you, I hope the war can stop here."

"But, why do you keep putting on a proud posture? You say barbarians on the left and ants on the right. What is the reason? Where did you get the courage to invade and occupy our land of hundreds of countries?"

Gu Hengsheng's white shirt stood out in the vast sea of ​​blood, and his eyes shot out sharp and bloody lights, as if connecting the endless abyss, and the pressure filled the sky.

"I've tried to persuade you again and again, but you all act like you're superior. Why? Who gave you the courage to speak nonsense in front of me?"

Every word and every word of Gu Hengsheng was mixed with strong deterrence, rolled up the flying sand all over the sky, and shattered layers of void: "The trash that can't even stop my sword, dare to show off in front of me, you guys! His arrogance is ridiculous."

"Since you keep saying that my creatures from a hundred nations are barbarian ants, let me see how many swords you can take from me!"

As soon as Gu Hengsheng finished speaking, there seemed to be corpses flowing in the sea of ​​blood all over the sky, which was extremely hideous.Behind him, there appeared scenes of the sect dynasties being crushed and stamped out, overwhelming the world.

Thousands of people in the void were sweating coldly, and under the cover of the sea of ​​blood of the Buddha, they felt a sense of suffocation.

They finally felt the fear from the bottom of their hearts. They wanted to escape, to stay away from the seemingly peaceful and refined Gu Hengsheng who was extremely dangerous.

However, the Buddha's sea of ​​blood spread to nowhere, and they had nowhere to escape. The sky and the earth were covered with blood-red waves, and they were extremely horrified.

"Wait a minute, Your Excellency. I didn't think carefully about this matter. Please accept the supernatural powers. Let's sit down and discuss it."

Someone said in horror.

This person hoped to delay for some time, they had already crushed the jade talisman, presumably the elders of various sects on the treasure ship in the southern region had already received the news.At that time, when the elders of the inner sect of the major forces come, everything will calm down.

How could Gu Hengsheng not be able to see through the thoughts of these people? He raised the Jinghong sword in his hand with a sneer, and said hoarsely like a judge: "In my eyes, you are ants, what right do you have to sit down with me?" talk over."

Gu Hengsheng's words reverberated between the heaven and the earth, and reached everyone's ears, causing their expressions to change drastically.Just now, everyone was ridiculing that the creatures in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms were vulnerable and they were the generation of ants.

Now, Gu Hengsheng said that they were just ants, and they didn't even have the qualifications to sit down and discuss.And when they heard these words, they didn't even have the courage to refute.

Because, the corpse of Elder Wu in the thousand-meter-deep pit above the ground is the best lesson from the past.

Elder Wu has already half-stepped into the existence of the Profound Sky Realm, and he couldn't even catch Gu Hengsheng's sword.Looking at everyone present, who would dare to risk their lives to refute Gu Hengsheng?
"Do you know who I am?" A luxuriously dressed young man shouted tremblingly: "I am an inner disciple of Fengyuzong, if you dare to hurt me even a little bit, you will offend my entire Fengyuzong. Anyone who is related to you will die!"


Many people secretly scolded the young man and gave him a vicious look.In the current situation, Gu Hengsheng should be kept stable. How could he say such provocative words? He is definitely an idiot.

"Oh? Do you have any fighters in the Profound Sky Realm in your Maple Language Sect?" Gu Hengsheng asked with a light smile after a slight pause in his forward figure.

The luxurious young man thought he had bluffed Gu Hengsheng, and his trembling body immediately calmed down.

Then, this person raised his chin, and said proudly: "Of course, the elders of my Fengyu Sect's inner sect are all strong in the Profound Sky Realm. How can you compare them with warriors from the Forsaken Land?"

"Then, does your Maple Language Sect have warriors who surpass the Sky Profound Realm?"

Gu Hengsheng asked again.

Hearing this, the luxurious young man was stunned for a moment, and replied in a pretentious manner: "Although only the powerful in the Dao realm can have it, the suzerain of my Maple Language Sect has already touched the threshold of the Dao realm, and the future must be heaven." The first-class powerhouse at the bottom."

From these words of the luxurious young man, Gu Hengsheng learned a lot of news.

The realm above the Profound Sky Realm is called the Dao Realm, which Gu Hengsheng can know through the soul of his previous life.However, how to get past the Dao realm and what the direction of practice is, I am confused about it.

However, it can be known from this person's words that among the great powers in their world, there are strong people in the Dao realm.This news made Gu Hengsheng happy in his heart, maybe he had the opportunity to know the news about the Dao Realm cultivation base.

"Boy, for the sake of your savvy, I immediately accepted the supernatural powers. I will definitely introduce you to Fengyuzong, so you won't have to worry about it in the future."

The luxurious young man thought in his heart that he should stabilize Gu Hengsheng for the time being, and when the inner sect elders from the major forces arrive, they will flatten the entire land of the Hundred Kingdoms in one fell swoop.

Many people thought that Gu Hengsheng didn't dare to do anything anymore, and the heaviness in his heart was slightly relieved, and he let out a long breath.

However, Gu Hengsheng's next words and actions made everyone stunned: "You can die."

As soon as the voice fell, it was accompanied by a flash of sword light coming out from the startling sword, cutting directly between the eyebrows of the luxurious young man.

call out!
Jianmang's speed was so fast that everyone had no time to react.

In an instant, the sword light pierced through the brows of the luxurious young man, shattering his vitality.Until his death, the young man couldn't figure out why Gu Hengsheng still wanted to do something. Could it be that Gu Hengsheng was really not afraid of Feng Yuzong's revenge?

"Dare to threaten me, you are destined to be a corpse."

When the young man took out Gu Hengsheng's family as a threat, the young man's fate was already doomed.No matter how powerful the forces behind the young man are, Gu Hengsheng will never let him go.

"Dead..." When the young man's body fell from the void to the ground, everyone managed to recover, and felt a strong sense of fear hit their backs.

Knowing that Feng Yuzong's power is huge, why did he still do it?Is he really not afraid of Feng Yuzong's suppression?

Countless questions arose in many people's minds. They looked into Gu Hengsheng's eyes, full of fear, and secretly said, "He's just a lunatic!"

"I just said, if you don't want to leave, then stay here forever!"

Gu Hengsheng stood with his sword in his hand: "Do you really think I'm joking?"

(End of this chapter)

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