The sword rises

Chapter 464 This day is about to collapse

Chapter 464 This day is about to collapse
Chapter 460 This day is about to collapse
The old beggar put all his attention on his fists regardless of the powerful moves.

With the punch out, the violent flames swept across the sky and surged into the sky.

At this moment, the monstrous flames that permeated thousands of miles followed the fist of the old beggar, and slammed and killed the elder of Fengyu Sect on the top of Qingcang.


The elder of Fengyuzong showed great horror, never thought that the old beggar would throw a punch regardless of his own safety.The most important thing is that this fist swayed a huge flame dragon that rushed straight into the sky, and swayed the flames that had just been sprayed out by the blazing mirror.

When the punch of the old beggar was completely blasted out, the killing moves of the other nine Sky Profound Realm powerhouses had already reached the old beggar in all directions.

A series of killing moves hit the old beggar's body, shattering the old beggar's ragged clothes, exposing the old beggar's wrinkled and withered chest.

The old beggar's ground collapsed a hundred meters in a radius of thousands of miles, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, causing all living beings in a hundred countries to feel a huge tremor, and they couldn't help but prostrate on the ground, trembling.

"Is it going to collapse today?"

Countless creatures are looking up at the sky, revealing the color of death, dim.

"Land of a Hundred Kingdoms, is it over?"

All the emperors of the hundred kingdoms were supporting their bodies, struggling to maintain their standing bodies, and howling in compassion.

The sky was full of yellow sand, and the old beggar was buried. His whole body was bombarded in a deep pit thousands of miles away, without a trace, and he did not know whether he was alive or dead.

But at this moment, the punch that the old beggar just threw came to the sky and hit the elder of Fengyuzong.

The elder of Fengyuzong wanted to dodge the punch that shook the sky, but no matter where he fled, he couldn't dodge the punch of the old beggar.

Therefore, the elder of Fengyuzong could only resist forcefully, he held the blazing mirror with both hands, and circulated the profound energy of the Sky Profound Realm all over his body, trying to block the punch.


The fist glow wrapped in huge flames shook the elder of Feng Yuzong to retreat steadily, causing him to be unable to stabilize his figure at all, and his breath was disordered, and his mouth was scarlet.


The elder of Fengyuzong looked shocked, he could feel that his body was burning, and the profound energy barrier was eroded by the huge flame of the blazing mirror.

The light from the fist has not dissipated, and it is still devouring the profound energy resisted by the elders of Fengyuzong.

The nine Sky Profound Realm powerhouses in the distance were just watching, and had no intention of acting together to resist for the elders of the Fengyu Sect.

Bang dong!

The body-protecting profound energy of the elder of Fengyuzong was eroded by the huge flames, and he turned into a burning man, howling.In front of him there was still a fist attacking, making him fall from the sky unstoppably after all.

The blazing mirror lost its luster due to the blessing of profound energy in its heart. It fell from the sky with the elders of Fengyuzong and landed in the deep pit above the earth.


The disciples of the Fengyu Sect who were fighting with the powerhouses from a hundred countries in the distance were shocked, and sadly and anxiously went towards the elder of the Fengyu Sect who fell into the deep pit, and protected the blazing mirror.

All the strong men looked at the blazing mirror with covetous looks, and they all had the idea of ​​wanting to take the blazing mirror as their own.However, when all the experts thought about the strength of Feng Yuzong, they all took back their unruly thoughts.

After all, the blazing mirror is the treasure of Fengyuzong, if they snatch it, I am afraid that the whole Fengyuzong will not let it go.At that time, maybe not only won't get the incandescent mirror, but will cause a commotion.

"This person is truly terrifying. He was able to press down on the blazing mirror with a pair of fists. It's terrifying."

When all the strong men thought of the scene where the old beggar's fist swept across the sky and the huge flames, they couldn't help but concentrate their minds and said heavily.

"Use flesh and blood to resist our ultimate move, no matter how defiant this person is, he can only die."

The elder of Xishen Palace took a deep breath, looked down at the direction of the old beggar buried in the yellow sand, and said in a cold voice.

"He shouldn't be able to survive! We've tried our best to beat him to pieces."

Everyone ignored the elder of Fengyuzong who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, but instead focused on the position of the old beggar just now.

For the powerful, the life and death of the elders of Fengyuzong has nothing to do with them. It is better to die, because there is one less competitor, and the strength of Fengyuzong is weakened.


With a light cough, it came out from the thousand-mile deep pit, and the old beggar staggered and peeled off the yellow sand floating in the sky, and appeared in front of the eyes of the world.

The old beggar was covered in blood, with a hollow in his chest, and he looked extremely hideous.At this time, he looked as if half of his foot had stepped into the coffin, dying.

"It's not dead!"

The powerhouses of all forces were stunned for a moment, and said in surprise.

At this time, Gu Hengsheng was calming down the huge flames that were spreading from the blazing mirror. His figure holding the Jinghong Sword flew towards him at a high speed, and came to the side of the old beggar, worried: "Senior, are you okay!"

The old beggar just shook his head at Gu Hengsheng, without opening his mouth.

Wisps of scarlet overflowed from the old beggar's mouth and flowed from his collapsed chest. It was hard to imagine what kind of attack the old beggar had endured just now.

"I said, even if I am going to the end now, and my blood is not enough, I will kill a few people."

The old beggar slowly raised his head, fixed his sunken eyes on the powerful men standing in the void, and said in a hoarse voice.

When Gu Hengsheng heard the sound, his heart sank, and he subconsciously tightened his Jinghong sword.

"I want you to last until long!"

After the powerhouses were stunned, Xiao Teng's killing intent was revealed, covering the land of a hundred countries, causing all living beings to suffocate to death.

In this regard, Gu Hengsheng just stood indifferently with the old beggar, confronted all powerful enemies without fear, and planned to fight to the death.

If these powerful enemies cannot be stopped today, the land of a hundred kingdoms will be destroyed forever, and countless living beings will become corpses.

On the Tianfeng side, Dugu Shang and the others were fighting against five strong men of the Profound Sky Realm, and the fight was inextricable.

As soon as Dugu Shang's sword fell, endless sword intent would be rolled up and the ground would be shattered.Feng Wuxie blocked a strong man in the Profound Sky Realm with blood, and fought with his own blood flowing.

"This vast land, if you come to invade, you will be punished!"

The old beggar suppressed his disordered qi and blood, as if he had returned to the grand occasion of fighting on the battlefield thousands of years ago, and turned into the unrivaled warrior back then, roaring and roaring.

Blood, let it flow, ignore it.

The old beggar kicked hard on the deep pit with his right foot, and he ran towards the sky, clenched his bloody iron fists, and killed all the powerful enemies.

"Fight it!" Gu Hengsheng gritted his teeth, and thrust the Jinghong Sword into the ground, then turned his eyes to Tianfeng Nation, and roared, "Xue Xiao, where is it?"

Xue Xiaojian, who was far away in the depths of Gu's house in Tianfeng Country, seemed to hear Gu Hengsheng's call, and came in a flash of light.

(End of this chapter)

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