The sword rises

Chapter 487 The blood on my body belongs to you!

Chapter 487 The blood on my body belongs to you!

Chapter 480 The blood on my body belongs to you!

Above the main hall, Luo Qing lifted the long sword and pointed at him fiercely. His behavior and the continuous flow of blood surprised everyone.

What is he doing?
All the officials of Dali Temple and the soldiers who rushed out were stunned, not knowing why Luo Qing did this.

"Even though I am unbearable in your eyes, I am still the prince of the former Su Dynasty. The blood that bleeds on my body is the blood of my father and the former Su Dynasty."

Luo Qing pushed hard again, and drove the long sword into her chest a little bit.


The faster the blood flowed, the eyes of everyone present were red.

"Father, all the ministers, take a good look, the blood on my body belongs to the former Su Dynasty. Even if I am unpopular, I will never do anything that is collaborating with the enemy and treason!"

Luo Qing's face turned ferocious, and he roared in a low voice: "I don't expect father to trust me, pamper me, love me. I just hope father can give me a chance, give me some time, and I will definitely settle this matter." Investigate the ins and outs of the case clearly, and give an explanation to the people of the world."

"If I didn't investigate this matter thoroughly, I would be willing to be executed by Ling Chi to appease the resentment of my father, civil and military officials, and the people of the world."

Luo Qing bent her knees and knelt down fiercely on the ground, with a blood-stained long sword stuck in his chest: "I beg my father to give me three months, if I can't find out the problem , let him deal with it!"

For a moment, the entire hall was silent, and a needle could be heard.

Dali Siqing, Shaoqing and other officials all closed their lips and stopped talking.The matter suddenly developed to such a point that even if some officials really wanted to label Luo Qing, they had to stop temporarily.

Because this matter has risen to another level.

Luo Qing self-mutilated and bled, threatening that the blood shed belonged to the Emperor, bearing the will of the Emperor.

If there are still officials who intend to directly convict Luo Qing of the crime, isn't that saying the emperor's fault?Is it equivalent to the contempt for the emperor's prestige?

None of the officials who can sit here is good, they will not foolishly offend Huang Wei.

Therefore, this matter can only be judged by Luo Hongsheng who is sitting high on the dragon chair.

tick tock...tick tock...

Above the main hall, everyone could clearly hear the sound of blood dripping.

The ground around Luoqing was soaked in bright red, making it look extraordinarily miserable and resolute.

"One month later, I hope you can give Gu a satisfactory answer."

After a long time, Junhuang Luo Hongsheng said a word without sadness or joy.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Hongsheng got up from the dragon chair and strode towards the side hall without looking at Luo Qing again.

"Thank you, Father."

Luo Qing's eyes darkened, and she passed out after saying this.

Excessive blood loss directly caused Luo Qing to pass out.Just before he passed out, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, which was full of hope.

As for the pain of the long sword piercing through the chest, Luo Qing has long since ignored it.Over the years, Luo Qing has experienced things that are more painful than this one too many times, and she has become numb.

"Please doctor!"

When Luo Qing fainted, someone immediately carried him to ask the imperial doctor in the palace.

Now Luo Qing can absolutely not have an accident, the emperor has ordered to see Luo Qing's investigation and explanation in a month's time, if something happens to Luo Qing during this period, no one can bear the emperor's anger.

The officials of Dali Temple looked at the pool of blood on the ground, wondering what they were thinking.

Perhaps, when Jun Huang saw the blood flowing from Luo Qing's body, his heart was a little touched!Only then did he agree to give the Seventh Prince Luo Qing a month to investigate the matter.

Although he didn't win three months, Luo Qing had already seen a ray of hope in one month.


In the Imperial Prison, Gu Hengsheng and some other people were imprisoned in a larger cell, and the complaints echoed in the prison, but unfortunately, no one paid attention to it.

"The heavy rain stopped, I don't know if he succeeded or not."

As Gu Hengsheng heard the sound of the rain outside gradually subside, he felt more nervous and heavy in his heart.

Two days later, a person walked in from outside the prison.

Luo Qing seemed to have exhausted every step she took, and there was still a trace of pain on her face.

Guided by the jailer, Luo Qing quickly found where Gu Hengsheng was, and came straight to him.

When Gu Hengsheng saw Luo Qing's figure, the seriousness between his brows decreased a little, and he said directly, "Successful?"

"Yeah." Luo Qing asked the jailer to open the cell door, and walked in staggeringly: "We won a month's time."

"One month." Gu Hengsheng frowned, and whispered, "The time is too short! It's a bit rushed."

"To be precise, we only have 28 days." Luo Qing covered her chest, coughed a few times with a pale face, and said hoarsely.

"28 days?" Hearing Luo Qing's cough, Gu Hengsheng saw his pale complexion: "Your complexion is not very good, are you injured?"

"I'll talk about these things later, let me out now!" Luo Qing looked around and planned to take Gu Hengsheng out of prison.

After all, Luo Qing planned to take Gu Hengsheng out.

At this moment, the jailer at the door blocked the way of Luo Qing and Gu Hengsheng, cupped his fists and said, "Your Highness Seventh, this person is a suspect in the prison and cannot go out."

Luo Qing's complexion changed, she stared at the jailer's face with cold eyes like a knife, and said coldly: "What? Now even a small jailer dares to step on the head of this prince? This prince has not been sentenced yet, Are you so impatient to step on it?"

"Slave dare not!" Hearing this, the jailer hurriedly bowed and said, a little panicked.

"If you dare to stop me again, do you believe that I will kill you on the spot?"

Luo Qing wanted to kill together, coughing uncontrollably because of her injuries.

"Your Highness, calm down, Your Highness, calm down." The jailer immediately stepped aside, sweating profusely, not daring to stop Luo Qing and Gu Hengsheng.

"Hmph!" Luo Qing waved her big sleeves, snorted dissatisfiedly, then turned to Gu Hengsheng and said, "Let's go!"

Thus, Gu Hengsheng and Luo Qing stepped out of the cell.Seeing that Gu Hengsheng could go out, the other people in the prison begged Luo Qing wailingly and kept yelling.

Seeing this, the jailer immediately whipped the screaming prisoners with the sharp weapon in his hand, as if to vent the resentment and dissatisfaction he had just scolded him.

Regarding these, Luo Qing and Gu Hengsheng both ignored them and walked directly towards the door of the prison.

"Wait, I have something over there, can you bring it out for me?"

Gu Hengsheng stopped Luo Qing, hoping to bring out Jinghong Sword and Xuexiao Sword.

(End of this chapter)

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