The sword rises

Chapter 49 Solemn!

Chapter 49 Solemn!

Chapter 49 dignified!

"Tomorrow, come to Li's house!"

Li Tianyuan held back for a while, then hummed in a cold voice.

"What?" Gu Hengsheng asked subconsciously.

"Place the betrothal gift!"

Li Tianyuan snorted coldly, looking at Gu Hengsheng with the look in his eyes, he wanted to beat him up angrily.

Gu Hengsheng was startled, and the teacup in his hand couldn't help but pause for a moment, then he recovered his calm expression, and replied softly: "Okay, but the wedding can be postponed for a while, after all, if Miss Qiurou really doesn't want to see Ben You can't force the son's words."

In fact, Gu Hengsheng didn't want to start a family here. After all, he didn't set his sights on the land of hundreds of countries, and he didn't want to let himself be fettered here.However, this matter did arise because of him, and it cannot be shirked at will.

Being able to let Li Tianyuan let go today has already made the Li family make a big concession. If Gu Hengsheng wants to cancel the two marriages, then the two parties will not be able to talk so peacefully.

That's all, let's do whatever we want!

Gu Hengsheng shook his head secretly, a little bit wanting to beat up his half-consciousness before, why go molesting Miss Li's family for nothing.

"Well, get engaged tomorrow first. As for the official wedding, you can postpone it for a while so that Qiu Rou can slowly accept it." Li Tianyuan pondered for a moment, then said earnestly.

"Just follow what Master Li said!" Gu Hengsheng nodded and agreed.

"After a while, the old man will enter the palace and explain to the king, so that Qiurou will marry into the Gu family. Don't worry, the old man will not expose your affairs. After all, even if the old man tells me, the king may not believe it." Li Tianyuan Sitting upright on the main seat, he said in a solemn voice.

"Yes." Gu Hengsheng nodded in response.

"However, shouldn't you change your name to this old man?" Li Tianyuan narrowed his cloudy and empty eyes, and a deep smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Innate wisdom, at least six years old, began to plan and deceive the people of the world, allowing himself to hide in the darkness and watch the general situation of the world.Such a demon-like ghost was taken down by the old man and became the old man's grandson-in-law.

Li Tianyuan thought of this, most of the depression and displeasure just now dissipated, and he was already secretly thinking about how to explain to the present king.

"Lord Li, I haven't written my horoscope yet. I'll talk about it later." Gu Hengsheng took a deep look at Li Tianyuan and said with a light smile.Li Tianyuan wanted to take advantage of him in advance, but it might not be so easy.

The deep smile on the corner of Li Tianyuan's mouth suddenly froze, and then he said seriously: "Okay, then we'll talk about it later."

"Since that's the case, I won't stay in the Li family any longer. Let's go first."

The matter of getting married is over for the time being, Gu Hengsheng doesn't want to stay in Li's house any longer, so he slowly got up and said to Li Tianyuan calmly.

Li Tianyuan nodded silently, and let Gu Hengsheng step out of the threshold of the Li family hall, watching his back gradually showing a dignified look.

Especially Yan Chenge, who followed Gu Hengsheng closely, made Li Tianyuan feel a strong sense of danger, and couldn't help tightening his hands hidden under his sleeves.

In the next second, Li Yixuan walked in.Standing in the courtyard, seeing Gu Hengsheng leaving safely, he wanted to enter the hall to see what was going on.

"Grandpa." Li Yixuan hurriedly stepped forward to salute Li Tianyuan.

"En." Li Tianyuan replied casually, the solemn look on his face did not fade, but became more serious: "Yixuan, prepare the carriage immediately, the old man is going to the palace to meet the saint."

Enter the palace to face the saint?

Why is it that after staying with the Gu family boy for a while, he is suddenly about to enter the palace to face the saint?

Li Yixuan was puzzled for a moment, but he didn't dare to ask more questions, and quickly responded respectfully: "Yes, Grandpa, Yixuan is going to prepare the carriage."

"That's right." Li Tianyuan slowly got up from the main seat, as if he had thought of something, he stopped Li Yixuan who was about to go out to prepare his horse.

"Grandpa, what's the matter?" Li Yixuan turned around and asked.

"Warning to the three generations of the Li family, don't provoke the young master of the Gu family in the future, and don't go against him, remember."

When Li Tianyuan thought that Gu Hengsheng had been able to endure dormancy for so many years, he was afraid that the method of hiding in secret was not so simple. He didn't want the younger generation of the Li family to offend Gu Hengsheng, otherwise the Li family would definitely suffer.

"Ah?" Li Yixuan stood there in a daze, motionless, staring at Li Tianyuan in bewilderment, and subconsciously asked, "Why?"

"There is no reason, just do what the old man said." Li Tianyuan glared at Li Yixuan fiercely, and said solemnly.

"Yes, Grandpa, Yixuan remembered." Li Yixuan couldn't help showing a wry smile, and bowed and replied solemnly.

Afterwards, Li Yixuan prepared the carriage under Li Tianyuan's signal.

Watching Gu Hengsheng leave the direction of disappearance, Li Tianyuan held his mind very solemnly, and muttered to himself: "This kid is probably the most terrifying person in the Gu family. Ten years of forbearance and dormancy have shaped a dandy. Useless waste son status, the third son of the Gu family, Gu Hengsheng, what exactly do you want to do? What is the ultimate goal?"

"In the future Tianfeng Kingdom and even the Land of Hundred Kingdoms, he is destined to be indispensable..."


The Gu family, in a quiet courtyard.

Gu Hengsheng and Yan Chenge stayed quietly beside Yiwangqingtan, watching the vastness of the sky and the gradually lowering night.

"Chen Ge, your cultivation should have stabilized!" Gu Hengsheng looked up at the gradually approaching dusk, with a sword-like breath bursting out of his eyes.

"Well, what's the matter with the Lord, please tell me." Yan Chenge's expression was stern, and his knife-like facial features made his whole temperament look extremely sharp.

"Go and help me get something back." Gu Hengsheng shifted his solemn gaze to Yan Chenge, and said in a deep voice.

"What?" Yan Chenge bowed.

"There is a thing in the treasury of Prince Heicheng's Mansion, called the Infinity Stone, which looks like this, a penetrating black stone." While talking, Gu Hengsheng drew a stone-shaped thing with his fingers in the air.

Yan Chenge secretly memorized every word Gu Hengsheng said, and then imprinted the appearance of the boundless stone that Gu Hengsheng transformed into his mind.

"Infinity Stone, I remember." Yan Chenge said coldly, clasping his fists.

"Go! Don't reveal your identity. I'll be waiting for you in the Gu mansion." Gu Hengsheng lightly put his hands on his back, and a faint aura of coercion spread from his body, making the surrounding air freeze.


As soon as the words fell, Yan Chenge disappeared into the night in a vigorous manner.He didn't ask where the treasure house of Prince Pingcheng was, because with his current cultivation in the Earth Profound Realm, it would not be difficult to know the location of a treasure house.

"Infinity Stone, I think it's enough to repair my damaged soul." Gu Hengsheng muttered to himself.

Years ago, when Gu Hengsheng had not opened his six senses, he had personally witnessed King Pingcheng receive a congratulatory gift containing the Infinity Stone.

At the beginning, he didn't understand anything, so naturally he didn't take a stone to heart, but now that he had recovered his previous life consciousness, he had to focus his eyes on the Infinity Stone.

Because, Gu Hengsheng used Mengtian's reincarnation secret technique in his previous life and injured his soul, so that in this life, his soul still has some hidden injuries that cannot be ignored.That's why Gu Hengsheng urgently needed to let Yan Chenge step into the Earth Profound Realm. One was to prevent the Li family from turning his face inappropriately, and the other was to save the Boundless Stone in King Pingcheng's treasury.

If he got the Infinity Stone, Gu Hengsheng could completely repair the damage to his soul, which would be more conducive to his future practice, and he would not need to worry about leaving hidden diseases.

"As for Li Qiurou... let's just let it go!"

(End of this chapter)

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