The sword rises

Chapter 490 2 person?

Chapter 490 Two people?
Chapter 490 Two people?
The seventh prince, Luoqing, has lived for 30 years, perhaps not even as good as a eunuch's disciple!
I didn't see that in the prison before, even a small jailer had to put on Luo Qing's face.If it weren't for the fear of getting involved with Luo Qing, the jailer's face would be even more ugly.

"Take me to see Mige who found out the secret letter to the enemy."

Gu Hengsheng looked around for a few times, and said to Luo Qing, who had a heavy and sad face.

Luo Qing looked up at Gu Hengsheng, then slowly got up and walked towards a room deep in the mansion.

Gu Hengsheng followed Luo Qing closely and came to a remote house in the mansion.

click -

Pushing open the gate of the courtyard, the two walked into the house one after the other.

Luo Qing slowly walked to the front of a delicate vase, then put her hands on the vase and turned it forcefully to the left.

Immediately, the wall near the vase trembled, and then there was a click on the wall, and a small grid appeared on the originally smooth and solid wall.

"Is that secret letter to the enemy here before?" Gu Hengsheng looked at the empty Mige, frowned slightly, and asked thoughtfully.

"En." Luo Qing nodded.

"You built this dense grid?" Gu Hengsheng shifted his gaze from the dense grid to Luo Qing's body.

"No, people from the criminal department came to search and found it a few months ago. I didn't even know there was such a thing in my house." Luo Qing smiled helplessly.

"If it is true according to what you said, then it is clear that someone carefully planned all of this." Gu Hengsheng felt that this matter was getting more and more complicated.

"Maybe! I look like this, I really can't figure out who is plotting against me." Luo Qing thought that he had never offended anyone, and he had nothing worth plotting against others, so he really couldn't figure it out.

Gu Hengsheng walked slowly to the side of the dense grid, stretched out his hand and gently touched the inner wall of the dense grid, and said softly: "This dense grid has only been built for half a year at most, someone must have taken advantage of you not to pay attention to this dense grid. built."

Luo Qing remained silent and looked at Gu Hengsheng quietly.

"It will take at least half a month to break through a secret grid specially arranged carefully. Although you have no power or power, you are still a prince after all! Could it be that no one in your house has noticed the movement here?"

Gu Hengsheng asked suspiciously.

"There are only three or two servant girls in my mansion, and they are not even worthy of the mansion army. If someone wants to tamper with my house, will I be able to find out?" Speaking of this, Luo Qing couldn't help laughing at herself, as if Laughing at his fate.

Gu Hengsheng turned his head to look at Luo Qing's sad face, and continued to touch the inner wall of Mige with his hands, as if he wanted to find something unusual.

After a while, Gu Hengsheng suddenly lowered his head and stared at the depths of Mige, and exclaimed in a low voice, "What is this!"

"What did you find?" Luo Qing shuddered slightly, rushed over quickly, and said excitedly.

"No, it's nothing." Gu Hengsheng made a frightened expression, looked around a few times, and then replied hesitantly.

Immediately, Gu Hengsheng withdrew his hand and let Luo Qing close the secret grid.

Gu Hengsheng suddenly made such an expression, as if he had found something in the secret grid, but he was trying his best to cover it up.

Luo Qing was very puzzled, and immediately closed the opened secret grid according to what the caregiver said.

Then, Gu Hengsheng pulled Luo Qing to the side table, dipped his hands in the tea, and wrote on the table——I found a faint finger print in the dense grid, which looks like it's been a while.Don't talk, just write.

Seeing a line of words appearing on the table, Luo Qing was startled.

Is there a fingerprint in the grid?

Why didn't I find out before?Didn't the people from the Ministry of Punishment find out?

Am I negligent?Is there really a fingerprint in the MiG?

After Luo Qing was stunned for a moment, he also stretched out his fingers to dip some water, and wrote—could it be the finger prints left during the search by the Ministry of Punishment?

Gu Hengsheng replied——No, this finger print is very shallow, at least half a year old.

Luo Qing and Gu Hengsheng looked at each other, and continued to write - could this be the trace left by the person who framed me?
Gu Hengsheng——It is very possible that I have learned a secret method, so I was able to discover this subtle finger mark.

Luo Qing's excited body trembled—then I can reverse the case?
Gu Hengsheng vetoed - let's protect the secret grid first, and we can't leave the yard for half a step, lest others destroy the evidence.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng wiped off the traces of tea on the entire table, everything seemed to be done carefully.

"Oh! I still haven't found anything." Gu Hengsheng and Luo Qing looked at each other deeply, and after erasing the traces on the table, heaved a long sigh.

"What should we do next?" Luo Qing asked.

"Where's that secret letter? Where is it?" Gu Hengsheng touched his chin, pursed his thin lips lightly.

"In Dali Temple, I'm afraid we won't be able to see it." Luo Qing replied.

"Then how many troops you can dispatch, at least seal off the entire mansion! Then start investigating, time is running out." Gu Hengsheng continued.

Luo Qing paused slightly, then slowly stretched out two fingers, staring at Gu Hengsheng silently.

"Two thousand?" Gu Hengsheng looked at Luo Qing's two raised fingers and guessed.

Luo Qing shook her head.

"200 people?" Gu Hengsheng asked immediately.

Luo Qing still shook her head.

"How much is that?" Gu Hengsheng didn't bother to guess, and asked directly.

"Two people." Luo Qing pointed at Gu Hengsheng, then at herself.

"..." The corner of Gu Hengsheng's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly, and he looked up at the sky.

As a prince, Luo Qing doesn't have any soldiers and horses under his command, and doesn't have any power, so this is too bad!

With Luo Qing's appearance, if he wanted to treason and collaborate with the enemy, how would he communicate with the enemy?Can't do it at all!
I'm afraid that as long as Luo Qing really has this idea, countless people will find out immediately, how could it be possible to transport back a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry silently?How could he be so stupid as to keep the secret letter away?
These are all suspicious points, but no one from the Qiansu Dynasty pointed it out.Could it be that the emperors and civil and military officials of the former Su Dynasty were all fools?


They just want a step up, a scapegoat to cover up their defeat.

And Luo Qing happened to bump into him, and found secret letters and treasures in his mansion.Therefore, Luo Qing was unlucky.

The former Su Dynasty was trying to appease the morale of the people in the world and the army, but now Luo Qing jumped out and was accused of treason and collaborating with the enemy, which just made up for this problem and kept the former Su Dynasty stable.

"Forget it, let's have a good rest today! Think about how to investigate."

Gu Hengsheng took a seat at random, glanced around calmly, and a smile that no one else could notice was raised at the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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