The sword rises

Chapter 521

Chapter 521

Chapter 520 At All Costs

Shuangxue struck down the tiger general Fan Qi with a sword!

Heroic and valiant, deterring thousands of enemies!
"General Gu!"

The [-] elite soldiers who were besieging the city rushed forward while fighting, raising their guns and shouting excitedly.

"General Gu! General Gu!"

Countless former Su soldiers looked up at Gu Hengsheng who was standing on the city wall, their blood boiled with enthusiasm and full of reverence.

Today, none of the soldiers dared to disrespect Gu Hengsheng anymore.

At that time in Dianjiangtai, the [-] troops did not recognize Gu Hengsheng as a vanguard general, full of doubts and ridicule.

But at this moment, Gu Hengsheng had proved himself with his strength, beheading Fan Qi who was at the late stage of the Profound Sky Realm, and frightened the battlefield.

If the men in white shirts on the city wall can't be the pioneers, then looking at the entire Qiansu Dynasty, who else is there?Who else could be so evil?
"After today, his name will resound throughout the world, with far-reaching influence."

All the relatives, monarchs and guards were stunned. They asked themselves if they were themselves, would they be able to block Gu Hengsheng's Frost Snow sword.The answer... is unknown, because it is hard for them to imagine what the guard Fan Qi endured at that time.

With a cultivation base at the peak of the Earth Profound Realm, he would fight against the late Sky Profound Realm powerhouses and defeat them on the battlefield.Even in Zhongzhou where monsters gather, this battle is rare, and it can be called unparalleled.

"Immediately use the secret method to report this matter to the king! He...has completely exceeded expectations. He can only be a friend, not an enemy."

A pro-junwei with slightly white hair spoke hoarsely.

"The ground-level sword, the Dacheng sword intent, and the Frost Snow sword intent that I have comprehended. He has already stepped out of his own way of the sword. As long as he does not die young in the future, he will surely break into the Dao realm, and even be able to touch Xiantai..."

The pro-jun Wei Lichen laughed and his whole body trembled suddenly, with a hint of longing and longing on his face.

The seventh prince, Luo Qing, was stunned. He straddled the spirit horse and looked at Gu Hengsheng standing proudly on Fengcheng.

In the collapsed Fengcheng, the Eastern Burmese soldiers no longer had the will to fight, but they didn't dare to flee without a general order, and stood there in a daze, losing their souls.

Suddenly, at the place where the city wall collapsed and piled up, a person broke out from the ground.

Fan Qi jumped up from the deep pit and reappeared in front of everyone.

At this time, Fan Qi was in a terrible state of distress, his black hair was stained with gravel and plaster, and there was a hideous and terrifying sword mark on his chest.

The sword marks are cold and go straight into the soul.

Fan Qi's breath was a little disturbed, he was injured.

Because of Gu Hengsheng's sword of frost and snow, Fan Qi's soul was almost frozen, and the meridians on his body still had a biting chill.

"You... who are you?"

Fan Qi suddenly reappeared in the void, causing the [-] elite soldiers, who were originally full of murderous intent, to stop and look up.And the countless Eastern Burmese soldiers in Fengcheng seem to have found their backbone, holding a glimmer of hope.

Fan Qi's mouth was scarlet, and his blood-red eyes stared straight at Gu Hengsheng, his voice was extremely hoarse: "How could there be someone like you in the border area of ​​Beizhou? Where are you... from?"

"Does it matter where I come from?" Gu Hengsheng still stepped on the city wall that hadn't collapsed, looked directly at Fan Qi coldly, and asked back.


Does it really matter where you come from?
Regardless of whether Gu Hengsheng came from a humble or noble background, he has already shown his worth and talent.After today, Gu Hengsheng's name will resound throughout the world and become a legend.

3000 years ago, a person also rose from the border of Beizhou. At that time, no one was optimistic about this person.

However, this person defied the disapproval of the world and proclaimed himself emperor with his cultivation in the Profound Sky Realm. Since then, he has left an eternal legend in Beizhou and Zhongzhou, and the world is not even qualified to look up to him.

For a true practitioner, a thousand years is just a snap of the fingers.But in a thousand years, that person turned the entire Beizhou upside down. After he landed in Zhongzhou, he opened up the emperor's road where all the monsters gathered in the sky, and truly aspired to the position of emperor, unrivaled in the world.

Now 2000 years have passed, that person has become the unrivaled emperor, and countless people in Beizhou had witnessed his rise, but they no longer dare to mention his name, for fear of being disrespectful and causing chaos.

Does the unrivaled emperor have a strong background?

No, he is just leading a group of soldiers who are not afraid of death, relying on his unrivaled talent and will, forcefully pushing the entire world across a thousand years.

Where is Dijun from?

It's just an abandoned continent, but he surpassed countless inheritors of monstrous bloodlines and arrogance cultivated by great forces, and became the one who overwhelmed the heavens.

At this moment, Fan Qi listened to Gu Hengsheng's indifferent answer, and he realized that he was so small, like dust.

People like Gu Hengsheng are destined to make great achievements in the future, and they will shine in the depths of Zhongzhou.

Where he came from is not important anymore.Because by virtue of his talent, he is enough to make countless forces offer olive branches and are willing to defend the way for them.

"I... lost."

Fan Qi's lips turned white, and he said something tremblingly.

He lost, utterly.

No matter in terms of state of mind or ability, Fan Qi was defeated.

Fan Qi knew that there was no way for him to suppress Gu Hengsheng today, so there would be no chance for him tomorrow.And the result of this is that the entire Eastern Burmese Dynasty may provoke an unlimited enemy in the future because of today's events.

"Survivors, don't kill! Those who resist in the corner, shoot and kill!"

Gu Hengsheng lifted the Jinghong sword in his hand and said sharply.

With these words, the wind of blood swept across the entire battlefield.

No one dared to doubt Gu Hengsheng's words, they all backed away in shock.

"The descendant will not be killed! The descendant will not be killed!"

The [-] vanguard soldiers shouted loudly immediately, and their morale was surging like a sea.

Looking at this scene, Fan Qi saw the demoralized Eastern Burmese soldiers, knowing that the battle had been lost and there was no possibility of victory.

"and many more!"

Fan Qi looked at Gu Hengsheng in white shirt, as if he had made a decision in his heart, he gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Huh?" Gu Hengsheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

"My Eastern Burmese Dynasty and your Excellency have no deep hatred. Today is a last resort, and we have different positions. I hope your Excellency will not bear any grudges."

Fan Qi slowly closed his eyes. When he said these words, he was full of sadness and helplessness. How sad that a general like him, who has been on the battlefield for hundreds of years, should apologize in such a humble manner.

"The battlefield is ruthless, everyone is their master. As long as the Eastern Burmese Dynasty doesn't trouble me in the future, I won't hold grudges, don't worry."

Gu Hengsheng knew Fan Qi's worry, he was only slightly taken aback, and then nodded in response.

"Thank you." Fan Qi was relieved, the Frost Sword marks on his body were bloody and terrifying.

Afterwards, Fan Qi slowly raised his right hand, suppressed his injury, and roared roughly: "The whole army obeys the order, fight with all your strength, regardless of life or death!"

Knowing that this battle has been defeated, Fan Qi is unwilling to surrender. This is his dignity, and the dignity of the Eastern Burmese Dynasty.In this regard, he will do his best, burn the last drop of blood, and fight to the death.


Gu Hengsheng didn't expect to actually let the [-] elite soldiers in Fengcheng disarm and surrender. What he said just now was just to damage the morale of the enemy army and destroy the will of the enemy army.

Fan Qi apologized to Gu Hengsheng just now, but he didn't want Gu Hengsheng to hate the Eastern Myanmar Dynasty because of this battle.Now that he got Gu Hengsheng's answer, Fan Qi naturally has no worries, he will fight hard, and he will not be afraid of death.

Although Fan Qi had just been injured by the Frost Sword, the thin camel was bigger than a horse, and still exuded a majestic Tianxuan aura, which surprised many former Su soldiers.

Gu Hengsheng had no intention of making a move at this time. The sword strike just now consumed all the profound energy in his body. He stood on the city wall overlooking the battlefield just to frighten the enemy.

Even after such a short period of time, the profound energy in Gu Hengsheng's body has only recovered a little, and it is difficult to swing the Frost Sword again.

Gu Hengsheng glanced back at Luo Qing and the ten royal guards who were rushing behind, making them tremble for a moment, and they dare not look directly.

"The whole army goes out to fight, and help General Gu take Fengcheng in one fell swoop!"

The Seventh Prince Luo Qing was no longer in a daze, and immediately ordered.

In an instant, under the order of Luo Qing, the [-] troops in the rear immediately set off to attack the city.

But the ten princes and guards looked a little pale, and one of them whispered: "We can't just sit idly by, or if he creates a barrier between my former Su Dynasty, it will be a great loss."

"Immediately, I don't have time to wait for your lord's response. Fan Qi is already going crazy. I'm afraid it will be difficult for General Gu to deal with it. We must not let General Gu have an accident."

The pro-jun Wei Lichen said nervously and urgently with a smile.

"Your Majesty sends an order to protect General Gu at all costs!"

Suddenly, an old man with white hair suddenly opened his eyes and said in a deep voice.

Just now, the elderly pro-junwei kept his eyes tightly closed, presumably communicating with Junhuang Luo Hongsheng who was far away in the imperial city through secret methods.

"I'll just go." A middle-aged man stood up and said hoarsely to the other nine relatives.

This middle-aged man's name is He Moshi, and he is one of the royal guards on this trip.The aura emanating from his body seemed to be the late stage of the Sky Profound Realm.

After He Moshi said these words, he immediately flew towards Fengcheng in a flash, with an extremely fast speed, leaving afterimages in the void.

Although the order from the emperor Luo Hongsheng just now was just a short sentence, all the relatives, kings and guards could feel the firm will of the emperor.

At all costs, it is enough to see how much Jun Shangluo Hongsheng values ​​Gu Hengsheng.

Among all the costs, the relatives, kings and guards can sacrifice the purpose of this trip, and they must also protect Gu Hengsheng's safety.It is conceivable that Jun Shangluo Hongsheng was shocked by Gu Hengsheng's talent in this battle.

"General Gu is brave and extraordinary, and I am deeply impressed by it. After returning to Beijing, I will definitely ask for credit for the general in front of the king."

In the blink of an eye, the prince Wei He Moshi came to Gu Hengsheng's side, bowed his hands and said to Gu Hengsheng.

Gu Hengsheng remained silent, but slowly glanced at He Moshi.Immediately, He Moshi felt a biting chill spread all over his body, and he was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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