The sword rises

Chapter 526 The world is shocked!

Chapter 526 The world is shocked!

Chapter 520 The Sixth Shocked World!

When everyone retreated from the attic of the barracks, Gu Hengsheng and Luo Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng learned everything about the former Duke from Luo Qing.

When Gu Hengsheng understood the far-reaching significance of the former Duke, he was stunned for a moment.

The former Duke is equivalent to the patron saint of the former Su Dynasty, and placed in the holy place of the sect is the elder who protects the sect, with an extremely dignified status.

"In order to gain my favor and erase the previous unhappiness, the former Emperor Su is really willing to spend all his money!"

Gu Hengsheng whispered in his heart.

"It's just that the more you get, the more you will give in the future. He is betting that I can bring huge benefits to the dynasty in the future, and plant today's benign karma in advance."

At this time, Gu Hengsheng stood alone on the city wall, looked into the distance, and murmured to himself: "But this is also good, it saves me a lot of trouble and time. With the backing of the Qiansu Dynasty in the future, I can improve my cultivation as soon as possible." For. If there is an opportunity in the future, we will end today’s karma.”

On the collapsed city wall, a man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes in a white long gown was watching alone.

"Rou'er, where are you?"

Gu Hengsheng looked down at the two sharp swords on his waist, and thoughts poured into his heart like a spring, piercing the sky and spreading to endless distances.

Frost Snow Sword Intent, this is the artistic conception that Gu Hengsheng realized based on his previous life experience and this life's comprehension.Every snowflake and frost in the artistic conception carries Gu Hengsheng's longing and affection for the beauty in his heart.

There are still wisps of cold wind in all directions of Fengcheng, and there are even many places where solid thick ice has formed, and there is no tendency to melt.

The frost formed by Dacheng's sword intent will never disperse unless it is broken by force.In other words, as long as there are no people with advanced cultivation to destroy the frost in Fengcheng, then the future will be like this.

The white ground was covered with snowflakes, and many corners of Fengcheng had condensed ice...

It's a pity that on this snowy ground, there is a wide line of blood flowing, and the corpses are piled up like a mountain.


Great world, the land of Zhongzhou, a certain corner.

There is a person standing on the top of the mountain wearing a white dress that drags five meters. Her eyebrows are picturesque, her lips are red and her teeth are white, and her hair is hanging down like a waterfall.

The beauty of her appearance can make the mountains and rivers dim, and the flowers are colorless.

She put a pair of jade hands inlaid with fat cream on her waist, and her willow waist stood upright, raising her beautiful eyes and looking into the distance.

"I'll be back, for sure."

On the top of the mountain, apart from the woman who turned all sentient beings upside down, there are hundreds of people waiting respectfully aside.These people stood far away and did not dare to disturb the woman at all.

Hundreds of people looked at the woman in the snow-white long dress, and there was a gleam of surprise in their eyes.As far as they know, their palace lord has never worn white clothes for thousands of years, and has always liked black or red clothes. Why has his temper changed since the palace lord came back some time ago?
Many people still don't know that their palace lord has broken his body, otherwise, the whole palace gate will be in chaos.

This matter was naturally concealed by some people, so as not to cause a sensation.

"You have to wait for me to come back. When I settle this matter, I will definitely come to you."

A tear mist flashed in the woman's eyes, but it dissipated in just a split second.Because she is the lord of the palace, she must always maintain a cold and arrogant posture, and make everyone respect herself.

Looking at the far north, the woman seemed to see the land of a hundred countries far away in the sky, saw the warm and picturesque scenes of the past, and also saw the figure of a man in white shirt.


The border area of ​​Beizhou, the territory of the former Su Dynasty.

At this moment, the entire Qiansu Dynasty was in great turmoil, and all the forces in it and the people of the world were boiling.

"Your Majesty has sealed the honor of the former Duke!"

In just a short day or two, the news had already spread to every corner of the vast dynasty, causing an uproar.

"In my dynasty, who can be the former Duke? The prime minister, the general of the state, and the few ministers of the Privy Council are probably not qualified!"

All the streets and alleys are discussing this matter.

"I heard that the former Duke is Gu Hengsheng, the vanguard general of this Eastern Expedition. Who is this person? Why have I never heard of it before? Why should he be the former Duke?"

Countless people have raised doubts.

Gu Hengsheng led the army to storm Fengcheng, and the news of the talented monster had not yet spread to the imperial court, so the world naturally didn't know who Gu Hengsheng was.

However, Junhuang Luo Hongsheng issued an imperial order to announce to the world, and almost sent people to use secret methods to notify the various states and cities, and passed on the matter of the canonization of the former Duke.

Therefore, the world soon knew the news, and of course they were astonished and amazed.

"Gu Hengsheng, this name sounds so familiar! Could it be... His Majesty?" In a certain corner of the Qiansu Dynasty, after thinking hard for a while, someone seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly raised his head, stared and exclaimed. .

Ever since people in the Land of Hundred Kingdoms knew that there was an outside world, many people started to set off to the border of Beizhou.Naturally, someone came to the territory of the former Su Dynasty.

People who can say the word "Zunshang" are probably only people from the land of a hundred countries.

"Is Your Majesty confused? This is the former Duke! How could it be easily settled? And I haven't discussed it with the courtiers yet. What kind of person is Gu Hengsheng? What qualifications and abilities does he have?"

Many officials of the dynasty were shocked, and they wrote memorials one after another, wanting to impeach and oppose.

"Your Majesty, I don't know whether this move is right or wrong. I hope that Your Majesty will be able to face this flood of doubts and opposition in the future!"

In the palace, the old eunuch who was close to Junhuang Luo Hongsheng sighed in his heart, he seemed to have seen the problem that Junhuang Luo Hongsheng was about to face.

For the coming storm, Junhuang Luo Hongsheng seemed to have prepared well. Since he dared to make the decision to confer Gu Hengsheng as the former Duke alone, he had already expected this day.

"As long as Gu convinces the Supreme Emperor and the elders of the country, the rest is nothing to worry about."

Luo Hongsheng had many eyes, and he already knew the news that the courtiers planned to unite to oppose this matter.

Luo Hongsheng was not afraid of this at all, and said with a sneer, "You can comprehend the Dacheng Sword Intent in your early twenties, and realize your own Frost Snow Sword Intent, and step on the road of swordsmanship. Even if this kind of person lets go Everyone in Zhongzhou is the favored child of heaven, if a former Duke can really win his favor, it will be blessed by heaven."

At this moment, Fengcheng.

Gu Hengsheng withdrew his longing for the beautiful woman in his heart, and came to the attic of the military camp, intending to discuss major military affairs regarding the next Eastern Expedition.

(End of this chapter)

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