The sword rises

Chapter 543 Dao Heart Oath

Chapter 543 Dao Heart Oath
Chapter 540 Three Dao Heart Oath
"Don't get angry, General Ren, let's discuss it calmly."

Gu Hengsheng saw that Ren Jingyuan had a tendency to want to do something, and immediately said with a light smile with a relaxed tone.

"Hmph! If the general didn't want to discuss it, you would have become a corpse now." Ren Jingyuan clenched his fists, controlling his burning anger.

"General Ren, just now I just analyzed the relationship of interests, don't get angry. How about this, the former Su Dynasty and the Eastern Myanmar Dynasty will be divided into [-]-[-], and no one will take advantage of the other. What do you think?"

Gu Hengsheng knew that it was time for him to let go, so he asked in a pretentious manner.

Ren Jingyuan didn't answer, but just looked at Gu Hengsheng solemnly.

"General Ren, time waits for no one. If the two of us are in a stalemate and delay, we are afraid that something will happen. By then, neither of us will be able to take the lead."

Seeing that Ren Jingyuan was still thinking, Gu Hengsheng opened his thin lips again: "Besides, it's just right for both sides to get half of it, and there won't be any problems of uneven distribution of benefits."

"Just now, the former Duke wanted to take [-]% of it, why did he let go all of a sudden?"

Ren Jingyuan didn't believe that Gu Hengsheng would be so kind and unconditionally give up this profit.What's more, Ren Jingyuan actually knew very well in his heart that if the news leaked out, the Eastern Burmese Dynasty would suffer the most.

If the two sides are in a stalemate, the Eastern Myanmar Dynasty may really agree to only take [-]% of the benefits.

"General Ren, do you think this is good? Both of us take a step back. My former Su Dynasty gave up [-]% of the benefits, and you handed over to me the spies of my former Su Dynasty who defected to the Eastern Burmese Dynasty, and you gave me the thirteen cities in Dongjiang. How about coming back?"

Gu Hengsheng risked Ren Jingyuan's face, and said so many things, just for the sovereignty of the thirteen cities in the eastern border and the traitors who fled to the Eastern Myanmar Dynasty.

"So it turns out that the former Duke made his idea here." Ren Jingyuan said with a sneer, his mouth slightly raised.

"General Ren, originally the bottom line of my courtship was [-]% of the benefits, but now I am making my own claim and giving up [-]% in the hope that both dynasties can divide the following things in half, so that there will be no disputes in the future, and common gains profit."

The former Su Junhuang's bottom line of madness was actually [-]%, but in order to achieve better results, Gu Hengsheng swore a lie to strive for the greatest benefit: "General Ren, I think about the overall situation, and I am good at making claims." Give up [-]% of the profit, don't you give me something to go back to North Korea for business?"

Having said all this, if Ren Jingyuan hesitates, it seems to be his fault.

Ren Jingyuan knew that the matter was of great importance, and he couldn't delay it any longer, otherwise things would change.However, Ren Jingyuan stared straight at Gu Hengsheng, always feeling that something was wrong.

Ren Jingyuan had an illusion, as if Gu Hengsheng really gave up [-]% of the benefits on behalf of the former Su Dynasty, which always felt weird.

If Ren Jingyuan disagreed with the card here, the talks between the two parties may really collapse, and no one can get any benefits.Thinking of this, Ren Jingyuan actually agrees with Gu Hengsheng's proposal, [-]/[-].

However, Ren Jingyuan's chest was inexplicably congested, and he felt a little stuffy: "I will arrange a residence for the former Duke later, and I will rest in the barracks for the time being. The Japanese will give you an answer tomorrow, how about it?"

"Naturally, I will take care of you, General Ren."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Gu Hengsheng's mouth. He knew that he was sure of his trip.

Afterwards, Ren Jingyuan immediately sent someone to arrange an elegant and quiet residence for Gu Hengsheng, and sent someone outside to monitor Gu Hengsheng's every move.

As for Ren Jingyuan, although he recognized Gu Hengsheng's proposal and knew the stakes, he didn't dare to make a decision by himself, so he could only report it to the Emperor of Eastern Burma through the secret method.

Everything should be decided by the Emperor of Eastern Burma.

Naturally, Hong Sheng and other relatives, Wei and Gu Hengsheng came to the Yajing residence arranged by Ren Jingyuan, carefully surveying the surrounding environment to ensure that Gu Hengsheng's safety would not be threatened.

"Duke, what did Ren Jingyuan say?"

Hong Sheng looked around and asked cautiously in a low voice.

"If there are no accidents, this matter has been completed." Gu Hengsheng pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "However, Ren Jingyuan's pass is easy, but the Emperor of Eastern Myanmar is an old fox, so it is not easy to fool."

"This...then what should we do?" Hong Sheng was a little worried.

"Everything that can be done has been done, and everything that should be said has been said. It depends on whether the Emperor of Eastern Burma agrees."

Gu Hengsheng slowly closed his eyes and leaned gently on the chair.

Hong Sheng and his relatives and guards glanced at each other, and said to Gu Hengsheng: "Duke, this matter should be reported to the king, to hear what the king thinks."

"Well, use your own means to discuss with the king!"

Gu Hengsheng did not forget that there was the former Emperor Su on top of his head, and he let Hong Sheng and others report it through secret methods.

Afterwards, both sides are seeking the emperor's will, and the final decision can only be made by the emperors of both parties.

Having nothing to say all night, Gu Hengsheng rested in the Accord for the night.

The next day, dawn broke.

The door of the Accord was gently pushed open, and an Eastern Burmese soldier said politely: "The former Duke, the general has an invitation."

"lead the way."

Gu Hengsheng said softly, expressionless.

The Eastern Burmese soldiers immediately stepped forward and led the way for Gu Hengsheng to the main hall of yesterday's army.

Of course, the ten princes and guards followed Gu Hengsheng closely and stepped into the hall together.

When Gu Hengsheng came to the main hall, he saw Ren Jingyuan sitting on the main seat, he must have been waiting for a long time.

"Everyone go down." Ren Jingyuan retreated the Eastern Burmese soldiers on both sides, very solemnly.

A group of Eastern Burmese soldiers quickly exited the hall without any hesitation.

This time, Gu Hengsheng didn't let the relatives, kings and guards leave, just stared at Ren Jingyuan quietly, waiting for an answer: "How is General Ren thinking?"

"My Eastern Burmese Dynasty can agree to the former Duke's proposal, but for the sake of safety, you must let your emperor sign the Dao Heart Oath, and you are not allowed to violate the agreement."

Ren Jingyuan had a long conversation with the Emperor of Eastern Burma last night, knowing that it was impossible for him to eat the entire spiritual vein, so he could only agree to Gu Hengsheng's proposal.However, in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, the Emperor of Eastern Burma hopes that both parties can sign the Dao Heart Oath.

Dao Heart Oath, vowed by Dao Heart cultivation, once the agreement is violated, Dao Heart will be damaged, the cultivation base will no longer be possible to advance, and even the cultivation base will be regressed, and the strength will be greatly damaged.

"The Dao Heart Oath?" Gu Hengsheng frowned, he didn't dare to agree to this for the former Emperor Su.

Gu Hengsheng immediately gave Hong Sheng a look, and asked Hong Sheng to report the matter to the former Su Emperor immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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