The sword rises

Chapter 545

Chapter 545
Chapter 540
Gu Hengsheng led ten relatives and guards to leave Renfeng City without a sound, and the Eastern Burmese soldiers who saw Gu Hengsheng that day were all given a gag order, and no one dared to say a word.

Regarding the matter of the spiritual pulse, there are very few people in the Eastern Myanmar Dynasty and the Qiansu Dynasty who know the inside story, and they are all core figures to prevent the news from leaking.

Back in Fengcheng, Gu Hengsheng didn't say anything to Luo Qing, because since the former Emperor Su didn't intend to tell Luo Qing about this matter, it was difficult for him to reveal it.

"Your Highness Seventh, get ready, you can take back the thirteen cities of Dongjiang."

After Gu Hengsheng came back, he just said this sentence, which made Luo Qing confused.

Luo Qing also wanted to ask Gu Hengsheng why, but Gu Hengsheng didn't explain too much, and let Luo Qing think and guess by herself.

Half a month later, an imperial decree came from the Qiansu Palace and was presented to the Eastern Myanmar Dynasty.

The imperial order said: Our dynasty is willing to pay a precious price in exchange for the sovereignty of the thirteen cities in the eastern border. Please agree with the Eastern Burmese dynasty.

As for the precious price, no one knows, only that the former Su Dynasty may really have to bleed heavily.

After Su Junhuang's meaning spread to the Eastern Burmese Dynasty, the entire Eastern Burmese court became lively.

Many Eastern Burmese courtiers are discussing the precious price, and want to see whether the former Su Dynasty is sincere in exchange for the thirteen cities in Eastern Xinjiang.The noisy and non-stop bureaucratic discussions spread throughout the court, like a vegetable market.

"I wish to stop the war with the former Su Dynasty and agree to give up the thirteen cities in the eastern border."

With a wave of his hand, the emperor of Eastern Burma directly shut the mouths of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, and then opened his mouth majesticly.

Many Eastern Burmese courtiers still wanted to play, but when they saw the majestic face and unquestionable eyes of the Eastern Burmese Emperor, no one dared to speak rudely, and they all kowtowed: "Your Majesty is wise!"

As a result, the general Ren Jingyuan, who was guarding Renfeng City, began to lead his troops back to the dynasty, and handed over the sovereignty of the thirteen cities in the eastern border to the former Su Dynasty.However, Ren Jingyuan secretly left some masters in Renfeng City to discuss the details of the spiritual veins with the former Su Dynasty.

The Seventh Prince Luo Qing saw that things had suddenly turned into this, and he couldn't turn his head around. After a long pause, he gave the order: "Send troops immediately to stabilize the cities."

Luo Qing thought carefully, he did not believe that the two dynasties really reconciled because of a "precious price", there must be a deep meaning in it.

Involuntarily, Luo Qing focused her eyes on Gu Hengsheng, and finally could only hold back the doubts and agitation in her heart, and sighed secretly.

Luo Qing understood very well that perhaps all of this had something to do with Gu Hengsheng, but unfortunately he was not qualified to know.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Luo Qing let go of the doubts in her heart, led the army to take back all the thirteen cities in the eastern border, and sent people to guard the key corners of each city to stabilize the situation in the city.

However, in just ten days, with the assistance of the generals, Luo Qing completely restored the order of the thirteen cities in the eastern border.

At the same time, countless people and officials of the Eastern Myanmar Dynasty and the Former Su Dynasty couldn't hold back, and they were all discussing the recovery of the thirteen cities in the Eastern Border.

"What price did the former Su emperor promise to let me agree to hand over the thirteen cities of Dongjiang to the emperor? It must be a hemorrhage." Many people of the Eastern Burma Dynasty were muttering.

"What a shame! Why did your lord pay the price to take back the thirteen cities of Dongjiang? This has affected the dignity of the dynasty. How will the world treat my dynasty in the future?"

Many officials of the former Su Dynasty showed mournful expressions, looked up to the sky and sighed, as if they really paid a huge price.

"Didn't you say that the Seventh Prince should lead the army to the east? Why did your majesty pay a big price to the Eastern Burmese Dynasty? Could it be that something happened to the seven princes, and there was no way to recover the thirteen cities in the eastern border, so the majesty had no choice but to order reconciliation?"

An official spoke loudly of what he thought.The intention in it is self-evident, this is to stumbling the Seventh Prince Luoqing, and wants to let the Seventh Prince Luoqing bear all the consequences.

"Hmph! There's also that vanguard general, Gu Hengsheng. Your majesty respects him so much and makes him a former Duke. Why can't he even regain the thirteen cities in the eastern border? He also lost all the prestige of my dynasty. He Not only did it tarnish the honorable name of the former Duke, but it also damaged the reputation of my dynasty."

In the capital of the former Su Dynasty, some officials and aristocratic families expressed this meaning, fully revealing their dissatisfaction with the former Duke Gu Hengsheng.

The three became tigers. With the rumors released by some officials and aristocratic families, the entire former Su capital was discussing the Seventh Prince Luo Qing and the former Duke Gu Hengsheng, almost all talking about the great loss of the dynasty's prestige due to the two. , paid the price in blood.

Regarding these voices, it was clear that some people could not understand the Seventh Prince Luo Qing and deliberately spread rumors to cause trouble.

As for the former Duke, Gu Hengsheng, in the eyes of many people, is the Seventh Prince. Of course, he wants to step up and step on it, hoping to erase Gu Hengsheng's status as the former Duke.

Gu Hengsheng, who was on his way back to court, naturally didn't know about this, but even if he knew, he would just smile disapprovingly and ignore it.

The former Su Dynasty paid a "precious price", which made the Eastern Burmese Dynasty withdraw from the thirteen cities in Dongjiang?
In fact, there is no precious price, it is just a deceptive rhetoric.The Qiansu Dynasty didn't even pay a fart, so they took back the thirteen cities in Dongjiang.

The Eastern Burmese Dynasty didn't care about the Thirteen Cities of Dongjiang at all, but the spiritual veins under it.Now that both parties have signed the Dao Heart Oath, and the [-]-[-] split, the Eastern Burmese Dynasty must of course cooperate well.

After a long journey, Gu Hengsheng, Luo Qing and others finally returned to the capital.

"His Royal Highness Seventh, the former Duke, the class teacher returns to the court!"

When the generals defending the city saw Gu Hengsheng and Luo Qing's army, they immediately raised their voices and shouted.

All of a sudden, the entire capital was boiling, and everyone knew the news of Gu Hengsheng and Luo Qing's return to court.

The Seventh Prince Luo Qing took a deep breath, he knew that his Eastern Expedition was not over yet, the most difficult thing was not fighting on the battlefield, but facing the impeachment and run-on by the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty.

If the thirteen cities of Dongjiang were really regained through the Eastern Expedition, Luo Qing still has a little confidence to face the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty.

However, everyone in the world knows that it was the former Su Dynasty who paid a high price for the Eastern Myanmar Dynasty to return to the city, and there was no such thing as Luoqing.Moreover, Luo Qing has to bear the scapegoat for her unfavorable start.

Gu Hengsheng glanced sideways at Luo Qing, whose face was covered with cold sweat, and seemed to understand the worries in Luo Qing's heart, so he could only secretly say: "The Seventh Prince is really unlucky, I'm afraid he doesn't want to take the blame, so he has to grit his teeth and bear it."

(End of this chapter)

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