The sword rises

Chapter 547

Chapter 547
Chapter 540 Angrily Rebuke Hundred Officials
The next day, when it was just dawn, the palace hall of the Qiansu Dynasty was full of people.

None of the civil and military officials were absent, and they appeared in the hall one after another.

This morning, many people couldn't bear it any longer. One was because of the Seventh Prince, and the other was because of Gu Hengsheng.

In front of the main hall, there were four people standing, among them was the figure of the Seventh Prince Luo Qing.

Luo Qing is the youngest prince, ranked seventh, and there are three imperial sisters and three imperial brothers on top of him.Luoqing's imperial sister is the youngest one, she is only in her early twenties and is under house arrest somewhere.

First Prince, Third Prince, Fourth Prince, Seventh Prince.

"Your Majesty is here, kneel down to welcome you!"

With the sound of a voice, the entire noisy hall fell silent for an instant.

Civil and military officials immediately knelt down on their knees and bowed to greet them.

Jun Shangluo Hongsheng was wearing a golden dragon robe, sweeping the court with majesty and majesty, and sat down on the dragon chair in the blink of an eye.

"Saint Ann, Your Majesty!"

All the officials shouted in awe.

The four princes bowed and saluted, and said respectfully in unison: "Father, Sheng'an!"

"Everyone get up." Luo Hongsheng didn't care about these customary etiquette at all, he lightly raised his hands, and let all the civil and military officials stand up.

All the officials thanked him, and then he stood up slowly.

Immediately afterwards, there was a commotion outside the hall, and a report came: "The former Duke enters the hall, welcome!"


The faces of all the officials changed, and they all showed different expressions.

Former Duke, Gu Hengsheng.

I didn't expect that the former Duke would really have the courage to go to court. Could it be that he doesn't know how embarrassing his situation is?
All the officials were secretly thinking, their eyes kept looking towards the entrance of the main hall, wanting to see what the so-called former Duke looked like.

Da da da……

The hall was unusually quiet, and the slight sound of Gu Hengsheng's footsteps was particularly eye-catching.

Soon, Gu Hengsheng's figure completely appeared in front of Baiguan.

Dressed in a white shirt, with long hair like a waterfall, and two green spears on his waist, he strode forward.

At today's court meeting, Gu Hengsheng did not change into the Duke's costume that Luo Hongsheng had prepared for him, but still wore his white gown.

"Meet the former Duke!"

When Gu Hengsheng appeared, the audience was stunned for a moment, and immediately an official reacted and bowed in salute.

The former Duke was the protector of the former Su Dynasty, more honorable than the princes.It can be said that the real one is under one person, above ten thousand people, and even can refute the emperor at certain times.

With such a status, all the officials should salute and greet him without any disrespect.

However, only a few of the officials saluted and greeted Gu Hengsheng, which seemed a little strange.

Seeing this scene, Luo Hongsheng frowned calmly, still maintaining a dignified expression, without showing any displeasure.

On the surface, Luo Hongsheng was neither sad nor happy, but in his heart he said with a sneer: "The former Duke's honor was sealed by a solitary canon, and now he is so cold and disrespectful. Is he dissatisfied with Gu? Or is it because of Gu Hengsheng? Dissatisfied?"

Gu Hengsheng didn't care about the indifference of the officials, but went straight to the center of the hall, and looked at Luo Hongsheng.

"Meet Your Majesty."

Gu Hengsheng just bowed slightly and called out.

Luo Hongsheng nodded.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng stood aside.

Suddenly, when Gu Hengsheng had just stood on the side of the main hall, a middle-aged man wearing Shen Wei's armor turned his head and said: "This column is where the military commander stands. .”

It turned out that when Gu Hengsheng moved his body, he just happened to stand at the top of the line of generals.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the entire hall became extremely heavy and quiet, and needles could be heard.

The person who spoke was Xiao Xiong, the former general of the Su Dynasty.

"The former Duke is extremely honorable and unparalleled, how can he be regarded as a literati? Inappropriate or inappropriate."

The next moment, before Gu Hengsheng could speak or move, someone from the civil servants spoke.

Indistinctly, wisps of bleak cold wind blew in from the outside, hitting the corner of Gu Hengsheng's white shirt, as if he really wanted to make Gu Hengsheng look embarrassed.

However, Gu Hengsheng stood there expressionlessly, turning a deaf ear.

Jun Shangluo Hongsheng sat alone on the dragon chair, he glanced at the civil and military officials, and slowly narrowed his eyes.Baiguan was not only dissatisfied with Gu Hengsheng, but also challenged his majesty.

You know, Luo Hongsheng single-handedly canonized Gu Hengsheng with the former Duke's honor.Now the attitude and cynicism of the officials are clearly resisting with actions.


Luo Hongsheng let out a cold snort, mixed with a powerful imperial prestige and majestic aura, which made the whole hall tremble.

All civil and military officials changed their complexions drastically, and they almost lost their balance.

Fortunately, these civil servants are not just Confucian scholars who have no power to restrain a chicken, but also more or less cultivated.Otherwise, just relying on the aura that Luo Hongsheng diffused just now, it is enough to suppress ordinary people and immediately kneel down.

"It seems that General Xiao and Zhong Aiqing have resentment in their hearts! Just say what you want, you don't have to beat around the bush with Gu."

Luo Hongsheng glanced at Xiao Xiong, the general of Zhen Guo, and then said to Man Chao Wen Wu.

The seventh prince, Luo Qing, didn't dare to say a word, and stood on the side tremblingly, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.Today, he, his concubine mother, and the imperial sister's fate did not know what would happen, and they were too busy to take care of themselves.

"Your Majesty, the last general dare not."

Xiao Xiong, the general of Zhen Guo, let out a rough breath, clasped his fists and said.

Although he has resentment and dissatisfaction in his heart, if he really climbs up the pole, he will definitely offend Longyan. Xiao Xiong is not so upright to be able to sit firmly in the position of general.

"Weichen and others dare not."

Many civil servants bowed and said.

Everyone could see that General Xiao Xiong and all the civil servants meant that they did not dare, not that they had no resentment.They have resentment in their hearts, but they just dare not.

Originally, the situation in the court was stable and stable, but suddenly there was a former Duke stepping on everyone's heads, which made it uncomfortable for everyone, especially the general Zhen Guo and the current prime minister.

Even though they knew that Gu Hengsheng was exceptionally gifted and talented, it was still difficult for the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty to accept the canonization of Gu Hengsheng as the former Duke of the State.

"A group of ignorant people, Gu originally thought that you could understand Gu's good intentions, but who knows that you are so superficial and short-sighted."

Luo Hongsheng sneered, slapped the table in front of him hard, and said loudly.

All the officials trembled, and they all lowered their heads in unison, not daring to look directly at Luo Hongsheng who was in a rage.

"Your Majesty, the position of the former Duke is of great importance. It symbolizes the national prestige and supreme glory of my dynasty. It is really difficult to convince the public to confer such a reckless canonization."

General Xiao Xiong gritted his teeth and said in front of everyone.

"It's hard to convince the crowd? I'm afraid you can't see someone standing over you! Are you already dissatisfied with Gu and plan to have other ideas?"

Luo Hongsheng was not afraid of making things worse, he stood up suddenly, glared at all the officials, and reprimanded in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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