The sword rises

Chapter 551 The Dust Settles

Chapter 551 The Dust Settles
Chapter 550: The Dust Settles
Sacrificial to heaven and coronated, the whole country celebrates together.

From today onwards, the fact that Gu Hengsheng became the former Duke of the State was truly implemented, and no one would have any complaints or objections.

All officials already know that as long as there is Gu Hengsheng in charge of the future Qiansu Dynasty, there will be no limit.And at that time, as the important ministers of the former Su Dynasty, they will definitely have innumerable benefits, and they can even see the grandeur of the world with their own eyes.

"See the former Duke!"

Xiao Xiong, the general of Zhen Guo, no longer had an arrogant and rude attitude, bowed to Gu Hengsheng, and raised his voice.

Immediately afterwards, all civil and military officials, including the prime minister, saluted one after another, and said in unison: "See the Duke!"

Even the crown prince and the prince would lower their dignified heads, look at Gu Hengsheng's figure, and respectfully address him as "Your Majesty".

The former Duke symbolizes the patron saint of the former Su Dynasty, and is more noble than the princes, generals and nobles in the palace.As long as the Supreme Emperor and the elders of the kingdoms are not born, their status will only be a little lower than that of the current emperor.

It is conceivable that Gu Hengsheng's power in the future can be said to be monstrous, as long as he does not commit disasters of wrath and hatred, the dynasty will never move him.

From today onwards, Gu Hengsheng's every move will affect the situation of the entire dynasty, and even change the future direction of the dynasty, and the rise and fall of honor and disgrace will also be related.

"Get up!"

Faced with the bowing and saluting of all the officials, Gu Hengsheng was a little uncomfortable, but he quickly brought himself into the honor of the former Duke, and said in a low voice without haste.

"Thank you, Mr. Guo."

All the officials spoke in unison and got up slowly.

Pairs of fiery and complicated eyes focused on Gu Hengsheng's body, and the sound of panting and rapid breathing filled the hall, and the beating hearts showed the heavy and excited mood of Baiguan at this time.

"Duke, do you have any dissatisfaction?"

Junhuang Luo Hongsheng turned around and sat back on the dragon chair, then stared at Gu Hengsheng and asked softly.

Old fox!
Gu Hengsheng whispered in his heart.

It was clear that he wanted Gu Hengsheng to take root in the former Su Dynasty and have a causal relationship with the former Su Dynasty.However, the matter has come to this point, no matter it is Luo Hongsheng's current attitude, or the spiritual veins under Dongjiang Thirteen Cities, Gu Hengsheng has no way to refuse.

"It is already a great fortune in life for a humble minister to be valued by the emperor, and naturally there will be no dissatisfaction."

Gu Hengsheng cupped his hands slightly and replied.

"Since this is the case, then choose a good day and auspicious day to crown the Duke of the country, announce it to the world, and celebrate with the whole country."

A smile from the heart appeared on the corner of Junhuang Luo Hongsheng's mouth, and he raised his left hand slightly and said majesticly.

"Everything is subject to your majesty's arrangement."

Gu Hengsheng actually didn't care about these nonsense.He just hopes that the spiritual veins can be mined as soon as possible, so that he can speed up the pace of practice, and try to jump out of the springboard of the Beizhou border to see the real grandeur of the world.

Luo Hongsheng nodded slightly to Gu Hengsheng, then glanced at the Seventh Prince Luo Qing who was on the side, and said solemnly: "Seventh Prince."

Luo Qing immediately shuddered, took half a step forward, and said respectfully, "My son is here."

Everyone guessed that because the seventh prince's expedition to the east led to a disadvantageous battle situation, the emperor had to pay a big price in exchange for the thirteen cities of Dongjiang.

Perhaps, Your Majesty is going to punish the Seventh Prince.Many people held their breath, watching this scene with some expectation.

What just puzzled the officials was, didn't the front line say that the first battle of the Eastern Expedition was a great victory?It seems that you haven't heard the news that the Seventh Prince's Eastern Expedition failed?
However, if it wasn't because the Eastern Expedition was not going well, why would the Lord have to pay a price in exchange for the Thirteen Cities of Eastern Border?
Everyone murmured in their hearts, presumably in order to protect the dignity of the dynasty, the emperor withheld the unfavorable battle report on the front line, and did not intend to reveal it.

In fact, many people would not know about the spiritual pulse if they thought about it, let alone the thirteen cities in Dongjiang were voluntarily given up by the Eastern Burmese Dynasty.

Above the court, only a few people know the real reason.However, even if some key personnel know about this, they can only pretend to be confused, and they must not reveal half of the news.

"This matter ends here. I have thoroughly found out that your crime of treason and collaborating with the enemy is nothing, and your charges will be removed. And, from today onwards, I will make you King Pingbo and enfeoff the seven cities in the south. You are allowed to raise some The private army, to deal with the troubles of the weekdays."

When Luo Hongsheng finished speaking, he looked at Gu Hengsheng intentionally or unintentionally.

Luo Hongsheng also said last night, "What was before, will be what will happen in the future", but now, in order to win over Gu Hengsheng, he is really trying his best.Regarding this point, Gu Hengsheng could only smile secretly knowingly.

Baiguan was stunned and at a loss.

Who the hell said that the Seventh Prince would be punished by the court this morning?This is punishment?Obviously it's a compliment, okay?

Originally, Luo Qing was just a Ping Bohou, and he didn't have any power, and there were only three or two servants in the mansion.Now with a wave of his hand, Luo Hongsheng directly canonized him as King Ping Bo and rewarded him with seven cities.

Regarding this, not only the officials were stunned, but the Seventh Prince Luo Qing who was involved was also stunned.

Luo Qing had already prepared for the worst, but who knew that not only was he not punished, but he also got the throne and fief that he had never even dared to think about before.


Luo Qing was stunned for a long time, then knelt down on the ground in a panic, kowtowed and thanked: "My son, thank you for the gift of the father, and I will never let the father down."

While bowing her head to thank, Luo Qing couldn't help looking at Gu Hengsheng from the corner of her eye. The emotions in her heart were extremely complicated, gratitude, surprise, dreamlike, excitement...

Luo Qing could know that his father's move was only to please Gu Hengsheng, because he and Gu Hengsheng had a closer relationship and wanted to use this to gain more favor from Gu Hengsheng.

Even knowing this, the excitement in Luo Qing's heart could not be calmed down.

This means that he is no longer the powerless and powerless prince he was at the beginning, and he will not be reduced to the head of a jailer who can bully him.

Being canonized as king today, what makes Luoqing happiest is that his mother, concubine and imperial sister will no longer live in fear, and will no longer allow others to bully them.

"Get up!" Luo Hongsheng whispered softly: "Concubine Yuan has moved out of the Leng Palace, and now lives in Xianan Palace, your imperial sister Qingyue is also here."

"Many... Thank you, Father." Hearing this, Luo Qing's eyes instantly turned red, and tears welled up.

Seeing this, all the officials looked at Luo Qing and could not help but glance at Gu Hengsheng, sighing secretly in their hearts: "From now on, the rise of the Seventh Prince will be unstoppable. I never thought that the person whom the Seventh Prince acquainted with could become the former Duke." , maybe even the Seventh Prince himself can't think of it!"

From this moment on, everyone has to re-examine the Seventh Prince Luo Qing.Not for other reasons, but because the person standing behind the Seventh Prince Luo Qing is the former Duke Gu Hengsheng.

The emperor's canonization as king today is to test Gu Hengsheng.

(End of this chapter)

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