The sword rises

Chapter 561

Chapter 561
Chapter 560 The Realm of the Great Dao
"Zhongzhou is too far away from me now."

When Gu Hengsheng heard the name "Xue Tingyan", a trace of turmoil in his heart gradually calmed down.

"Don't be melancholy, Mr. Guo. According to your talent, you will be able to stand in the great world of Zhongzhou in the future." Seeing Gu Hengsheng's expression suddenly indifferent and dimmed, Luo Hongsheng thought that Gu Hengsheng was depressed because of his low strength, and comforted him. road.

Gu Hengsheng just pursed his thin lips and smiled without explaining.

The owner of the Ancient You Palace, Xue Tingyan, was judged by heaven more than 2000 years ago, and it was only during this period that he reappeared in the eyes of the world.

Gu Hengsheng originally thought that there was some cause and effect between this ancient palace and himself, but when he heard the name Xue Tingyan, the ray of hope that rose in his heart quietly dissipated.

"Your Majesty, if there is nothing else to do, I will retire first."

Gu Hengsheng came here this time just to say hello to Luo Hongsheng.

"En." Luo Hongsheng didn't persuade him to stay, and let Gu Hengsheng come and go.

Now that Gu Hengsheng is the former Duke, he can let Gu Hengsheng in and out of the entire imperial city.As long as Gu Hengsheng didn't do anything against the interests of the dynasty, he could almost let Gu Hengsheng do whatever he wanted.

Gu Hengsheng didn't stay long, he left the imperial study room and returned to his former Duke's mansion.

In the past few days, Gu Hengsheng felt the changes in his body while polishing his foundation.

During the retreat, he consumed a thousand catties of spirit stones, and the medicinal power of the nine-turn jade lotus hidden in his body, which directly raised Gu Hengsheng's cultivation to the peak of the early stage of the Sky Profound Realm, and he was only a mile away from breaking it again. Entering the middle stage of the Sky Profound Realm.

Rumors came from the outside world that many forces from the border area of ​​Beizhou came here with great gifts, intending to celebrate the coronation of the former Duke of the former Su Dynasty, and to see the talent of the new former Duke.

Regarding this, Gu Hengsheng was indifferent and devoted himself to the practice.

During this period of time, Gu Hengsheng either stayed in his own room to retreat, or went to the bamboo forest deep in the palace to meet the Supreme Emperor and listen to the Supreme Emperor's unique insights on cultivation.

In the depths of the bamboo forest, a thatched hut is isolated beside the clear pool. An old man, as old as a dead wood, is sitting on the ground. His breath rises and falls, sometimes strong, sometimes weak.

Gu Hengsheng was standing beside the old man, waiting respectfully.

"Your Majesty, I don't understand something, can I ask?"

Gu Hengsheng did not dare to be disrespectful to the old man who had lived in an era for more than 4000 years, and asked in a low voice.

"Tell me! I'll tell you everything I can say." The old man was kind and amiable. It was hard to imagine that he was a strong man who came out of the sea of ​​blood when he was young.

"Why do you stay here for a long time chopping firewood? Is this a kind of practice?" Although Gu Hengsheng has the knowledge of his previous life, it is not enough in this world.

There are countless strong men in the great world, but there are more than billions of warriors in the Sky Profound Realm, just like ants.

"What is cultivation?" The old man slowly turned his head to stare at Gu Hengsheng, and asked back.

Gu Hengsheng opened his mouth, and said in thought: "There are many different ways to practice, but everyone in the world takes martial arts as the mainstream. Strengthening one's strength can win the day."

"You are not wrong. Only by practicing martial arts can you have a place in this great world. However, there are always some people in the world who have no way to open up their meridians and have no chance of martial arts. So they can't practice?"

The old man has gone through an era and witnessed the rise of a great emperor who suppressed the stars of the heavens. He understands things more thoroughly than many people: "Everyone's life, food, clothing, housing and transportation are all for cultivation."

"Basic clothing, food, housing, and transportation are all for cultivation?" Gu Hengsheng seemed to understand, and whispered several times.

"In the past, I went upstream, thinking that cultivating Dao means cultivating Dao and Martial Dao. When I got old, I gradually realized that the things we don't care about on weekdays are the most precious things."

The old man looked at the blue waves and clear pools in front of him, and slowly said: "Hang Seng, it is good to advance bravely in the rapids, but sometimes you also need to experience the ups and downs of the world, and see the world of mortals at a glance. These things will be of immeasurable help to your heart."

"This junior must remember." Gu Hengsheng secretly remembered what the old man said, and bowed with his hands clasped.

"I can see that your Dao heart is intact and your beliefs are firm. However, if you want to go further and touch the pinnacle of this world, a perfect Dao heart is far from enough. Only by returning to the basics can you realize the Dao."

The old man took a few breaths and whispered in a hoarse voice.

"Back to the basics, you can realize the Tao..." Gu Hengsheng lowered his head slowly, half understanding.This sentence is easy to understand, but it is full of sincerity, which made Gu Hengsheng temporarily confused.

"Pour me a glass of wine, let me have a drink with this old man!"

The old man waved his left hand lightly, and suddenly there was a crystal clear jade table beside him. On the table was a pot of heavy fine wine and two glazed jade cups.

Gu Hengsheng disapproved of the old man's method of suddenly changing things, and nodded respectfully: "Yes, the Supreme Emperor."

Gu Hengsheng slowly walked to the side of the jade table, picked up the jug with both hands and filled the two glass jade cups.

Gu Hengsheng handed a glass of wine to the old man, and after the old man took it, he picked up another glass and drank it down: "Your Majesty, my junior respects you."

The old man looked at Gu Hengsheng's heroic appearance, as if seeing his young and vigorous self, he felt a little bit embarrassed, and then swallowed the fine wine in his glass.

"Your Majesty, this junior came to see you today." Gu Hengsheng poured another cup for the old man and said softly.

The old man understood Gu Hengsheng's thoughts at a glance, and said hoarsely, "You want to ask about the Dao Realm!"

"Yes." Gu Hengsheng nodded immediately, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

The old man drank all the fine wine in the cup, put the glazed jade cup on the jade table, and then walked to the edge of the clear pool, letting the breeze howl in his face: "After the Profound Sky Realm, there is the Realm of the Great Dao. A martial artist who has reached the Dao Realm can be qualified to witness the diverse demeanor of this world with his own eyes."

Gu Hengsheng tightly closed his thin lips, and listened attentively to every word of the old man, not daring to miss a single word.

"The Dao Realm is divided into nine levels, called the Nine Steps of the Dao Realm. People say that the Dao Realm has nine steps, and each step is a heaven, which symbolizes the difficulty of each step of cultivation."

The old man continued: "When you really step into the Dao realm, you will understand the hardships and dangers of cultivation."

"Then how can we enter the Dao Realm?"

Gu Hengsheng asked.

"If you understand the meaning of the Tao, you will have the qualifications to step into the realm of the Great Dao."

The old man patiently answered Gu Hengsheng's doubts.

"Daoyi? What is this?"

Gu Hengsheng frowned slightly, subconsciously speaking.

(End of this chapter)

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