Chapter 59
Chapter 59 The Two Families Meet
Mr. Gu stood up quickly, and then walked towards Li Tianyuan and the others.

His old man passed by, and Gu Hengsheng had no choice but to follow behind him, getting closer and closer to Li Tianyuan, Li Qiurou and others.

As for Gu Youmo, his legs are inconvenient, and he sat in the wheelchair without moving. He looked at Li's family and the others with deep eyes, with a sense of solemnity.

"Old man Li, you came here very soon." Old man Gu stepped forward, and said with a light smile to Li Tianyuan, who had a solemn expression on his face.

"Naturally." Li Tianyuan replied coldly, presumably he was still struggling with Gu Hengsheng's matter.

Mr. Gu and Li Tianyuan have known each other for decades, and they both know each other's temperament very well, and they didn't say much polite words.

"I've met Old General Gu." The two middle-aged men standing behind Li Tianyuan arched their hands towards Gu Cang and said respectfully in unison.

The two middle-aged men are the sons of Li Tianyuan, Li Haoyu and Li Wenhao respectively, the former is the elder brother and the latter is the younger brother.Both of them are officials in the court and hold important positions.

Li Qiurou's biological father is Li Wenhao, and he is Li Wenhao's only child.

"Junior and others, pay your respects to Old General Gu." Immediately afterwards, the few young people at the back of the Li family also bowed respectfully to Old Master Gu Cang.

Among the younger generation of the Li family, there is also Li Yixuan, Li Qiurou's cousin, who once met Gu Hengsheng at the Li family.Li Yixuan had great reverence and admiration for Mr. Gu. He joined the army since he was a child, and what he heard the most was the old general Gu and the generals of the Gu family who shocked the world in the past. He couldn't help being full of respect.

"Yes." Old Master Gu nodded to everyone.

Afterwards, Mr. Gu's gaze slightly turned away from Gu Hengsheng, and he remained silent.

Of course, Gu Hengsheng knew what the old man meant, and slowly took two steps forward from the side, then slightly clasped his fists at Li Tianyuan and the others and said, "I have seen Master Li and the two elders."

Li Tianyuan nodded slightly to Gu Hengsheng in response.

But Li Haoyu and Li Wenhao frowned secretly, slightly displeased.Just now, Gu Hengsheng just arched his hands casually, even his waist was straight, without the slightest respect from juniors to elders.

Everyone in the world said that the young master of the Gu family was notorious for being a dandy, and now it seems that this should be the case.Li Haoyu and Li Wenhao really couldn't figure out why their father would agree to let Li Qiurou marry Gu Hengsheng.

If it was said that Gu Hengsheng was allowed to come over before, because of the prestige of the Gu family, he would accept it.However, it was difficult for them to accept Li Qiurou to marry Gu Hengsheng.

Three days ago, Li Wenhao heard that his only daughter was betrothed by the old man to marry Gu Hengsheng. He tried his best to oppose it, but all he got was a severe reprimand from the old man.

In the end, Li Wenhao could only compromise half a step under the majesty of his old man. If Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou didn't get along after getting engaged, Li Wenhao would not agree to it no matter what.

"Let's go! Let's go and sit for a while." Mr. Gu is an old man, so he naturally caught a trace of displeasure between Li Wenhao and Li Haoyu's brows, and he said hastily.

When he turned around, Mr. Gu gave Gu Hengsheng a sneaky look, as if he was a little annoyed at Gu Hengsheng's lack of manners.

So, everyone walked to the center of the drunken restaurant, Mr. Gu Cang and Li Tianyuan took the main seats, and the rest of the people sat on the side chairs.

Before Li Wenhao and others took their seats, they hugged Gu Youmo, who was as deep as an abyss.

"Is he Gu Jia Erlang, the blood hero general who vowed to fight against the enemy five years ago?"

Although Li Yixuan was the third generation of the Li family, he knew very well about the legendary figures in the army.He looked at Gu Youmo who was sitting expressionlessly, and muttered to himself with a sinking heart.

After everyone was seated, Li Tianyuan and Mr. Gu chatted without saying a word.And Li Haoyu and Li Wenhao, who are of the same generation as Gu Youmo, are also talking and chatting, but Gu Youmo rarely talks, and it is usually the two of the Li family who lead the conversation.

As for Gu Hengsheng and the others, they sat quietly and no one spoke.

Gu Hengsheng and Li Qiurou sat at a distance, but they just formed the appearance of sitting opposite each other.Occasionally, the eyes of the two also touched and gazed at each other, Gu Hengsheng did not have any fluctuations in this, but Li Qiurou's face was slightly flushed, a little charming.

"Old man Gu, my granddaughter is the treasure of the Li family. If you are wronged when you come to your Gu family after getting engaged, don't blame the old man for turning your face and denying her." Li Tianyuan focused his eyes on Li Qiurou who was beside him as he spoke. A trace of softness flashed in his eyes.

After a normal marriage engagement, according to the customs of Tianfeng Kingdom, the woman will live in the man's home for a period of time to promote the relationship.It's just that during this period, the man and the woman can't go beyond, and need to live in separate courtyards, all of which should be based on cultivating feelings.

"Old man Li, don't worry, from now on your granddaughter will be the old man's granddaughter-in-law. If anyone makes her wronged, let alone you, I will never let him go."

The more Mr. Gu looked at Li Qiurou, the more he liked him, then he deliberately glanced at Gu Hengsheng, and said in a deep voice.

"That's still a human saying." Li Tianyuan couldn't help replying, and then calmly focused his gaze on Gu Hengsheng.

It seems that old man Gu probably doesn't know his boy's calm demeanor and ability, otherwise, according to the old man's way of taking care of him in the past, I'm afraid it would be impossible to arrange for more than ten years.

Li Tianyuan stared at Gu Hengsheng, and said to himself secretly: "How did this kid manage to avoid the Gu family and deceive the world? Even old man Gu who raised this kid was deceived. It's unbelievable."

In the huge capital city and even Tianfeng Country, few people really know that Gu Hengsheng can practice, and Li Tianyuan is one of them.Before Gu Hengsheng came to Li's house, if he hadn't shown a little bit of his ability, I'm afraid Li Tianyuan would not have easily amended the matter of getting married.

"If old man Gu knows that he has been deceived by his grandson for so many years, what expression will he have?" Thinking of this, Li Tianyuan looked at old man Gu with a strange look and a hint of anticipation.

Mr. Gu sensed that there was something wrong with the way Li Tianyuan looked at him, so he couldn't help but frowned, not knowing why.

"Da da da……"

Suddenly, the sound of rumbling carriages and footsteps came from the gate of Zuiyan Restaurant.

Chen Fan, the person in charge of the Zuiyan restaurant, was also shocked at this moment, hurriedly arranged his clothes, and then stared at the people coming from the door, stunned.


(End of this chapter)

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