The sword rises

Chapter 605

Chapter 605
Chapter [-] A flashy life, accompanied only by the sword
Gu Hengsheng remained motionless, but the scene in front of him was constantly changing.

He seems to have witnessed with his own eyes the growth of an unknown young man into a unique and unique giant in ancient times.

This sense of reality from the depths of the soul made Gu Hengsheng shudder all over.

Gu Hengsheng watched a powerful man in the Taoist realm become the soul of a young man who died under the sword, and watched the bloody appearance of the peerless Xiantai who shocked a large area.His heart was inexplicably still, and his spirit was sluggish.

In the vast world, wherever young people go, there must be a sea of ​​blood.No matter who it is, any force, as long as it blocks the way of the young man, the young man will unhesitatingly slash the three-foot green sword in his hand, and wipe out everything.

The young man has grown up, he is already invincible in Beizhou, and he has landed in Sendai.

As long as people in the world see the young man's back, they will shout "Hate Heaven Sword Immortal".

As for why the name hates the sky, because the young man once said to the world: the way of heaven is not benevolent, hate.

Moreover, the young man named the three-foot Qingfeng in his hand - Everlasting Sorrow.

The Sword of Everlasting Sorrow was originally an ordinary sword, but after being honed by young people and accumulating profound energy, the sword has become psychic.

"Some people say that the Nine Nether Seas imprison the souls of the undead in the world. I would like to go there."

The young man went to Zhongzhou with a sword in his hand, suppressed one after another of arrogant and powerful holy places and sects, and obtained a shocking secret from them.

Afterwards, the young man pointed his sword at the taboo place—the Nine Nether Seas.

The Nine Nether Seas are boundless, and no one knows how deep and how wide it is.According to records, the Nine Nether Seas have existed for millions of years, and all the emperors of the past have visited the Sea of ​​Netherworld, but they did not dare to go deep into it easily.

A great emperor once said: "The Nine Nether Seas is a great taboo, there is a supreme existence, and it cannot be entered lightly."

When this sentence came out, the world was shocked.

Even a great emperor thinks that the Nine Nether Seas are full of dangers and taboos, and he claims that there is no existence, which is too frightening.

Looking at the stars in the sky, every great emperor is invincible in an era, coercing the world for thousands of years.

However, even the emperor called it a supreme existence, what kind of place is Nine Nether Sea?
People in the world don't know, but they only know that many great emperors tacitly did not go to the Nine Nether Seas to show power after they ascended the throne, and they confronted the Nine Nether Seas far away without fighting.

However, young people don't care about these.He still insisted on going his own way, holding the sword and going to the Nine Nether Seas, because he heard that the Nine Nether Seas had imprisoned countless dead souls.

Gu Hengsheng is like an invisible ghost, he can only watch the shocking scene in a daze, witnessing the prosperous era 10,000+ years ago.

Nine Nether Seas, the sea water is gloomy, and the inside is full of lifeless energy, and you can't see the edge at a glance, which is breathtaking.

"I came here just to see him."

The young man stepped on Youhai, and an ordinary old man with a wrinkled face seemed to appear in his eyes. The three-foot green blade in his hand slowly lifted up, and then he slashed towards Youhai.

Holding a sword of eternal hatred in his hand, he slashed across the secluded sea for thirty thousand miles.

The Nine Nether Seas opened wide, and the endless sea water tossed and dumped on both sides, pouring straight into the top of the clouds.

The young man's eyes were like stars, staring at the deepest part of the Youhai Sea, he said hoarsely: "I heard that the Nine Nether Sea detains people's souls, so I came here for a walk."

The depths of the Nine Nether Seas were in turmoil, and countless taboo existences were furious because of the youth's wantonness.

A taboo stepped out from the depths of the secluded sea, and his whole body was shrouded in a cloud of black mist, making it impossible to distinguish between male and female and their appearance.

"If you offend Youhai, you should be beheaded!"

The existence of taboos shot directly at the youth.

This battle was earth-shattering, shattering countless stars above the sky, and splitting the thousands of miles of land near Zhongzhou Minghai.

After a thousand tricks, the young man was defeated, escaped into the void with his great supernatural power and left a sentence: "I will come again, I hope to give me an answer when the time comes."

If the young man wanted to leave, the existence of the taboo couldn't stop him at all. He could only watch the young man's disappearing figure and be furious.

Gu Hengsheng witnessed this scene not far away just now. He watched the peerless battle spanning a hundred thousand years, and his whole body still trembled, feeling that his soul was about to collapse.

Then, the scene in front of Gu Hengsheng's eyes changed.

The young man's long black hair fluttered in the void, and he still held the Sword of Eternal Hatred in his hand.And a hundred miles in front of the young man, there is a person looking at him from afar.

Gu Hengsheng just glanced away and knew who the person opposite the young man was.

The unrivaled existence that once made the Nine Netherworlds bow their heads, Emperor You!
The battle between the young man and Emperor You shocked the whole world, and the strong men in the world prostrated themselves to look at them, but their hearts trembled when they faced the aftermath of the battle between the two.

After a hundred tricks, the youth was defeated.

Emperor You may have the ability to keep the young man forever, but he didn't do that, but let the young man leave.

After World War I, the young man's name spread throughout the three thousand star fields, and countless powerful forces regarded the young man as their most honored guest.

Hate the sky sword fairy, understand the world of mortals.Who in the world doesn't know this name?

However, after this war, the young man disappeared without a trace.

Many years later, someone saw the peerless talent of the young man again in the Nine Nether Sea.

The young man came to the Nine Nether Seas again. This time, he was not afraid of anything, and entered the depths of the Nether Sea alone, fighting the taboos of the Nether Sea alone, shocking the world.

"I've come to find an answer."

The young man has always been stern. Facing the taboo existence in the deep sea, he fought countless moves without losing, which shocked the existence in the deep sea.

You Hai taboo pondered for a long time, one hour, two hours...

After a long time, facing the young man's stern disregard, Taboo finally let out a hoarse voice: "The soul you are looking for was just an ordinary person during his lifetime. My Nine Nether Seas have existed in the world for millions of years, and I have never confined ordinary undead."

The young man's expression darkened, the hope and belief in his heart shattered, and there were slight ripples in his eyes.

In the eyes of the young man, there seems to be a picture of a child and a kind old man warming and cuddling each other, warm, peaceful and soft.

"What can I do?" The young man asked You Hai Taboo.

Since ancient times, there are probably not many people who dare to talk to taboos in the depths of the Nine Nether Sea!Even many great emperors are unwilling to provoke Jiuyou Minghai easily.

"Climb to the Great Emperor and communicate with the heavens, there may be a possibility."

Although Ming Hai Taboo was very dissatisfied with the young man's tone, he still answered when he thought that the young man in front of him was a complete lunatic.

Going deep into the Nine Netherworld Sea, just to find the dead soul of an ordinary person.It's not crazy, what is it?
The young man left the Nine Nether Seas, pointed his sword at the top of the Nine Heavens, and fought against Emperor You again.

In the third battle, Emperor You opened the gate of heaven, and the talent against the sky broke the foundation of the emperor.

Young people are considered successful, but they are also considered failures.Because he cut off Emperor Youdi's foundation at the last moment, he could take advantage of the situation to become emperor, but unfortunately he lost to Emperor Youdi's move, his whole body's blood collapsed, and his vitality gradually dissipated.

"Grandpa, I... still failed your expectations and failed to become the most powerful person in the world."

Before his death, the young man chose to sit in Beizhou. He slowly closed his eyes, and flashed a picture of his childhood in front of his eyes.

Slowly, the young man's hair gradually turned white, and his vitality dissipated.At the last moment of his life, he was finally able to see once again the kind appearance of the old man in his childhood memories.

A smile emerged from the corner of the young man's mouth.This smile and the memory that emerges when the eyes are closed carry his whole life, and it is the only belief that has come to this day.

In the ear, the youth lingered a conversation between a child and an old man.

"Grandpa is leaving, so he can't take you with him. You have to live a good life alone."

"Then...then where can I find grandpa in the future? Can I still see grandpa again?"

"Whenever you become the most powerful immortal in the world, you will be able to see grandpa again."

"Well, then I will definitely become the most powerful fairy in the future, and then I will go to grandpa."


Memories are scattered, and the vitality of youth is also gone, leaving only a lonely three-foot green spear by my side.

Gu Hengsheng looked at the young man who was sitting, recalling what he had just seen in his mind, his eyes turned red instantly, and two lines of hot tears flowed down his face.


Gu Hengsheng's voice was hoarse, and his whole body was trembling slightly, choking up and asking himself.

(End of this chapter)

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