The sword rises

Chapter 614 You, Damn!

Chapter 614 You, Damn!
Chapter 610 You, damn it!
This figure has survived for a hundred thousand years, and it seems to be waiting.

The figure was dark, and the face could not be seen clearly, but a pair of eyes from ancient times were revealed.

Gu Hengsheng and this figure looked at each other, as if they had traveled through thousands of years and communicated with the two worlds of life and death.

This figure took a deep look at Gu Hengsheng, and there seemed to be a trace of expectation in his eyes, as if he was saying to Gu Hengsheng: You are finally here.

After just a few breaths, the figure gradually dissipated without a trace.

The remnants that had been silent for a hundred thousand years finally disappeared after seeing Gu Hengsheng's arrival.

Can Nian didn't say a word, didn't take any action, just took a deep look at Gu Hengsheng, and that eternal immortal will turned into nothingness, and fell into a deep sleep forever.

"Just now, was that... the sword fairy's peerless remnants?"

"Just a ray of remnants makes me feel shrouded in death."

"Throughout the ages, why does the Sword Immortal's lingering thoughts survive to this day? Is he waiting for someone? Or does he have unfinished thoughts?"

In the fragmented stone room, when several mighty figures and other strong men faced the figure of Cannian coming out of the Emperor's Sword, their hearts were suddenly shrouded in cold air and death, their clothes were soaked in cold sweat, and they dared not make a single move.

It wasn't until the figure of Cannian dissipated completely that the ethereal and illusory murderous intent gradually disappeared, and the strong men dared to take a long breath, and looked at the Emperor Sword on the high platform with trembling hearts.

"What is he going to do?"

A mighty figure looked at Gu Hengsheng's movements and said in a low voice.

On the high platform, Gu Hengsheng held the Emperor Sword of Everlasting Hate tightly, his right hand looked dry, and his complexion was pale due to excessive blood loss.

click -

Gu Hengsheng pulled it out with all his strength, and there was a crisp sound.


The Everlasting Regret Emperor Sword moved a tiny bit!

A part of the Emperor Sword's blade came out from the gap in the ground, revealing its edge at an extremely slow speed.

"We must not let him pull out the Emperor Sword! Stop him!"

An old antique watched this scene, and he had a strong illusion that if Gu Hengsheng were to pull out the Sword of Eternal Hatred, something incredible would happen.

Without any hesitation, the powerful figures directly shot at Gu Hengsheng, who was showing his back.

However, a flash of blood suddenly appeared, and the blood ax blocked the middle of the road, blocking the four mighty statues and other powerful men who were about to kill Gu Hengsheng.

The old man tried his best to sublimate, intending to block the final blow for Gu Hengsheng with his flesh and blood.


Seeing the old man blocking their way again, the killing intent of the four mighty figures became even more intense.

A series of supernatural powers blasted out, and suddenly the sky fell and the earth shattered, and the stone chamber was shattered.

Shocking thunder roared, and blood spattered in the stone room.

The old man's body is like a rock, towering and motionless.Enduring successive killing and supernatural powers, flesh and blood flew all over the place, and his foundations were shattered.

With a bang, the old man slowly let go of the bloody giant ax with his left hand, and fell to one side with his eyes darkened.

Even the most sublimated battle, the old man couldn't bear it.

If the old man can fight with his hands free, he may be able to fight against the four mighty ones.However, behind the old man was Gu Hengsheng, he couldn't move his position, because once he moved, endless slaughter would fall on Gu Hengsheng.

My child, the road ahead depends on you.

The old man was tired, his Dao foundation was shattered by countless killing powers, he collapsed to the ground, unable to stand up again.

"He finally fell. If it wasn't for that martial artist in the Profound Sky Realm, then he definitely wouldn't have fallen here."

"For a junior in the Profound Sky Realm, is it worth it?"


All the people watching from afar, looking at the old man with blood and blood, couldn't help but be in awe.

The four great powers are all silent, and at their level, they understand things deeper.

The countless killing and supernatural powers just now were all blocked by the old man, and even a trace of momentum did not affect Gu Hengsheng behind him.

Ask yourself, none of the great powers can do it.

If the old man were to let go and fight, at least half of the four of them would have to die before they could suppress the old man.

Although it is absurd, the great powers cannot refute it in their hearts.

After all, the old man in front of him was the one who fought against the Emperor's Road 4000 years ago.If there were no twists and turns during the period, the old man must be one of the most dazzling stars in the sky.

Blood flowed from the old man's broken meridian, and it couldn't stop anymore.

The old man's extremely sublimated face gradually aged, his hair turned snow white again, his skin was extremely wrinkled, and he was dying.

"You are worthy of respect, but your era has long passed, and it is time for you to end."

A Da Neng who has practiced for 2000 years slowly raised his eyes, looked at the old man curled up with blood, and said hoarsely.

On the high platform, Gu Hengsheng was concentrating on drawing the Emperor Sword of Everlasting Hatred, and the sword slowly moved out, and began to separate from the ground inch by inch.

hurry up!

Hurry up!
Out of the corner of Gu Hengsheng's eyes, he saw the old man's broken body. Anxiety and grief surged into his heart instantly, and he kept shouting in his heart.

On one side, a mighty statue slapped Gu Hengsheng directly without any hesitation.

Wherever the giant palm passed, the void was shattered, causing the entire stone room to groan.

The old man's eyes widened, and bloodshot eyes looked at Gu Hengsheng who was on the high platform with a shocking palm. How much he wanted to stand up and resist this blow for Gu Hengsheng, how he wanted to block this murderous intent for Gu Hengsheng.

However, the old man couldn't do it anymore, he didn't even have the strength to move a finger.Because... the meridians all over his body were broken and shattered inch by inch, turning into a bloody man, without any strength left.

Just watching, watching, the old man opened his mouth filled with blood, wanting to call Gu Hengsheng very much.It's a pity that the old man can't do it, he can only watch helplessly.

In an instant, the giant palm roared to the high platform, as if there was a tendency to smash the entire high platform.

The old man closed his eyes and shed a tear of blood. He couldn't bear to see Gu Hengsheng being photographed like a blood mist, his throat trembled, he was choked up and couldn't make a sound.

The giant palm was only [-] meters away from Gu Hengsheng, and the strong domineering force instantly turned the stones at the corner of the platform into powder, which was terrifying.

"Hey! It's really sad that a warrior in the Profound Sky Realm still covets the Great Emperor's Dao Artifact!"

In the crowd, someone sighed, as if regretting, as if mocking.

call out!
Suddenly, just as the giant palm was about to hit Gu Hengsheng's body, a sword intent poured into the five states and eight deserts soared into the sky, and the remaining power of the sword intent directly shattered the raging giant palm.

The Everlasting Hate Emperor Sword was held tightly in Gu Hengsheng's hand.

The brilliance of the Emperor Sword once again shone in the world, shocking the world.

Gu Hengsheng's white hair was scattered across the sky, and the figure holding the sword seemed to step out of the long river of the ages, and landed in the eyes of the world.

"You guys, damn it!"

Gu Hengsheng glanced at the bloody crumpled figure of the old man, his murderous intent was so intense that it awakened the taboos in the Nine Nether Seas.

(End of this chapter)

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