The sword rises

Chapter 618

Chapter 618
Chapter 610
A sword opened blood, and the sword energy stretched for hundreds of thousands of miles.

A ray of imperial prestige surged out from the Sword of Everlasting Regret, shocking the heavens and causing countless ancient clans and hermit powers to search for the source of this ray of imperial prestige.

In the peerless reserve, countless strong men couldn't bear the overwhelming killing intent of the Emperor Sword of Everlasting Hatred, and knelt down on the ground with their legs bent, prostrate in horror.

The several peerless powers who appeared and the hidden Xiantai powerhouses could clearly feel this ray of imperial power, and their souls trembled, as if they were shrouded in death for an instant.

This is the unrivaled power left by the Sword Immortal Hentian on the Emperor Sword a hundred thousand years ago. Time flies, but the immortal sword intent still lingers on the Emperor Sword, unable to dissipate.

Now, every time Gu Hengsheng swung his sword, he was consuming the power remaining on the Sword of Eternal Hatred.

Gu Hengsheng hugged the old man's bloody corpse, and stepped on the bloody road he slashed with his sword.

Stepping out step by step, no one dared to block Gu Hengsheng's front, leaving only endless fear and inner tremor.

The youth of that sword is destined to become a nightmare in the hearts of countless strong people, and it will be unforgettable for a lifetime.The world seems to have seen the Hateful Sword Immortal traveling across the ages, swiping his sword from the long river of time, and oppressing the world.

All the great masters of the immortal platform began to appear, and a dozen or so immortal figures appeared from the void. The fearful expressions on their brows froze, and their bodies couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Looking at the Everlasting Regret Emperor Sword held in Gu Hengsheng's hand, and feeling the ray of imperial prestige pervading all around, a strong man from Xiantai completely covered up his greed.

Perhaps, there are still people who are still thinking about the Great Emperor's Dao Artifact, but the strong people in Sendai are all silent.

Yes, or not, the Sendai powerhouse who showed up doesn't know.

However, no matter whether this person is or not, he must have a great connection with the one hundred thousand years ago.

So, among the strong men from Sendai present, who would dare to make a move?

If you make a move, it may be involved in the eternal karma, and no one knows what will happen in the future.As strong as Sendai Da Neng, it cannot be said that he can save his own life.

"If you have a chance in the future, you can come to the Chongxiao Mountains to find me. At that time, I will definitely greet you."

The Youran Sword Immortal stands in the void with his immortal demeanor, and his cultivation is unfathomable.He closed his eyes slightly, slowly bowed to Gu Hengsheng's back, and said in a deep voice.

The reason why he was able to slash the residual power remaining on the Emperor Sword was absolutely extraordinary.

Perhaps, there are shocking existences watching this scene at this moment. Those who can step into the realm of Xiantai are not human beings. They dare not take action against Gu Hengsheng, for fear that they will be involved in the eternal karma, and they may risk their lives. Can't break free.

Immediately afterwards, all the peerless powers who were pressing across the star field bent down and bowed in Gu Hengsheng's direction.They seemed to be saluting Gu Hengsheng, as if they were presenting the Emperor Sword of Eternal Hatred that had been silent for eternity.

In the crowd, everyone in Shen's Palace stared wide-eyed with horror on their faces.

Is he... really Hang Seng?He is so indifferent, it makes people feel cold.

Palace Mistress Liu was still looking at the bloody road that opened horizontally, and at Gu Hengsheng's lonely and indifferent back, her heart couldn't help but a shock, and she was in a daze.

A group of core disciples in Shen's Palace, such as senior sister Feng Yunan, second senior brother Jiang Pingsheng... They all almost fell to their knees without exception. This ray of imperial prestige was too terrifying, and fear penetrated deep into their souls.

Gu Hengsheng turned a deaf ear to Youran Sword Immortal's words, and he walked hundreds of miles straight to the border of Beizhou.

Although Gu Hengsheng was unable to leap into the air because of the Emperor Sword, but relying on the supreme power of the Ever-Hate Emperor Sword, every step he took contained the true meaning of the Dao, and was as fast as lightning.

In just a few breaths, Gu Hengsheng's figure had disappeared thousands of miles away, leaving only a few afterimages.

In the peerless reserve, it was still silent. They looked at the direction Gu Hengsheng left, and felt chills all over their bodies.

That sword at least wiped out hundreds of strong men who had entered the Dao Realm, and their youth was peerless.

"Is it really him?"

One of the great masters of Xiantai uttered a long and swaying sentence, as if he was asking the way of heaven, but also as if he was asking himself.

"Is the cause and effect across the ages going to be completely revealed in this era? The glorious world is coming, who can really stand on the top of the cloud?"

Ye Hengqing, the strongman from Sendai of Yuguang Holy Land, said hoarsely.

Just now Ye Hengqing recognized the old man in Gu Hengsheng's arms, that was the opponent that he had been looking for to defeat, but the old man was no match for Karma and left the Emperor's Road.

Ye Hengqing sensed that his compatriot brother was dead, and knew that it was Gu Hengsheng, who was obsessed with the sword of the Emperor of Eternal Hatred, who killed him.However, Ye Hengqing didn't dare to make a move, because he...was scared.

Ye Hengqing is not afraid of Gu Hengsheng, nor is it the Sword of Everlasting Regret in his hand, but the trace of cause and effect that traverses the eternal river.Once this unknown cause and effect is involved, let alone Ye Hengqing, even the entire Yuguang Holy Land cannot bear it.

"In this life, Emperor Nangong oppresses the heavens. No matter what kind of glorious world he appears in, he can only become a green leaf to support Emperor Nangong."

An ancient being looked up at the sky, his hoarse voice echoed in the sky all the time.

"Unless someone can rebel against the Great Emperor, no matter how glorious this era is, it will only be a sad struggle."

The peerless powers of the Starfields of the Heavens were completely awakened. They looked at the faintly flashing Golden Dragon Emperor Seat on the top of the sky, and they couldn't resist in the slightest.

"For thousands of years, there is only one person who can be called the Great Rebel Emperor."

In a trance, the world seemed to see the only figure from ancient times a hundred thousand years ago, and felt reverence and fear in their hearts.

In the Peerless Reserve, countless strong men stayed in a daze for an unknown amount of time before leaving in a daze.

The Daoist Artifact of the Great Emperor appeared in the world, and one day the warriors of the Xuan Realm held the Emperor's Sword, slashed the mighty, opened the bloody road, and shook the ancient and modern.

In the distance, there is a figure walking towards the border of Beizhou. It can cover hundreds of miles in one step, and the mountains, rivers and lakes can't bear his figure.

"Grandpa, we'll be home soon."

Gu Hengsheng tightened his grip on the old man who had completely lost his vitality in his arms. He clearly felt that the old man's body was getting colder and stiffer.

Gu Hengsheng had tears in his eyes, his voice was hoarse, and his heart was trembling.

Beizhou border area, the former Su Dynasty.

Within a day, Gu Hengsheng had arrived at the Qiansu Dynasty.

When Gu Hengsheng appeared in the palace of the former Su Dynasty with a bloody corpse in his arms, there was a shock wave.

At this time, Luo Hongsheng, the emperor of the former Su Dynasty, and all the civil and military officials were discussing matters in the hall, and each of them felt an unprecedented coercion.

"The coercion of the unrivaled powerhouse, what happened!"

Someone looked terrified and shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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