The sword rises

Chapter 627 8 sides besieged, the war will start

Chapter 627 Siege from all directions, the war will start

Chapter 620 Eight sieges, the war will start

Ancient You Palace, the Great Hall of Discussion.

Xue Tingyan, also known as Li Qiurou, sat high on the main seat in the center of the hall, with the core figures of the sect on both sides.

On the left side of the main hall, there are two old women sitting in front of them. They look very old. They have lived for thousands of years. Their cultivation seems to have entered the level of Xiantai.

"Palace Master!"

In the main hall of discussion, there are more than a dozen powerful figures, two strong men from Xiantai, and hundreds of Taoist warriors.

This is the background of the ancient You Palace, any one of them is placed in a star field, is one of the best big shots.

"This battle is imminent, and the guardian array won't last long. What are the elders' strategies against the enemy?"

Li Qiurou glanced at everyone in the meeting hall, and said coldly.

In the main hall, there was silence.

There are more than a dozen powerful forces besieging the ancient You Palace. There are countless powerful people in the Dao realm, hundreds of powerful people, and even a dozen strong people from Xiantai.

Facing this kind of battle, the whole of the ancient You palace was covered with a layer of haze, and there was no hope of surviving.

"Palace Master, when the protective formation of the sect is broken, our sect will fight bloody to the end to cover the palace master's evacuation."

An elder who had stepped into the realm of Xiantai slowly raised his head, and said hoarsely to Li Qiurou.

All the powerhouses nodded one after another, and no one objected.

"As long as the Palace Master is still alive, then there is hope for my Ancient You Palace to rise again, so that it will not be buried in the long river of history."

Another Sendai power spoke.

Li Qiurou lowered her eyebrows and shook her head gently: "Everything happened because of me, how could I run away alone. Since there is going to be a war, as the owner of Guyou Palace, I shall live and die with Guyou Palace."

"Palace Master, don't be arrogant! You are the hope of my Ancient You Palace. As long as you are still alive, you will surely regain the peak strength of the past in the future, so that my Ancient You Palace can last forever."

An elder in the Great Energy Realm vetoed Li Qiurou's decision, and warned with earnestness.

"No need to say much, I've made up my mind." Li Qiurou waved her hand lightly, and said in a deep thought: "What's more, even if I want to evacuate, will they allow it? There must be a large formation blocking the void outside the sect, and there is nowhere to go Walk."


Even if the Guyou Palace covered Li Qiurou's evacuation, how should he evacuate?

There are so many strong people outside, and there are no less than ten Xiantai powers sitting in the command, even if Li Qiurou wants to withdraw, he will not be able to withdraw at all.

In a situation that must be killed, these ten or so forces intend to completely turn the ancient You Palace into history, without giving them a chance to survive.

"Then let's fight! My Ancient Nether Palace is not so easy to bully. If they want to join forces to suppress and leave no room for survival, then I will at least smash a few pieces of their flesh."

The two Supreme Elders who had just awakened erupted with a vast aura of immortality, which changed the color of the situation and made the world gloomy.

Inside the conference hall, a layer of dignified tulle was covered, and everyone's mood was extremely complicated.

At this moment, some disciples rushed in quickly.

"Palace Master, the guardian formation is about to collapse, and forces such as Youyin Holy Land, Tianqin Demon Palace, and the Great Buddha Sect have gathered in all directions, and are preparing to join hands to break the formation."

After the disciple who reported this matter finished speaking, he gasped heavily.

When everyone heard the words, their expressions changed in surprise, and a strong sense of suffocation rushed over their faces.

"Go! Go out and have a look."

Li Qiurou closed his beautiful eyes, stood up from the exquisite jade chair, and the icy chill radiated from the willow waist, which was murderous.

The powerful men of Guyou Palace followed behind Li Qiurou and came to the outside of the main hall.

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers should have been peaceful.

But now it has become a battlefield of killing and killing, with white bones.

A large formation covering the ancient palace is emitting flickering light, and it seems that it can't last long.

Li Qiurou stood in the air and came to the top of the nine clouds, behind him were all the high-level officials of Guyou Palace.

Outside the big formation, there are strong men standing in all directions, completely surrounding the entire Guyou Palace.

"Xue Tingyan, I didn't expect you to be alive. I'm really surprised!"

Outside the big formation, a powerful immortal from the secluded holy land erupted in a turbulent aura, which made the big formation of the guardian sect show signs of collapse.

"In the past, we were just Taoist warriors, and we could only look at the peerless talent of Palace Master Xue from a distance. Unfortunately, the world is impermanent. Today's Palace Master Xue is extremely weak, and he has long lost the youth of the past. It's a pity."

Xiantai Da Neng of Tianqin Demon Palace looked at Li Qiurou and said loudly with a half-smile.

"Amitabha, the snow benefactor slaughtered a large area back then, resulting in the tragic death of hundreds of millions of souls. I thought that the snow benefactor was judged by the heavens, but I never thought that the snow benefactor could be reincarnated and reborn. The poor monk admired it."

A bald monk with a gray beard folded his hands together and bowed to Li Qiurou, with the appearance of an eminent monk: "It's just that the crime of killing wild geese in the past was too serious, and the poor monk represented the great Afo Zong to come here to rescue the snow almsgiver. I hope that the souls of the past can rest in peace."

The tens of thousands of disciples in Guyou Palace all clenched the spiritual weapons in their hands, showing a cruel look on their faces.

The Great Buddha Sect besieged his ancient You Palace, causing many families to be ruined and lives devastated, but now he pretends to be a man for the common people, which is really disgusting.

"Monk, if I remember correctly, you were the disciple of Monk Nine Fingers 2000 years ago!"

Li Qiurou's face was frosty, she stared at the bald monk outside the formation and said.

"The poor monk is the disciple of Master Nine Fingers, and he has seen the peerless figure of Lord Xue with his own eyes."

The bald monk replied slowly with a kind face.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qiurou's words shocked people from all directions.

"Back then, Monk Nine Fingers was suppressed by me in the depths of the barren sea with a slap. If it hadn't been for the arrival of the Buddha Lord of the Great Buddha Sect, Monk Nine Fingers would have passed away on the spot. Do you know? Back then, your master Nine Fingers and the Great Buddha Sect Not daring to say a single harsh word, and left in despair. From now on, people from the Great Buddha Sect will have to make a detour when they see my disciples from the Ancient You Palace!"

Li Qiurou rested his bare hand on his back lightly, placed a jade hand on the waist of the willow, and said coldly.


Everyone in the world was dumbfounded, and couldn't help looking at the bald monk and the monks of the Great Buddha Sect, silently feeling sad for the Great Buddha Sect.

This matter is not a secret, and many major forces in Zhongzhou know about it.After all, 2000 years ago, this incident shocked the heavens and caused a lot of trouble.

The Great Buddha Sect was suppressed by Xue Tingyan alone, and he didn't dare to say a word, let alone say death-seeking words like transcendence.

That era was the era of Emperor Nangong, and also the era of Palace Master Gu You.

"Benefactor Xue, the past is like smoke, why bother to mention it again."

The bald monk said slowly with his hands clasped together with no expression on his face.

People in the world couldn't see the emotional changes of the bald monk at all, only sighed that his state of mind was strong, which was much stronger than that of the nine-fingered monk back then.

(End of this chapter)

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