The sword rises

Chapter 629 There is a sword, coming from afar

Chapter 629 There is a sword coming from afar
Chapter 620 There is a sword coming from afar
The two Supreme Elders of Guyou Palace had no choice but to fight.

In the depths of the void, there are still nearly eight immortal masters hiding. They may not take action for the time being, but will only wait and see that the ancient palace is gradually dying.

However, if the two Supreme Elders of Guyou Palace were going to fight to the death, what awaited Guyou Palace would be the thunderous suppression of ten Xiantai powers and hundreds of powers.

In an instant, the ancient palace will be reduced to ashes.

But now, the forces from all directions don't seem to intend to directly suppress Guyou Palace into powder, but want to make Guyou Palace gradually despair, presumably they have a plan.


How could Li Qiurou not understand the real intention of the forces from all directions? She didn't care, and led tens of thousands of disciples with a wave of her bare hand, and started a bloody battle.

In the blink of an eye, the entire Ancient You Palace became a blood-red battlefield.

One after another, the disciples of Guyou Palace died and became corpses on the ground.

A series of magical powers leveled the mountains and rivers and shattered the void.

That overwhelming killer move continuously devoured the disciples of Guyou Palace, completely collapsed on one side.

"Swear to the death to defend the dignity of my Ancient You Palace!"

Before dying, a powerful elder in Guyou Palace uttered this heart-piercing low roar.

Watching Elder Da Neng fall under the siege of countless powerful enemies, the eyes of the disciples in Guyou Palace turned red, and they turned their endless anger into the power of grief and anger, and rushed towards the nearest powerful enemy like a beast.

The disciples of Guyou Palace are all geniuses selected from thousands of miles. They should have an infinite future to explore the Dao and pursue the ultimate cultivation.

It's a pity that this battle has destined countless disciples of Guyou Palace to turn into cold corpses.However, they have no regrets, they are only willing to give all their strength to defend the dignity of themselves and Guyou Palace.

"Protect the Palace Master!"

Several masters in Guyou Palace saw powerful enemies from all directions approaching Li Qiurou who was standing in the sky, and immediately protected Li Qiurou in the middle, planning to fight bloody battle to the end.

Li Qiurou scanned the strong men in all directions, and looked at the bloody disciples of Guyou Palace below, her expression became more and more icy, and she gave off a soul-stirring chill like frost.

"In the past, not to mention Er and other mere ten or so forces, even the Great Emperor Nangong, I wasn't afraid. Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs, I never thought it would happen to me."

Li Qiurou closed her eyes lightly, and tightly held her bare hands.

If Li Qiurou was given another thousand years, she would definitely be able to restore her original formidable strength.It's just that the forces of all parties don't want to see Li Qiurou reigning in the heavens again.

"Back then, we were all warriors who had just stepped into the Dao Realm, and we could only watch Palace Master Xue's youthful talent from a distance. I never thought that today, we would be able to take a close look at Palace Master Xue's struggle. It can be called a blessing in life."

A powerful force stepped towards Li Qiurou, raised his head and laughed loudly.


A mighty figure from Guyou Palace immediately reprimanded him, and then killed him regardless of life or death.

To everyone in Guyou Palace, Li Qiurou is sacred and inviolable, and no one can desecrate her.Even if it is death, Li Qiurou's dignity must be maintained, and no one will be allowed to speak rudely.

"Looking at the vast world, many powerful female cultivators have emerged, and Palace Master Xue's peerless beauty is enough to be ranked in the top twenty."

Suddenly, an extremely old man appeared from the void with an extremely hoarse voice.

Many people immediately looked towards the old man, their complexions changed drastically.

"It's him! A Supreme Elder in the Floating Holy Land, Yang Ming." Among the crowd watching from a distance, someone recognized the identity of the old man and was very surprised.

"It is rumored that Yang Ming from the Floating Holy Land once fought against Emperor Nangong, and his cultivation is unfathomable, so he also came."

"The ancient You palace encountered such a catastrophe, I'm afraid it's more ominous than good."

The many strong men who were lurking in the dark and watching could not help but feel sad and desperate for the ancient You Palace.

Li Qiurou looked up at the old man who appeared in the void, she recognized this man, he was just a powerful person in the ninth realm of the Great Dao back then, and he was not even qualified to talk to her, and he never thought that he had entered Xiantai today.

"The waste who was beaten by Emperor Nangong in the past and dared not even leave the mountain gate, luck is a little bit good, and he stepped into Xiantai."

Li Qiurou didn't give any face, and casually revealed the secrets of the past.

"Palace Master Xue was peerless back then, so what? Today, you are reduced to a fish on the chopping board."

Yang Ming of the Floating Holy Land didn't take it seriously, and was suppressed by the emperor so much that he dared not come out of the world. This is not a shame at all, and even a little proud.After all, he was also someone who once fought against the Great Emperor.

"At least I wasn't forced to kneel down and apologize in public." Li Qiurou said coldly.

In the past, Yang Ming and Emperor Nangong competed on the emperor's road, trying to snatch the treasure of Emperor Nangong.However, Yang Ming did not succeed, instead he was suppressed by Emperor Nangong with thunderous means, and he was forced to kneel and apologize in front of countless people, his face was disgraced.

"Hmph! You can only show the benefit of your tongue."

This is the stain of Yang Ming's life, he snorted coldly, the supreme power of Xiantai burst out, directly overturning the powers protecting and protecting Li Qiurou.

Facing the whistling breath of Xiantai, Li Qiurou's delicate body standing in the void was a little unstable, and the profound energy and blood energy in her body kept rolling and surging.Even so, she still didn't change her face, staring directly at the many powerful enemies in the void.

"Palace Master Xue, if you tell me how you escaped the judgment of heaven and reincarnated, maybe we can leave a trace of incense to Gu You Palace and release these struggling disciples."

Another great power of Sendai stepped out and asked directly.

"A bunch of trash." Li Qiurou's red lips hooked lightly, denouncing them without fear.


There was a master from Xiantai who directly rushed towards Li Qiurou with his vast cultivation, which directly damaged Li Qiurou's meridians and vomited blood.

"Cough..." A blush overflowed from Li Qiurou's mouth, staining her frosty white dress.

Li Qiurou stood in the void a little precariously, she looked into the distance, and a wisp of bitterness entered her throat.

At the end of the distance, there is an abandoned land, that place is called Hundred Kingdoms.

If she had a choice, Li Qiurou would like to live in that small place where there is no competition for the rest of her life, and grow old with the person she always cares about.

"If I have an afterlife, I'm apologizing to you."

Li Qiurou seemed to think of the warm life in the past, and smiled slowly.

This smile turned all living beings upside down, and countless people present were amazed by it, and were stunned by it.

Suddenly, there was a sword light rushing from the east at high speed, cutting through the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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