The sword rises

Chapter 631 I Want Your Life!

Chapter 631 I Want Your Life!

Chapter 630 Killing you!

Rou'er is hurt.

Gu Hengsheng looked at the bright red color on Li Qiurou's white dress, and the streak of blood at the corner of her mouth, which directly made Gu Hengsheng reveal his tyrannical scarlet eyes like a beast.

"Who did it!"

Gu Hengsheng glanced at the powerful enemies in all directions, held his sword in isolation, and roared in a low voice.

A disciple of Guyou Palace didn't know the relationship between the blood-clothed man in front of him and his palace lord, but judging from his appearance, the blood-clothed man should be on the side of Guyou Palace.

Then, the disciple tremblingly pointed at a giant immortal statue in the sky, and said loudly: "It's him! It's him who just used his aura to force the palace master to vomit blood!"

In an instant, Gu Hengsheng turned his eyes away, and his eyes focused on the body of the Immortal Almighty that the disciples of Guyou Palace pointed to.

Gu Hengsheng's eyes sank, and with the help of the power of the Everlasting Hatred Emperor Sword, he stepped into the void step by step, and gradually approached the mighty immortal.

At this moment, the battle seemed to have stopped, and everyone looked at Gu Hengsheng.

" he?" This is the question in countless people's minds.

"His cultivation is just a martial artist at the peak of the Profound Sky Realm, it's impossible! The sword just now has an immortal sword intent, and it must have been swung out by the great power of the Immortal Platform. How could it be an ant in the Profound Sky Realm? ?”

Among the forces from all directions besieging Guyou Palace, someone took a look at Gu Hengsheng's cultivation, and his eyes burst out, shocked.

"An ant in the Profound Sky Realm will never have such power!" You Da Neng said immediately.

Among the crowd watching the battle from afar, some strong men remembered the news from the Eastern Territory.

Rumor has it that a man with white hair and a blood-clothed man held the Emperor's Sword in his hand, beheaded dozens of mighty figures and countless strong men along the way, and pushed them horizontally.

"Could it be that he is that person, and the sword in his hand is the Sword Immortal Heantian's Changhen Emperor Sword?"

"It is rumored that this person came all the way from the barren land, traveled [-] million miles across Zhongzhou, and pointed his sword at the ancient palace, it is actually true!"

As soon as the exclamation of the crowd came out, it penetrated into the ears of everyone present and set off a huge storm.

Li Qiurou's heart trembled sharply, she caught something from everyone's words.

He came from the wasteland, his white shirt was dyed bright red, and the black hair of the past became silver.

He wielded the sword for hundreds of millions of miles just to find himself in Ancient You Palace.

Gu Hengsheng's words lingered in Li Qiurou's ears for a long time: "I'm here."

All kinds of tenderness and thousands of longings finally turned into this sentence.

He came to Guyou Palace recklessly, just to tell Li Qiurou that he was here.


Li Qiurou's beautiful eyes were filled with tears, and the smile outlined by the red lips was the best in the world.

In the blink of an eye, the powerhouses of more than a dozen forces besieging the ancient You Palace changed their colors one after another, staring at Gu Hengsheng with flickering eyes.

Could it be that he is the one who is said to have come from the eastern wilderness?

Then isn't the sword in his hand the Great Emperor's Dao Artifact left in the world by Hate Heaven Sword Immortal!
The breaths of countless strong men and many powerful men became short of breath, and they stared at Gu Hengsheng with fiery greed in their eyes.

When the eight Xiantai powerhouses in the void heard this, they glanced at the Everlasting Regret Emperor Sword in Gu Hengsheng's right hand, and saw that the origin of the Emperor Sword was indeed the Daoist Artifact of the Great Emperor.

Immediately afterwards, the expressions of the eight strong men from Sendai changed drastically. The greed that flashed in their hearts immediately turned into ashes, and turned into expressions of deep fear and disbelief.

For a martial artist in the Profound Sky Realm to be able to pull out the Emperor Sword that has been dormant for a hundred thousand years, and also be able to slash out the immortal sword intent remaining on the Emperor Sword, it is absolutely extraordinary!

"Dare to ask the benefactor, where are you from?"

The bald monk of the Great Buddha Sect immediately struggled out of his fearful expression, and returned to his appearance as a master monk. Facing Gu Hengsheng who was approaching step by step, he clasped his hands together.

Gu Hengsheng remained silent, his eyes staring straight at Xiantai Da Neng who had shocked Li Qiurou just now.

"It's you, did you hurt her?"

When Gu Hengsheng raised his scarlet eyes, a chill that could freeze his soul erupted, and he said in a low voice.

Da Neng of Sendai, who was wearing a lavender gown, was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Li Qiurou who was at the side, and said in a deep thought: "It's me, what's the matter with you? What's the relationship with her?"

In the crowd, someone whispered: "The Supreme Elder of Fenglei Holy Land, Yu Shan."

Gu Hengsheng slowly closed his eyes, and laid the Everlasting Regret Emperor Sword by his side.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng opened his chapped lips and roared sharply, "You dare to hurt her, I will kill you!"

Immortal sword power erupted from the Sword of Everlasting Regret, shaking away countless people around Guyou Palace, and some warriors with relatively low cultivation levels even exploded to death.

Tens of thousands of disciples from Guyou Palace retreated one after another. They looked at Gu Hengsheng who was approaching by many immortals, and their hearts trembled with shock.

In front of the world and countless strong men, he went alone with a sword, threatening to kill a mighty immortal.


Isn't he crazy?

A peerless powerhouse who has ascended to the realm of Xiantai is not comparable to the power of the ninth realm of the Dao.

Yu Shan in Fenglei Holy Land felt Gu Hengsheng's killing intent from the depths of his soul, and couldn't help feeling a little terrified.

"Please wait a moment, Your Excellency. I don't know who you are? It seems that my Fenglei Holy Land and many forces have not offended you. There is no need to form a deadly enemy between us!"

Yu Shan of the Holy Land of Wind and Thunder, that is, the strong man in Xiantai who hurt Li Qiurou with his mighty aura, still didn't know Gu Hengsheng's true identity, so he didn't dare to take any action, so he said very politely.

The strong men on the battlefield and watching from afar were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Looking at the appearance of the Supreme Elder of Fenglei Holy Land, it can't be that he is afraid?
A peerless powerhouse in the realm of Xiantai, who actually admits to being cowardly?How ridiculous!

"Don't ask me about my identity. I don't have any background. I'm just an ordinary practitioner named... Gu Hengsheng!"

Gu Hengsheng knew that Yu Shan from the Holy Land of Wind and Thunder was only inquiring about his background, so he said in a cold voice without fear.

No history?

real or fake?
An ordinary martial artist in the Profound Sky Realm can awaken the Dao Artifact of the Great Emperor that has been dormant for hundreds of thousands of years, and can also control it at will, like an arm and a finger?

The eight Xiantai powerhouses in the void all squinted their eyes, a little unsure of what Gu Hengsheng said, and fell into silence.

"The benefactor was just joking. If an ordinary martial artist in the Profound Sky Realm can control the Emperor Weapon, wouldn't the powerhouses of the heavens and the world be even more ordinary?"

The bald monk of the Great Buddha Sect did not believe Gu Hengsheng's words, and said slowly with a benevolent face.

"Where do I come from, is it important?"

Gu Hengsheng smiled coldly, looking at Yu Shan in the Holy Land of Wind and Thunder, his murderous intent appeared: "These are not important, the important thing is, your life, I want it!"

(End of this chapter)

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