The sword rises

Chapter 633 Battle!

Chapter 633 Battle!

Chapter 630 Battle!

"Presumptuous! How dare you do it!"

You Xiantai Da Neng held his breath all the time, if they were not worried about the unknown cause and effect, they might have suppressed Gu You Palace long ago.

As soon as the Sword of Everlasting Hate fell, the strong men in all directions of the Ancient You Palace suddenly felt a terrifying coercion, and they almost fell to their knees.

Countless snowflakes seemed to come from nothingness, covered the surrounding sky for hundreds of thousands of miles, and gradually descended on the earth, covering the blood on the earth.

Immediately afterwards, the Everlasting Regret Emperor Sword swayed a [-]-mile frosty sword light, and slashed towards Yushan in the Holy Land of Wind and Thunder.

Just now, it was Yu Shan from the Holy Land of Wind and Thunder who injured Li Qiurou with the aura of a strong person in Sendai.

Then, Gu Hengsheng will show his attitude to the world, whoever hurts Li Qiurou, he will kill him!Li Qiurou's karma should be borne by him alone, even if he sacrificed his life for it.

"Everyone, go back!"

The powerhouses from all directions just felt the vast power, and they knew that they were invincible, and fled towards the distance one after another, away from the place where the sword light was about to fall.

"Guyou Palace disciples, return to the main hall!"

The many great powers of Guyou Palace also immediately engulfed countless disciples, darting towards the rear, fearing that they would be suppressed by the aftermath.

In the void, except for Yu Shan from the Holy Land of Wind and Thunder, the other seven great masters of Xiantai all avoided in a blink of an eye.This sword is obviously going towards Yu Shan. The strong people in Xiantai from all sides are human spirits, and they don't want to stand with Yu Shan.

The bald monk of the Great Buddha Sect lost his appearance as an eminent monk, and he fled away, cursing and muttering for some unknown reason.

"This old man calls you Your Excellency, do you really think that this old man is afraid of you?"

Facing Gu Hengsheng's sudden slashing sword, Yu Shan's complexion instantly darkened, and the majestic aura of Sendai erupted like a volcano, and he said angrily.

In one breath, the immortal cold light from the Emperor's Sword of Everlasting Hate split the sky above the Ancient You Palace, and landed on Yu Shan's body.

There was a loud noise, and the aftermath set off a gust of wind, causing heavy snow to fly all over the sky, covering the eyes of countless people.


The long and heavy snow, as sharp as a knife or a sword, fell on practitioners from all directions, splashing countless blood directly, and even suppressed many enemy cultivators with lower cultivation levels.

But when the heavy snow fell on the disciples of Guyou Palace, it was as warm as the sun, piercing into the heart.

This is, the immortal sword intent contains the true meaning of Dao.

On the Sword of the Emperor of Everlasting Hate, there remained an immortal sword intent that suppressed the heavens in the past, and it was being consumed by Gu Hengsheng at this moment.Just a swipe can lightly cut a mighty statue, which can make even the strong in Sendai feel tremendous pressure.

It is conceivable how powerful the Hentian Sword Immortal was back then.

Also in Xiantai, Hetian Sword Immortal stood on the top of countless people, and the three-foot green blade in his hand was transformed into a Dao weapon of the Great Emperor, and he only needed to steal a trace of the Dao to become the Great Emperor.

It's a pity that Hentian Sword Immortal lost a move, and his unrivaled cultivation was in vain.However, it is undeniable that Hentian Sword Immortal is very powerful, powerful enough to be comparable to a Peerless Emperor.

"Let the old man spread out!"

Suddenly, Yu Shan, who had been silent under the sword glow, let out a roar. He supported the [-]-mile-long frost sword glow with both hands, and exploded with a huge momentum, ruthlessly resting on the sword glow, trying to tear The cold light cut out by this sword.


The earth trembled, the sky showed lightning, and the deafening thunder was rolling.


Yu Shan's aura was extremely powerful, as vast as the vast sea, he let out a deep roar again, and the sword light that was cutting above his head was actually torn into a gap.

Yu Shan is definitely not just entering the realm of Xiantai, he must be a peerless powerhouse at a deep level, capable of tearing apart even a ray of immortal sword intent left by Hentian Sword Immortal.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Shan used all his strength, burst into anger, and directly tore the sword glow with both hands.

The menacing power of the sword light dissipated in an instant, and the rest of the power fell on the ground, leaving a huge sword mark horizontally.

"Is this the strength of the Supreme Elder of Fenglei Holy Land? Even a ray of immortal sword intent on the emperor's sword can be torn apart abruptly. It really cannot be compared with the power of the ninth realm of the great way."

someone exclaimed.

"Back then, the white-haired man could kill several mighty figures with one sword, and his power was unmatched. The sword in front of him is definitely not weak, and even stronger than before."

"Under the Xiantai, they are all ants."

Countless people were amazed in the distance, and they were shocked again and again.

Gu Hengsheng had no expression on his face, and confronted Yu Shan, the holy land of wind and thunder, who looked furious.

With this sword alone, Gu Hengsheng was able to kill a strong person from Xiantai without thinking about it.Otherwise, if the powerhouse in Sendai died so easily, he wouldn't be called a peerless power.

After entering Xiantai, one is qualified to aspire to the Great Dao, and a fundamental change has taken place in one's cultivation base, which is by no means comparable to that of Dao realm warriors.

For countless years in the great world, there are naturally people who can fight against Sendai in the ninth realm of the Great Dao, but they are definitely very few.Because of Xiantai, one can communicate the true meaning of the Dao, cross the star field with the physical body, and shatter the stars with a lift of a hand and a foot.

Such a person is called a peerless person.

"Even if you are contaminated with karma, I want you to pay the price today!"

Just now Yu Shan was still cautious in his heart, but now, he just wanted to suppress Gu Hengsheng on the spot and save his face and the dignity of Fenglei Holy Land.

Yu Shan firmly believes that it is absolutely impossible for a legend who has died for more than [-] years to be reincarnated, but he thinks that Gu Hengsheng has a deep destiny, and at most he has something to do with Hentian Sword Immortal.

Since Gu Hengsheng threatened to kill himself in front of the world, and he did it.If Yu Shan didn't dare to make a move, he would lose not only his own honor of Xiantai, but also the majesty of the entire Fenglei Holy Land.

"You insist on accepting the karma of Palace Master Guyou, then this old man will see you, a mere ant in the Profound Sky Realm, what can you use to resist the divine power of my Holy Land of Wind and Thunder!"

Yu Shan shouted loudly, that world-shocking cultivation was not reserved anymore, the majestic aura directly enveloped the entire land, causing countless people to faint and fall down on the spot.

"One sword is enough."

With a cold voice, Gu Hengsheng leaned the Everlasting Regret Emperor Sword against his side, and slashed at Yu Shan again.

Unknowingly, the powerhouses from all directions stopped besieging Guyou Palace, but watched Gu Hengsheng and Yu Shan who were facing each other on the top of the sky from afar.

"My lord, what happened?"

The next moment, the two Supreme Elders from Guyou Palace who were duel at the top of the cloud also came back, their aura sank together, and they both suffered some injuries. They couldn't understand the scene in front of them, so they asked.

While the rest of the Sendai masters looked at this scene, they all fell into silence with their own thoughts, thinking about some cause and effect.

(End of this chapter)

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