The sword rises

Chapter 646 Too Discriminatory

Chapter 646 Too Discriminatory
Chapter 640 The sixth is too different
The fat monk Gu Hengsheng was talking about was the Kongjie monk who had helped Gu Hengsheng in the land of hundreds of countries in the past.

"Fat monk, why... why are you here?"

Gu Hengsheng's head was a little dazed now, he glanced around, and asked suspiciously.

Didn't many forces want to besiege Guyou Palace just now? Why did these forces stand motionless in place, and even the nine immortals were bent over.

It seems to be very afraid.

right!It is fear!

There are a total of nine immortals who can be called the first-class combat power in the world. They even showed a look of fear, which is a bit weird.

"Third Senior Brother, Fourth Senior Brother, Fifth Senior Sister..."

Obviously, this was just the projection of the fat monk Kongjie's incarnation. He ignored Gu Hengsheng for the time being, but bowed to Zhuge Haokong and others one by one.

Afterwards, the fat monk Kongjie looked at Gu Hengsheng in a blink of an eye, and said coldly, "It's not big or small, do you call senior brother like that?"

Gu Hengsheng was taken aback, blinked his eyes, and stared at Monk Kongjie with a frown.


What do you mean?
Gu Hengsheng looked around, and the doubts in his heart became more and more intense.

"Monk Jin Ran! Shouldn't he be at the Emperor's Road now?"

"The abandoned son of Lei Yao Buddhist Sect, Monk Jin Ran, why is he here? He actually joined other forces, and came from the same sect as Master Xiaoyao Sword Immortal?"

When Monk Kong Jie first appeared, it caused a lot of people's surprise.

"Junior brother, congratulations that you have officially entered the realm of the Great Dao." Zhuge Haokong, who had been silent for a long time, said: "I said back then, when you break the mirror, everything will be known."

Gu Hengsheng was taken aback for a moment, he automatically ignored the title "little junior brother", but remembered the sentence that made him engrave in his heart.

Only when you break the mirror will you know.

Although he had improved his cultivation under the impetus of the Emperor Sword of Everlasting Hate, he could be considered to have stepped into the realm of the Great Dao now!

Perhaps, the question that has been puzzling me can be solved.

and many more.

Where did the younger brother start?It seems that I have nothing to do with these people!Talk about how to be commensurate with brothers and sisters.Moreover, I have never joined any sect.

Gu Hengsheng thought about it again, and frowned.

"Do you know how you were reincarnated?" Zhuge Haokong saw Gu Hengsheng's doubts at a glance.

Hearing this, Gu Hengsheng's heart tensed quietly.

The secret art of reincarnation, which is a supernatural power obtained by Gu Hengsheng in his previous life, was not successfully practiced until the last moment, and he was reincarnated in this life.

Secret techniques can not only cover up Gu Hengsheng's aura of cultivation, but also double his ability to practice and comprehend.This can be said to be Gu Hengsheng's biggest secret, which he never even told Li Qiurou.

Gu Hengsheng remained silent, looking up at Zhuge Haokong, as if he was looking for an answer.

"I don't care how you obtained this method, but since you have cultivated it, then you are my disciple. The causal relationship has already been established in your previous life."

Zhuge Haokong explained.

Gu Hengsheng opened his mouth, not knowing how to respond.

The reincarnation Mengtian secret technique was obtained by chance by Gu Hengsheng in his previous life.Now listening to Zhuge Haokong's explanation, adding a series of things in the land of a hundred kingdoms, it seems that everything has been explained clearly.

Why monk Kongjie showed up when he needed help, why Zhuge Haokong gave the treasure Nine Turns Jade Lotus, it turns out that everything has a causal relationship.

"I... have entered the sect? You... are my brothers and sisters from the same sect?" Gu Hengsheng quickly cleared his mind and understood the ins and outs of everything.

"Junior brother, you are the ninth disciple, the youngest disciple of my school. You are not allowed to call the poor monk a fat monk when you meet in the future. You have to be called eighth brother, understand?"

Monk Kongjie raised his brows, with the expression of an unscrupulous monk, as if he had taken advantage of a lot.

Gu Heng understood the relationship between himself and these people in front of him, but he still felt a little nervous in his heart, and hesitated to speak.

Gu Hengsheng gritted his teeth, left Zhuge Haokong and others aside, and came directly to Li Qiurou's side.

"Are you okay!" Gu Hengsheng stroked Li Qiurou's cheek with tenderness.

Li Qiurou shook her head with a smile on her face.

She knew that today's difficulties should be over.

These people in front of me, just pulling out one at random is enough to intimidate the world, let alone all of them descended here.

"It's fine." Gu Hengsheng gently wiped away the remaining tears from the corners of Li Qiurou's eyes, and said softly as the worry in his heart gradually dissipated.

In the eyes of the world, Li Qiurou is the icy and frosty Palace Master Gu You, but in front of Gu Hengsheng, she is just a delicate girl with tenderness and sweetness.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Fourth senior brother Wen Muxuan couldn't stand it any longer, and coughed lightly.Talking about love in front of all living beings in the world, myself and others, my heart is too wide-eyed: "Little brother, we all came here to pick you up, you have enough face!"

"When I started, only Seventh Senior Brother came alone, and he even lost me a few times." Monk Kongjie looked at Chu Xiaoyao like a resentful woman, as if expressing his dissatisfaction.

"Why don't you wait for the emperor's road to open, and what are you doing to send out a ray of incarnation? Hurry up! My head hurts just looking at you."

Chu Xiaoyao glanced at Monk Kongjie with disgust, completely immune to Monk Kongjie's words.

For so many years, the monk Kong Jie came to trouble Chu Xiaoyao every now and then, and there was no quiet day.He is simply a chatterbox, if he hadn't silently said that this is his own junior every time, Chu Xiaoyao would have slapped him to death long ago.


Monk Kongjie opened his mouth, but was speechless.

We are all juniors, can we not treat them differently?
"Everyone, I'm a little uncomfortable for a while, can you let me take it easy?"

Gu Hengsheng looked at Zhuge Haokong and the others, and the senior brother couldn't say that for a while.

"The little guy is quite cute, I will learn alchemy from my senior sister in the future."

Fifth Senior Sister Xiang Ruyu laughed, the more she looked at Gu Hengsheng's serious appearance, the more inexplicably happy she felt.

"..." Monk Kong Jie felt that he was being ignored. In his impression, the Fifth Senior Sister had always been cold and repulsive to others, why was she so gentle to the Junior Junior Brother.

Suddenly, the sky darkened in an instant, and it was terribly black.

A huge coercion came from the top of the sky, causing countless people present to kneel down directly, and even spit out scarlet with their souls damaged.

With the coming of this vast coercion, a huge hand protruded from the dark sky, and grabbed the Emperor's Sword of Everlasting Hate stuck on the ground.

"Is the sky going to fall?"

Among the younger generation, countless people prostrated themselves on the ground because of this coercion, terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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