The sword rises

Chapter 672 A Taste of Immortality

Chapter 672 A Smell of Immortality
Chapter 670 A Smell of Immortality
As soon as the spirit seal of the saintess of Lingxi Palace came out, the sky was dim, and the sun and moon were dark.

The vast land around Saintess Meng Sheng collapsed, unable to bear the power of this ultimate sealing move.

Facing many killing moves, Gu Hengsheng suddenly felt the pressure become enormous, and the Xuexiao Sword couldn't help trembling and buzzing for a while.

"When the Buddha's body is crowned, I come freely."

Gu Hengsheng's left hand suddenly stood upright in front of his chest, and the left half of his body turned into a golden Buddha body, just like a golden Buddha descending into the world, with boundless rays of light.

Gu Hengsheng slapped a palm with his left hand, and a word "*" floated in the center of the vast giant palm, blasting towards the nearest few Tianjiao, blocking many killing magical powers.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Hengsheng raised his sword in his right hand and faced Meng Sheng's Lingtian Seal in Lingxi Palace, his blood boiled to the extreme.

In the distance, someone shouted: "The Buddha's light shines everywhere, is it possible that Mr. Jiu is still a Buddhist?"

"Half transformed into a Buddha, half transformed into a demon, the two are mutually restraining, how is this possible?"

Everyone was shocked. Looking at Gu Hengsheng's left half of the Buddha body and the black devilish energy glowing from the right half of his body, he couldn't believe it.

Gu Hengsheng stared at the saint Meng Sheng of Lingxi Palace, and from the corner of his eye, he watched the other Tianjiao beside him in case of a surprise attack.

The life and death of the Buddha, the gods and demons have a thought.

The floating slaughtered blood sea, this is the supernatural power that Gu Hengsheng realized from the secret art of reincarnation.To this day, Gu Hengsheng still doesn't know what level this supernatural power belongs to.

As long as Gu Hengsheng's strength increases, the power of the floating butcher's blood sea will become even stronger.

Gu Hengsheng's eyes turned blood red, and combined with the golden Buddha body on his left side, it looked extremely strange.

"The killing intent is vast, and the Buddha's light is ten thousand zhang. Why can they coexist in one body? What's going on?"

Many powerful people couldn't understand this scene, which shocked the world.

The Lingtian seal came from the top of the sky, and it was about to land on Gu Hengsheng's head, suppressing and sealing Gu Hengsheng.

Gu Hengsheng roared like a wild beast, and charged forward with his sword in hand.

Immortal sword intent, what is immortality?
As he faced himself head-on, the pressure Gu Hengsheng endured reached an extreme level, which was enough to drive one into madness.

Gu Hengsheng quickly recalled the immortal sword intent he had slashed with the Emperor Sword, and groped for the trace of the remaining sword intent on the Emperor Sword.

In the future, there will be more peerless monsters born. If Gu Hengsheng doesn't improve his swordsmanship, how can he go against the current?
In a daze, Gu Hengsheng seemed to have seen the picture of himself in the storage of the Heaven-hating Sword Immortal.At that time, Gu Hengsheng had been caught in the battle scene of Hentian Sword Immortal's life, and witnessed the rise of Hentian Sword Immortal.

Gu Hengsheng has personally witnessed how Hentian Sword Immortal embarked on the path of cultivation from ordinary people, how he comprehended the way of swordsmanship, and how he suppressed the heavens.

Sometimes, Gu Hengsheng has an illusion, he feels like he is the Hate Heaven Sword Immortal, which is very strange.As if the person who opened the Nine Nether Seas and rebelled against Emperor You 10 years ago was himself.

"The sword intent is immortal, it will never change, it will never fade away."

In Gu Hengsheng's shadow, there seemed to be a youthful figure holding a sharp sword, which merged with Gu Hengsheng and disappeared in a flash.

Gu Hengsheng recalled the lifelong memories of the Hentian Sword Immortal that he had experienced in his storage, among which was the supreme opportunity to practice the way of swordsmanship, and a sentence kept echoing in his mind: "One of my swords can cut the sun and the moon, and it can break the sword. Youhai is immortality."

In just one breath, Gu Hengsheng seemed to have passed through decades, and the fierce look in his eyes became more and more sharp.

"seal up!"

Meng Sheng of Lingxi Palace controlled the Lingtian Seal that descended from the sky with his hands in seals, gritted his teeth and persisted, and beads of sweat fell from his temples.

Gu Hengsheng looked up, and the Xuexiao sword in his hand seemed to have experienced vicissitudes of life, and it had precipitated an indescribable charm.


Gu Hengsheng slashed with the sword in his right hand, this simple and unpretentious sword touched the mighty Lingtian seal.

The world thought that Lingtian Seal would suppress Gu Hengsheng on the spot, but when Gu Hengsheng's sword was slashed out, it actually blocked the fierce power of Lingtian Seal, which was very strange.

This sword is flat, without any sharp sword intent, why can it block the saint Meng Sheng's spirit seal?
Lingtian Seal is the top supernatural power of Lingxi Palace, and if Saintess Meng Sheng can display it, she can definitely suppress and seal the powerhouse of the fourth realm of the Great Dao.

However, it was quite unexpected that Lingtian Seal was blocked like this.

"Perhaps, tracing back to the original heart is the real way of swordsmanship. Only when the heart of the Tao remains unchanged can the sword intent be immortal."

Gu Hengsheng caught a glimpse of the true meaning of the way of the sword. After he swung that unpretentious sword, he turned around and walked slowly towards the vast land.

When Gu Hengsheng just turned around, the sword that was on par with Lingtianyin suddenly burst into a dazzling glow, and the piercing sword intent was condensed at one point, and burst out in an instant.

The Lingtian seal directly cracked and turned into nothingness in the void.

This sword carried Gu Hengsheng's original heart of swordsmanship, he touched a trace of immortality, and the road of swordsmanship has been sublimated to a higher level.

"How is that possible!" The Lingtian seal cracked, directly disrupting the profound energy in Saintess Meng Sheng's body, and was bitten back by the Lingtian seal, spitting out blood.

The rest of Tianjiao were suppressed by Gu Hengsheng's palm of the golden Buddha on the left side of his body, and they struggled to support them.

The eyes of all the powerhouses watching from a distance were dull, and they were all taken aback: "The Holy Maiden of Lingxi lost, that was the Lingtian Seal of Lingxi Palace, and it was smashed by a sword."

"Mr. Jiu's sword is sharper than before, why?"

"A trace of immortality, he has touched a trace of immortal sword intent!" A mighty figure exclaimed, "What a terrifying talent for swordsmanship, he is only at the second stage of the Dao!"

"The Xiaoyao Sword Immortal back then didn't have such a terrifying talent for swordsmanship."

Many strong men with broad horizons saw some clues, and their complexions changed drastically.

Just a trace of immortal sword intent can turn the whole battle situation around, which is extremely terrifying.

Gu Hengsheng stepped down from the void slowly, his Buddha and demon body gradually dissipated, and he returned to his original appearance.

"You guys are defeated."

Gu Hengsheng glanced at Meng Sheng, the saintess of Lingxi Palace, and all the Tianjiao, and said sternly.

"We... all lost."

All the Tianjiao glanced at each other, their eyes gradually dimmed, and they lowered their heads.

They teamed up and lost to Gu Hengsheng. This was a heavy blow to the proud and arrogant.

If their hearts can get out of today's events, the future will be stronger.If you can't get out, the road of practice will come to an end.

"Is this your best effort?"

Meng Sheng, the saint of Lingxi Palace, pursed her red lips, stared at Gu Hengsheng coldly, and asked.

Gu Hengsheng pondered for a long time, then looked up into the distance: "Maybe!"

(End of this chapter)

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