The sword rises

Chapter 686 Your Highness, Lost

Chapter 686 Your Highness, Lost

Chapter 680 Your Highness, Lost

The Xuexiao sword pressed against Zhao Yuan's neck, preventing him from making any movements.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Zhao Yuan has any thoughts of resistance, the Xuexiao Sword will pierce through his neck in an instant, smashing his whole body and even his soul.

"Your Highness, I lost..." When the killing intent on the top of the cloud dissipated, everyone saw the scene where Zhao Yuan was pinned to the neck with a sharp sword, and they were all stunned.

"Just now, Your Highness was in an inextricable fight with Mr. Jiu, why did you lose?"

"What happened just now? Why was the winner determined in the blink of an eye?"

All the onlookers were suspicious, and were extremely shocked by the result in front of them.

In the depths of the palace, the emperor of the Yiyang Dynasty and a group of strong men were silent, they could see very clearly in the dark.In this battle, Zhao Yuan was indeed defeated.

"Why? I have clearly erased the sword intent from the sword."

Zhao Yuan's scarlet eyes stared straight at Gu Hengsheng, and he asked in an extremely hoarse voice.

"Do you know what immortality is?"

Gu Hengsheng pondered for a long time, and slowly said: "The immortal sword will last forever, as long as there is a spark, it can start a prairie fire."

Just now, Gu Hengsheng deliberately let the Xuexiao Sword come out first, giving Zhao Yuan the illusion that the sword intent on the Xuexiao Sword had been erased.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng condensed the sword intent diffused in the void, confusing Zhao Yuan's sky-gazing pupils, and Zhao Yuan had to concentrate his mind to resist.

Just at the very moment, Gu Hengsheng's thought moved, and the trace of immortal sword intent on the Xuexiao Sword instantly burst out with its due cold light, and it pressed against Zhao Yuan's neck.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, Zhao Yuan had already lost before the world could see it clearly.

"I... lost."

Although Zhao Yuan didn't want to accept this fact, he could only lower his head and his eyes were dim.

"Your Highness, you believe in your own eyes too much, and this is what gives me an opportunity."

Gu Hengsheng was a little startled when he thought that his sword intent was captured by Zhao Yuan's pupils just now, "If His Highness is more cautious, we have not yet known who will win or lose in today's battle."

"Needless to say, if you lose, you lose. I, Zhao Yuan, am not someone who can afford to lose."

Zhao Yuan looked directly at Gu Hengsheng, gritted his teeth and said, "From today onwards, I, Zhao Yuan, let go of my obsession with the little princess, and as long as Mister Jiu has orders, I will do my best to do three things for you."

Now that the promise has already been made, Zhao Yuan certainly won't deny it, he has his own pride, even if he loses, he won't deny it.

Gu Hengsheng grabbed it with his right hand, and the Xuexiao Sword left Zhao Yuan's neck and flew back into Gu Hengsheng's hand.

"Your Highness is serious?"

Gu Hengsheng asked.

"Of course." The cold light of the Xuexiao Sword receded, allowing Zhao Yuan to take a breath, and nodded solemnly.

Gazing into Zhao Yuan's eyes, Gu Hengsheng saw his unwavering belief, absolutely no deceit or perfunctory.

From this moment on, Gu Hengsheng had no choice but to admire Zhao Yuan from the bottom of his heart.

As the crown prince of a country, Zhao Yuan's heart is absolutely firm if he is able to bow his head to others.

"In that case, can I use your country's teleportation array now?"

Gu Hengsheng looked down at the teleportation array in the center of Kyoto, and chuckled lightly.

Zhao Yuan was slightly taken aback, nodded and said, "Of course."

"Okay, then this is the first of the three things."

Gu Hengsheng stepped down from the void, landed in the capital city of the Yiyang Dynasty, and slowly walked towards the range of the teleportation array.

"Mr. Jiu, are you sure you want to count this as a promise?"

Zhao Yuan was stunned for a while, and immediately got down from the top of the cloud, and asked back in puzzlement.

"En." Gu Hengsheng nodded, very seriously.

Zhao Yuan was silent for a while. No one knew how precious his three promises were. It was really hard for the world to accept that Gu Hengsheng was just using the way to teleportation.

"Actually, I'm quite curious about His Highness's eyes, can you tell me how to do it?"

When Gu Hengsheng was about to step into the teleportation formation, he turned his head to look at Zhao Yuan, and said softly, "Well... this can be counted as the second thing."

Zhao Yuan and Gu Hengsheng looked at each other for a long time, their expressions were extremely stern, and they said slowly and hoarsely: "I see, Mr. Jiu, please wait a moment."

Immediately, Zhao Yuan planned to go deep into the palace, and take out the magical power and secret method of Guantian Tong for Gu Hengsheng.

Regardless of whether the ancestors in the palace and the emperor agree or not, Zhao Yuan intends to go and have a try. This is a promise he made, and he will try his best to fulfill it.

However, before Zhao Yuan stepped into the palace, a mighty statue came out from the depths of the palace.

"Meet Your Highness, and Mr. Jiu."

This mighty figure greeted Zhao Yuan and Gu Hengsheng.

Immediately afterwards, this powerful man took out a simple golden book, handed it to Zhao Yuan with both hands, and said: "Your Highness, take it! Your Majesty said that since it was the promise made by His Highness, it is also my Yi Yang." The promise made by the imperial court must meet Mr. Jiu's request."

"Thank you, Father."

Zhao Yuan originally thought that he would be severely scolded and punished, but he did not expect that his father would send someone to send him over in person, which was really unexpected.

"Your Highness, as long as you pass today's hurdle, the future will be bright, and there is hope for Sendai."

This mighty figure bowed slightly to Zhao Yuan, then disappeared into the void.

Zhao Yuan lowered his head and glanced at the secret method book that recorded Guantiantong in his hand, took a deep breath, walked up to Gu Hengsheng, and handed it to Gu Hengsheng: "This is the secret of my eyes. Can Mr. Jiu understand it? It depends on chance."

In fact, Gu Hengsheng just said it casually just now, even if Zhao Yuan and Yiyang Dynasty refused, Gu Hengsheng didn't care.Who knew that Yiyang Dynasty and Zhao Yuan really tried their best to fulfill the promise, which made Gu Hengsheng stunned for a moment.

"Thank you." Gu Hengsheng took the quaint secret law book and bowed to Zhao Yuan.

"Please!" Zhao Yuan pointed at the teleportation array in front and stretched out his hand.

After Gu Hengsheng put away the secret law book, he slowly stepped into the teleportation array.

Looking at the resplendent palace of the Yiyang Dynasty and the crown prince Zhao Yuan, Gu Hengsheng was very impressed.

"I'm here to pay a special visit when I hear that Mr. Jiu is here at the Yiyang Dynasty."

At this moment, a rough voice reached everyone's ears.

"Mr. Su Wenjiu is extraordinary, so I came here in a hurry, and I want to ask Mr. Jiu to teach me how to cultivate."

"Mr. Nine, please fight!"

There are a dozen or so Tianjiao descended in Yiyang Capital, they are full of blood, and they are all well-known figures in a large area.

Gu Hengsheng was in the teleportation array, secretly complaining that there were so many troubles, and he might have to work again.

"Since I promised to let Mr. Jiu borrow the way, I can leave the matter in front of me."

On one side, Chu Jun Zhao Yuan made people operate a teleportation array, while he himself stood in the void, blocking the group of geniuses who came to challenge Gu Hengsheng.

(End of this chapter)

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