The sword rises

Chapter 695 Debt collection!Invite 1 Tianjiao

Chapter 695 Debt collection!Invite to fight a genius

Chapter 690 Five debt collection!Invite to fight a genius

Gu Hengsheng stepped out of the Library Pavilion. He has benefited a lot from practicing on the mountain for the past two and a half years.Now he is much stronger than before.

Gu Hengsheng stepped towards the thatched cottage of the seventh senior brother Chu Xiaoyao step by step.

"Senior Brother Seven, Junior Brother is here to pay my respects."

Standing at the door of the thatched cottage, Gu Hengsheng saluted and called out.

After a long time, Senior Seventh Brother came out slowly from the thatched hut, holding a jug in his hand, with a smear of wine on his face: "What's the matter with you kid?"

"I would like to ask Seventh Senior Brother for a favor." Gu Hengsheng cupped his fists and said.

"What's the matter?" Seventh Brother asked, taking a sip of his fine wine.

"Debt collection."

Gu Hengsheng's eyes shot out a gleam, and his tone was sharp and sharp.

Seventh senior brother Chu Xiaoyao heard the sound, he was more than half sober from the wine, and was slightly taken aback.

The world is fighting for the front, and the storm is about to come.

Undercurrents are surging everywhere in Zhongzhou, and the powerhouses of the major sects and holy places are all pointing to the emperor's road, preparing to compete for opportunities in the emperor's road and become stronger.

And the younger generation was born one after another, and began to walk in the major star fields, making a name for themselves.

"The Holy Son of the Ancient Yao Holy Land was born with a golden body, with blood like a dragon, and swept away the Tianjiao of a star field."

"The inheritor of the Fengmo Sect is present, suspected to be in the fourth realm of the Dao, and his methods are extremely cruel. None of the people who lost to him were spared, and all of them were beheaded."

"The eldest son of Taoism stepped out from the depths of the universe. Wherever he passed, no one in his generation could compete with him. He is unparalleled."

All beings in the world are boiling.

Originally thought that there were only so many monsters in the world, and they could all be called by their names.Who knows that there are really great evildoers hidden in the depths of the star field.

Someone once saw a famous Tianjiao with his own eyes, but was unexpectedly suppressed by an unknown young man, which shocked the world.It wasn't until later that the world knew that the unknown young man was a member of the hidden ancient Yun family.

Some people also saw that the evildoer who shook a star field was swallowed by a black dragon, and his life was cut off.It can be said that this black dragon is the successor of the Chilong Emperor's orthodoxy.

Suddenly, the world trembled, and everyone was shocked.

At the same time, in a certain endless desert, two figures passed by the sky above the desert.

These two figures are Gu Hengsheng and the seventh senior brother Chu Xiaoyao.

Gu Hengsheng asked Seventh Senior Brother to come out of the mountains, intending to go to various holy places to collect debts.

A few years ago, Guyou Palace was besieged by ten forces, causing heavy losses to Guyou Palace, even Li Qiurou was almost injured.

Gu Hengsheng never forgot this grudge.

When the brothers and sisters from the Fusheng Tomb showed up, Gu Hengsheng didn't know the background of his family's sect, nor did he understand his status.Therefore, in order to keep the safety of the Guyou Palace for the time being, he did not tear himself apart with the top ten sects.

Now, Gu Hengsheng is very clear about what he has to face, and he also knows that it is time to collect debts.

Therefore, Gu Hengsheng invited the seventh senior brother out to prevent the major sects from making any moves.

"Junior brother, do you want to challenge the younger generation of a holy place alone?"

When the seventh senior brother learned of Gu Hengsheng's idea of ​​collecting debts, he was a little surprised.

"They forged a cause back then, and now I am going to repay the fruit." Gu Hengsheng is still at the second level of the Dao, but how strong he is, even the seventh brother is not sure.

After comprehending the true meaning of his kendo, Ji Bing made a sword.

There is also the first form of the Hongchen Jiuji Sword, Duanhai.

As well as the small success of Guantiantong and the harvest of half a year immersed in Zangshu Pavilion.

It's really hard for Seventh Senior Brother to say where Gu Hengsheng has come, and he can only vaguely sigh in his heart: "Among my peers, there are probably no more than ten people who can fight this kid."

In the eyes of the seventh senior brother, among his peers are the inheritors of the imperial lineage, the monsters of the hidden ancient clan, and the arrogance of the stars in the heavens.

However, Seventh Senior Brother thought to himself that among his peers, there were no more than ten people who could fight Gu Hengsheng.Such an evaluation is already extremely high.

"Interesting, I kind of want to see this play."

Seventh Senior Brother lay on his three-foot green front, keeping pace with Gu Hengsheng at a leisurely pace, sipping his wine and chuckling, "It's interesting to be blocked at the entrance of the Holy Land alone. I hope those old guys Don't make small moves, let me watch a good show quietly, I don't want to make a move."

Seventh Senior Brother seemed to be looking forward to the scene of Gu Hengsheng coming to collect debts, and his eyes were brightened.

Gu Hengsheng was worried that if he blocked the gate of a holy place, he would attract the dissatisfaction of some grumpy elders.Therefore, for the sake of safety, Gu Hengsheng specially invited the seventh senior brother out to defend himself.

Pointing to the Holy Land of Wind and Thunder!
At that time, Yu Shan, the Supreme Elder of Fenglei Holy Land, used his strong aura in the Immortal Realm, causing Li Qiurou to suffer a lot of injuries.

Afterwards, Gu Hengsheng relied on the power of the Emperor's Sword of Eternal Hatred to slash with his sword, reversing the power of Xiantai and beheading Yu Shan.

Gu Hengsheng still remembered this matter in his heart.

Even though the Supreme Elder of the Fenglei Holy Land was dead, Gu Hengsheng still had no intention of calming down.

Gu Hengsheng wants the world to understand that if you do something wrong, you will have to pay the price!

Fenglei Holy Land, a well-known faction in Zhongzhou, can be regarded as first-class.

A few years ago, Taishang Elder Yu Shan died in battle, and he lost a great power of Xiantai, but he didn't hurt the Fenglei Holy Land.From this point of view, it is already known that its background is profound.

If it were a second- and third-tier power, one immortal platform would mean a pillar, and the lack of one would most likely lead to downfall.

The gate of Fenglei Holy Land is as high as hundreds of feet, extremely brilliant.

call out!
Suddenly, a gust of wind blew by, and a figure descended on the gate of the Fenglei Holy Land.

"Who is coming?"

The martial artist guarding the entrance of the Fenglei Holy Land felt that this person was coming in a bad way, and immediately reprimanded him.

The person who came was wearing a Daobao white shirt, holding a cold three-foot green blade, and roared in a low voice: "Gu Hengsheng, the tomb of floating life, specially visits the Holy Land of Wind and Thunder, and comes to collect debts!"

The faces of all the warriors guarding the door changed drastically, and their hearts trembled involuntarily.

"Gu Hengsheng of the Floating Life Tomb, it''s him!" Someone recognized Gu Hengsheng's identity and exclaimed, "Mr. Jiu!"

No one knows about the world-famous Mr. Jiu.

"Report to the elder immediately."

The disciples guarding the gate knew that the matter was of great importance, so they rushed to the depths of the Holy Land in a hurry.

Gu Hengsheng stood indifferently at the door. He wouldn't give Fenglei Holy Land a face, so he gathered all the profound energy in his body, raised his head and shouted: "Gu Hengsheng, come to challenge everyone of the younger generation in Fenglei Holy Land, dare to fight?"


Gu Hengsheng's voice spread like a rolling wave to every corner of the Wind and Thunder Holy Land.

(End of this chapter)

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