The sword rises

Chapter 71 Ren Chifeng Battalion - Captain!

Chapter 71 Ren Chifeng Battalion - Captain!
Chapter 71 Ren Chifeng Battalion - Captain!
Gu Hengsheng stepped into the gate accompanied by a soldier.

Looking around, they were all soldiers wearing armor and holding sharp knives. The barracks was full of oppressive atmosphere and dignified atmosphere, which made people tense up.

Soon, Gu Hengsheng, led by the soldiers, arrived at a relatively dilapidated earth embryo house.

"Go in! General Ren is waiting." The soldier stopped and turned to Gu Hengsheng.

Gu Hengsheng stepped straight into the soil embryo room, and saw a middle-aged man in a black helmet sitting on a wooden stool.

The man's name is Ren Qifeng, he is a general in Yanxingguan, and he is an official to the fifth rank.

Ren Qifeng's slightly dark face had a knife mark that was not shallow but not deep, making him extremely cold and fierce.

When Gu Hengsheng entered the door, Ren Qifeng raised his head and looked at it from top to bottom, and asked solemnly: "Gu Yun, are you the captain from the Beijing Army?"

At Gu Hengsheng's request, Mr. Gu wrote Gu Yun's name on the official document, so as not to let the people in the frontier know Gu Hengsheng's true identity.

"Yes." Gu Hengsheng nodded in response.

Seeing Gu Hengsheng's slender figure and feeling the aura without profound energy fluctuations, Ren Qifeng couldn't help frowning.No matter where you look at it, Gu Hengsheng's scholarly appearance doesn't look like a soldier in the army.

I'm afraid this person is the son of a noble family in Beijing, and he wants to experience life in the frontier.

Thinking of this, Ren Qifeng looked at Gu Hengsheng with displeasure.But even if he refused to accept it, he could only give Gu Hengsheng the post of captain according to the arrangement on the official document.

"In this case, the Chifeng Camp just lacks a captain, so you can lead it!" Ren Qifeng closed the official document, glanced at Gu Hengsheng indifferently, then turned his head and said to the soldiers standing behind him: " You, lead Colonel Gu to the location of Chifeng Battalion."

"Yes, General." The black-faced soldier immediately clasped his fists and said.

Immediately, the black-faced soldier walked up to Gu Hengsheng and said politely, "Lieutenant Gu, this subordinate will take you to the tent of the Chifeng Camp, please come with me."

Gu Hengsheng remained silent, and quietly caught the look of disdain and impatience revealed by Ren Qifeng's eyebrows.Regarding this, Gu Hengsheng didn't take it seriously at all, and didn't take it to heart.

Then, Gu Hengsheng followed the black-faced soldiers for a quarter of an hour, and came to a clearing of loess and sand.In the open space, there are many tables and chairs scattered here and there, as well as various weapons and blades. There are more than [-] people exercising in the open space.

The scorching sun spread over the bodies of the soldiers of the Chifeng Battalion, and their clothes were drenched with sweat, causing their bronze-colored muscles to steam and scatter sweat and impurities in their bodies.

"Lieutenant Gu, my subordinates will send you here, go and say hello to the brothers yourself!" After the black-faced soldier brought Gu Hengsheng over, a look of silence flashed in his eyes, and then he seemed to be a little evasive and hurried left.

The change in the expression of the black-faced soldiers made Gu Hengsheng squint his eyes, then he looked at Chifengying and others who were practicing not far away, and walked slowly.

Gu Hengsheng's appearance as a scholar in a white gown was extremely conspicuous in the huge training ground of the Chifeng Camp.

Every soldier in the Chifeng Battalion has experienced bloody battles and seen the bloody youth on the battlefield. They are the most powerful battalion under Ren Qifeng's command.However, the more flesh and blood soldiers in the army, the more difficult it is to control them.

Every once in a while, the Chifeng Camp had to change the commander's captain. There was no way, no one would obey anyone.

Therefore, Ren Qifeng has nothing to do, after all, Chifengying has found faults with all the school captains who have served in the past, and they can't refute them.Therefore, Ren Qifeng has always been in charge of the Chifeng Camp directly, which is extremely cumbersome.

Now, with the arrival of Gu Hengsheng, Ren Qifeng was sent directly to Chifeng Camp.He didn't bother to care about whether Gu Hengsheng had the ability to secure his position. It would be even better if he could make Gu Hengsheng unbearable and leave the barracks.

After all, in Ren Qifeng's eyes, Gu Hengsheng is a son who grew up in a comfortable environment. If something went wrong at the border, it would be very troublesome for Beijing to blame him.

Therefore, Ren Qifeng deliberately arranged for Gu Hengsheng to take over the post of captain of the Chifeng Camp, in order to let Gu Hengsheng back out of the difficulties and leave the Yanxingguan military camp as soon as possible, so as to save himself from having to wait on Gu Hengsheng, who came from Beijing. Brother son.

"Child, where did you come from? What are you doing in our Chifeng Camp?"

The more than [-] people in the Chifeng Camp stopped what they were doing, and focused their eyes on Gu Hengsheng who was slowly approaching.

"Look at this little doll with delicate skin and tender flesh, have you gone to the wrong place? Hurry up and leave, don't stand in the way." A big man with a bare chest looked at the jade-like Gu Hengsheng and shouted.

"Hahaha..." In an instant, everyone burst into laughter, all responding to the joke of this sentence.

If calculated according to the age of this life, Gu Hengsheng is indeed a child compared with these soldiers in their forties.But in terms of soul, Gu Hengsheng could be their ancestor.

Facing the ridicule and jokes of the crowd, Gu Hengsheng didn't feel the slightest disturbance in his heart, and he still walked towards the crowd in a calm and unhurried manner.

"Hey! Kid, what about you? What are you doing at our Chifeng camp?" Seeing that Gu Hengsheng ignored them at all, a hulking man frowned, pointed at Gu Hengsheng and shouted.

Gu Hengsheng just glanced lightly at the hulking man, and remained silent.

With this glance, the hulking man felt a strong sense of death pressure pouring into his heart, his throat tightened and he felt suffocated.The big man has never seen that pair of indifferent eyes that regard life as nothing, even the many generals who guard the Yanxing Pass, do not have such indifference that regards everything as nothing.

But with just a glance of his eyes, the big man quickly recovered, rolled his throat calmly, and calmly warned himself that he was just wrong.

"From today onwards, I will be the captain of the Chifeng Camp, Gu Yun." Gu Hengsheng slowly stopped walking, glanced at everyone sternly, and then said in a lonely and cold voice.

Gu Hengsheng's voice was not loud, but it penetrated into everyone's ears.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, their eyes widened like lights.

Immediately afterwards, someone asked angrily: "Are you kidding me? You are a brat with no hair at all. Are you the captain of my Chifeng Battalion?"

"I said yes, that is."

An unquestionable tone slowly came out of Gu Hengsheng's mouth.

The air suddenly froze at this moment, and everyone stared blankly at Gu Hengsheng who was wearing a white gown, extremely quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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